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Everything posted by spndnchz

  1. They know and she let us know. In her after game presser she thanked Buffalo for all the support. Even wrote Thank you Buffalo on the camera lense after.
  2. Sabres semi final VS NYR game 5 on MSG
  3. They knew it was coming. What y’all going to do now?
  4. Just shut it down 🤬🤬🤬
  5. And this year with smaller divisions and losing points to those in your division makes a bigger difference. giving say...San Jose, a loser point is different than giving Isle, Devs, etc a point
  6. They don’t make much if anything on games. They (I would think) just get playoffs and make sponsors happy (relatively)
  7. They’ll have to play the same number of games, the opportunity to get the max points they can. It will affect the number of games played in ‘so many nights though’.
  8. Yes. Question 1. yes. Question 2. like sending your kids to school not knowing there’s an outbreak
  9. I’m mean the league. Same as the Bills schedule getting shuffled because of Covid
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