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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. MattPie

    NHL 13

    There's a menu item that'll back all your data up to a USB stick/drive, and then restore to a new machine.
  2. MattPie

    NHL 13

    Yeah, sounds like I read that wrong based on your description. There's the optical/DVD/bluray drive in the PS3 (the one you put discs into) and there's also an internal hard drive (like a laptop or desktop). The hard drive on my version is fairly easy to replace, there's one screw and the drive slides out. The optical drive is more difficult to replace. Since you live in Boston, ask some friends and coworkers about taking the unit down to Chinatown. In Philly, there's folks down there that'll do repairs like this on the cheap. The main issue will be finding the replacement optical drive since they're not as common.
  3. I think the OP's point was, all things equal, he'd rather play in a "hockey market" BUF/PHL/PIT/MTL/TOR/etc.. Buffalo was a bad choice to use as an example since we're all biased here. But I think he has a good point.
  4. MattPie

    NHL 13

    It's just a regular laptop SATA disk. Go buy one from NewEgg for <$50 (or upgrade your laptop (if you have one) and hand-down the laptop drive to the PS3). On my PS3, it only requires removing one phillips screw to replace it if I recall correctly. On the plus side, it'll probably end up being a lot more space than the current drive.
  5. For the first time in a long time, I'm perilously close to being out of beer. My girlfriend drank the last Yards Tavern Spruce Monday night, so all I have left is a 750ml bottle of Victory Otto Ale (smoked Belgian dubbel). I'm kinda saving that one for a special occaision. http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/345/74055
  6. How come no one is talking about Bledsoe? :P
  7. I wonder if it's just a different regional cuisine. The town I live in has a fairly large Mexican population, so there's a couple Mexican groceries and restaurants. So one day I decide I want a burrito. I drive down to "Famoso" and wander in. If there had been a jukebox in the place, the needle would have slid off the record as everyone turned to look at the gringo. Undeterred, I ordered a shredded chicken burrito to go (I'm not one to eat at a restaurant by myself). When I got home, it was somewhat what you described: shredded chicken, lettuce, cheese, and tomato with nearly no spices or seasoning. Food for thought. ;-)
  8. I remember hearing that rule, but the Pens' third jerseys aren't black and gold by any stretch. http://shop.nhl.com/family/index.jsp?categoryId=3176727
  9. MattPie

    NHL 13

    There's a few errors in there. Gerbe is listed as a wing, for instance.
  10. Suck. That's 15 games + however many more vs. the Flyers that I won't be watching at home. Game Center may not be a great investment this year.
  11. Or the Pens. One of the guys here refer to the Flyers' 'creamsicle' uniform, which apparently is a little lighter orange than the normal one.
  12. FWIW, that appears to be way in the suburbs out on the delta. To me, it's like watching the people with houses on the barrier islands in the Atlantic, build your house 5ft above sea level on the coast? Asking for it. http://goo.gl/maps/Fim3p
  13. It doesn't say where the logo is going to be used. Maybe they'll do an 80s Canuck with the logo on the shoulders.
  14. I'd hope much of that retail space is restaurant/bar related. I think the older generation (which I say starts around 35 (me)) may not come no matter what. Build something that the kids want to hang out at, shops will follow, and the dominos may start to fall. Trying to drag the suburbanites downtown probably won't work, as people upthread have already stated ("Why would I go downtown when I can go to the Galleria?").
  15. Buffalo could actually be building something cool, starting from the canal on out. Interesting.
  16. Thurman wasn't quite old enough to vote, he was a Congressional page.
  17. Sigh, that didn't last long. http://2012.talkingpointsmemo.com/2012/08/cnn-republican-convention-black-camerawoman.php
  18. Hey, if people want to settle the north and south pole, have at it. Maybe all those 'lazy' people on welfare aren't sucking up a regular paycheck. :)
  19. Still so hard to draw the line between serious and satire. Awesome. But it's works, I probably wouldn't listen to the entire song if not for the video.
  20. I'm guessing someone either got some really bad flowers for their wedding, or there's a legislator that's really involved with the illegal flower trade. :)
  21. What a great song. I was hiking on Saturday and I had a Christmas song in my head. I think I was losing it.
  22. You beat me to it. The push for regs that are either toothless or at least better than the alternative proposals. Then they'll whine about all the regulations later.
  23. I'm fully aware of the libertarian party, and it has a significant draw for me. But it should, it's gov't would give middle-aged white males (of which I am) exactly what they want (lower taxes, police, and 'freedom') with out the stuff we don't really want (welfare, regulartion, etc.). the problem, as articulated above, is helping those in need. And, I firmly believe the coutry needs some regulation. I don't want to have to research everything I buy to make sure it isn't going to kill me. For instance, you *know* that many companies would put whatever they could into food and other products as long as they could make them cheaper, public heath be damned. The banks have already caused two financial meltdowns in my short lifetime (the S&L scandal and sub-prime mortgages) and can't be trusted to not screw the economy again. I really wish it wasn't that way, but that's how I see it.
  24. You asked for which planks I disagreed with, and I listed them for you. I mentioned a few I didn't have as many issues with as counter-examples. I suppose that I could have went into more detail, but I think when someone says they have issues with the Republicans' stance on gay rights it didn't mean that they have too many already, at least not in the context.
  25. Women's rights, gay rights, and mingling religion and government are the first to come to mind. Guns are fine as long as local government can place more restrictions (the gun issues in the country aren't the same as in the city). I'm fine with universal heath care as long as it's done right, I have a tough time denying others easy access to health care so I can have a few more ducets.
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