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Everything posted by SDS

  1. No way I get into the game of what that trade would consist of. Tim has said it is his job to listen to all offers. All offers. If someone senses we have a glut of talent at one position and offers a package where both teams win - Tim executes the trade. No questions asked.
  2. Anyone who believes this doesn't listen to GMTM. Everyone has a price. Even his own mother. If you offer the right package, any player in this team is tradable.
  3. Great. Let's turn Sabrespace into a breakfast food porn site.
  4. He could have busted up Hyman pretty good.
  5. Well, there is nothing lower than a Toronto maple leaf. :)
  6. You're right. The more I think about it, the more I realize that it has always been the case in both theory and practice. The more you divide up the power, the easier it is it garner 51% or 60% of the votes. Everyone knows the more stakeholders that are in the room, the less argument you have.
  7. No it doesn't. It doesn't matter if the TP is an official party or not. Does the existence of TP candidates break down barriers or erect more of them? Parties need to have platforms. Personalities are not platforms, nor are they parties. Ross Perot was a personality. Trump is a personality. Every 4 years the two main parties decide which direction they want to go. Nixon was not Reagan. Reagan was not Bush. Bush was not W. That is your multi-party system. They just happen to be splinters within the two main parties that fight for control.
  8. The appeal of "3rd parties" is folly. Everyone who supports a 3rd party just projects that 3rd party to have views similar to their own, when in reality they would most likely represent some hodge-podge of views that are still disagreeable to any particular on whole.
  9. It was $800,000 for renovation and $200,000 for 220 place settings for new "China". All funded by private individuals.
  10. He pretty much said if July 3rd rolls around and he's still waiting then he said they should talk.
  11. That's because the numbers were so far apart. I think Murray has a lot of interest in him but not for what they are asking. At least, that is what Murray says. I think both views can coexist.
  12. I figured you threw up in your mouth a little...
  13. Ouch. That's Manchester United.
  14. I don't think that is what happened at all. If Lehner wasn't in position it had nothing to do with McDavid. McDavid skated down the wing from his defensive zone. Regardless of how fast we was going - Lehner probably had 3 seconds to move two feet to his left. And although he technically gets past Risto in the last 5 feet, he was comfortably contained to the outside and left with nothing but a poor angle shot on his backhand.
  15. Fair enough. The adulation with respect to his last goal is unwarranted. It was a bad goal let in by the keeper. He should get as much credit for that as Legwand did for scoring from 160 ft out. I'll be damned if I get down on bended knee for a soft backhand.
  16. How did that make it past the filters?!!!!
  17. Are you saying this because of his two goals? In particular the last one?
  18. Eh. Don't confuse conjecture with facts. I don't know who GMTM would have preferred, but Drury signed his contract extension early in the season. TG didn't consummate the marriage. Drury eventually pulled out and THEN he was walking. So, Drury was originally fine with staying, but TM may not have offered that contract in the first place.
  19. This is just being argumentative for argument's sake. Draft picks are the currency for the NHL. Arguing about receiving draft picks is like arguing with your employer about receiving money as compensation for work. You can't eat money. Money doesn't keep the rain off your head. Why would anyone want money then? Tim Murray explicitly stated that the Sabres would be beneficiaries of teams needing to unload good players this summer because of the cap. He's loading up on the currency that allows him to buy those players. So, that's not 4-6 years. It is more likely that it is 6 months. He will use those picks to buy good players who fit in the long term.
  20. If I had considerably more cash to just throw away I would have flung my phone through a TV by now…
  21. The sole purpose choosing a non-desirable default avatar is to motivate people to change it in a humorous way. Tim was chosen at the time because the fanbase really soured on him and he had a reputation for being lazy. Being too lazy to change your avatar sort of fit right in. Just something to keep in mind.
  22. This would be the place for such a discussion. Thanks. :thumbsup:
  23. :blink: To "speculate" means to form an opinion/theory lacking firm evidence. Setting the bushels of low-hanging fruit aside... Your words make zero practical sense. No one needs to "speculate whether" they will or will not sign Stamkos or continue the Toronto series. I know FOR A FACT that they "will or will not sign Stamkos"... "will or will not continue the Toronto series". There is no speculation that either one of the two scenarios will occur regarding either event. Now, perhaps you meant to say "I wonder if..."?
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