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Ted Nolan "I learned last week I can't say what/how I feel."

Ghost of Dwight Drane

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If Ted Nolan was so unhappy about the PLF situation, if his sense of honor so insulted, he should have had the integrity to walk away instead of compromising his "principles" and accepting a lucrative coaching offer with a team he KNEW wasn't loaded with talent.


Teddy was wrong to throw his team under the bus, no matter how much we agree with it. And it were MY team, I'd have no problem telling him that. I think I've overrated his ability as a coach. If his strength is motivation, then he has failed miserably. Which is a shame because he wouldn't know an X from an O on the whiteboard.


Teddy can feel free to leave any time he wants and that would be OK by this fan.




I'm prepared to start a website to compete with the Blue and Gold Club.


Instead of paying $100 a year to be on a season ticket waiting list.....I am willing to offer FREE BUFFALO SABRES STANLEY CUP TICKETS to every home game for $100 a year per seat if you sign up for a 5 year option and pay up front.


It will be properly insured through a AAA underwriter, which should cost me about 1.3%


I will have to limit it to 8,000 seats, since that is the average amount of Toronto fans in the building that were sold tickets by Sabres season ticket holders. I know my marks.....

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I dunno. Why does Nolan feel he "can't" make those comments again? He's the head coach and players are telling him what he can and can't say? Just a curious way to put it.


I got a feeling his bosses probably didn't like that comment.


If so, how will they react to his remark about "learning last week, that he cannot say what he feels"?


I doubt Nolan's around come March, one way or the other.

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I got a feeling his bosses probably didn't like that comment.


If so, how will they react to his remark about "learning last week, that he cannot say what he feels"?


I doubt Nolan's around come March, one way or the other.


My prediction was he would be gone by Thanksgiving.

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Why demoralize another coach?


Some coaches are great teachers, some coaches are great strategists, some coaches are great improvisers, some coaches create disciplined systems, some coaches are great motivators.


Motivation gets us 2 points and 8 goals in 6 games. I'm open to someone good at the other 4.

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Some coaches are great teachers, some coaches are great strategists, some coaches are great improvisers, some coaches create disciplined systems, some coaches are great motivators.


Motivation gets us 2 points and 8 goals in 6 games. I'm open to someone good at the other 4.

Maybe giving Ted a little short shrift? Also, it's funny to see you be so reactionary when you never seemed to give a second thought to even the notion of firing Lindy — after 16 years.

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Maybe giving Ted a little short shrift? Also, it's funny to see you be so reactionary when you never seemed to give a second thought to even the notion of firing Lindy — after 16 years.


I like to think that I would have called for Lindys ouster if he started a year without a coherent system in all three zones. I expected much more from Nolan, or at least from his staff.


I'm not calling for Nolan's removal yet, but I'm think the game has passed him by. I've never once thought that about Ruff even when I thought it was his time to go.


So, yes, I think the game has passed Nolan by. And more than funny, I'm simply sad about it.


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Maybe giving Ted a little short shrift? Also, it's funny to see you be so reactionary when you never seemed to give a second thought to even the notion of firing Lindy — after 16 years.

I like to think that I would have called for Lindys ouster if he started a year without a coherent system in all three zones. I expected much more from Nolan, or at least from his staff.


I'm not calling for Nolan's removal yet, but I'm think the game has passed him by. I've never once thought that about Ruff even when I thought it was his time to go.


So, yes, I think the game has passed Nolan by. And more than funny, I'm simply sad about it.


I think what X said previously that has resonated most with me since the season began is, paraphrasing: Nolan's system is everybody go north for period's 1 and 3 and everybody go south in period 2. What I took that to mean and what I take it to mean is that doesn't appear to be any system whatsoever with these guys and this coach. How can that be? But through six games, it sure seems that way.

Edited by wjag
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Some coaches are great teachers, some coaches are great strategists, some coaches are great improvisers, some coaches create disciplined systems, some coaches are great motivators.


Motivation gets us 2 points and 8 goals in 6 games. I'm open to someone good at the other 4.


I get your point; I just don't know if I want to see a good coach suffer and get frustrated. I don't really care about Nolan one way or the other right now. It's becoming clear to me that he's not going to be the right coach when the team has real talent.

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With this most likely being his last coaching gig I doubt he quits. Probably needs the money and most likely the only reason he decided to stay.


What I can see him doing is making it impossible for GMTM NOT to fire him. Then he gets paid and he can go home and collect a check for a few years.


As for Lindy. 30 teams have a job opening. The two candidates are him and Nolan. How many hire Nolan? Yes his time here had come but to compare them as coaches is apples to oranges.


Edited by sicknfla
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With this most likely being his last coaching gig I doubt he quits. Probably needs the money and most likely the only reason he decided to stay.


What I can see him doing is making it impossible for GMTM NOT to fire him. Then he gets paid and he can go home and collect a check for a few years.


As for Lindy. 30 teams have a job opening. The two candidates are him and Nolan. How many hire Nolan? Yes his time here had come but to compare them as coaches is apples to oranges.


Agreed on coaching styles, disagree on outcome. Teddy did get the most out of that squad back in the 90's, of course, it helped immensely having Dom back stopping your team. As for Lindy, it helped having Dom, then didn't when he left, it helped having Drury/Briere then didn't when they left. I would surmise that skill or skill/leadership in those cases are what made the difference, not coaching styles. I believe they both had the same out come, no Stanley Cups.


And what's with the apples and oranges analogies I'm seeing in many threads these days? They are both fruit. If anything, we should be saying "it's like comparing apples and Reese's peanut butter cups" They are both delicious, but only one is recommended by physicians :P

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Agreed on coaching styles, disagree on outcome. Teddy did get the most out of that squad back in the 90's, of course, it helped immensely having Dom back stopping your team. As for Lindy, it helped having Dom, then didn't when he left, it helped having Drury/Briere then didn't when they left. I would surmise that skill or skill/leadership in those cases are what made the difference, not coaching styles. I believe they both had the same out come, no Stanley Cups.


And what's with the apples and oranges analogies I'm seeing in many threads these days? They are both fruit. If anything, we should be saying "it's like comparing apples and Reese's peanut butter cups" They are both delicious, but only one is recommended by physicians :P

take dom off the nolan teams and you have last place teams, no coach of the year award, and no longing to right the wrong of nolanpasts. I said last season if nolan wants to be succesful he better bring in some good assistants that can coach and put some systems in place... Edited by drnkirishone
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