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GDT: Phoenix at Buffalo 12-23-13 at 7:00 PM EST


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Hehe, imagine if that was his first NHL goal, allthough i don't think he'll forget this one either.


As for all the players being down with the flu, i heard they had a welcome party for omark, and this is a case of spin the bottle that went horribly wrong.


Think Smith had an empty netter already so it's his second NHL goal, but still pretty crazy.

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Yup, would've made things a lot simpler if Ruff could've managed to make his team give a damn, instead of wasting his time beating them over the head with his god forsaken "system", or if Pegula had kicked Dary out 2 years ago.


Neither was the case unfortunately, but at least the team seems to be moving in right direction now, and building character is not a bad place to start.

It's also very important that the players seem to be buying into what Nolan is selling, I have my doubts about Nolan, there is no doubt he is a players coach that seems to be able to tap into a players desire for the game. That has been very important and will be more important come the off-season. It is easier to sell players on coming to Buffalo if you have 20 advocates talking to other players explaining how things are different.


Any new GM's #1 priority should be to get Steve Ott signed. If the Nolan direction is the desired direction of the franchise than Ott is a poster child for this franchise. I would love to see Ott remain and another Steve Ott like player added in the off-season. Depending on how things finish up on the Island, I think Cal Clutterbuck is a perfect fit for the new Sabres and they should try to make a deal for him in the off-season.


Also, I think I am changing my thoughts on Ryan Miller. I was of the mindset his value is in any trade return. I am leaning now to agreeing with those that say that Miller must be re-signed. He may not be the best goaltender in the NHL, he is steady enough where i would prefer he remain in goal for the Sabres while the front office attempts to right the ship in front of him.

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One of the best party / bar games ever.

I had never heard of it and watched some people playing it on YouTube. I don't know how great it could be. See, I thought you wrote down your own answers. How funny is it when the same printed answers keep coming up?

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It's also very important that the players seem to be buying into what Nolan is selling, I have my doubts about Nolan, there is no doubt he is a players coach that seems to be able to tap into a players desire for the game. That has been very important and will be more important come the off-season. It is easier to sell players on coming to Buffalo if you have 20 advocates talking to other players explaining how things are different.


Any new GM's #1 priority should be to get Steve Ott signed. If the Nolan direction is the desired direction of the franchise than Ott is a poster child for this franchise. I would love to see Ott remain and another Steve Ott like player added in the off-season. Depending on how things finish up on the Island, I think Cal Clutterbuck is a perfect fit for the new Sabres and they should try to make a deal for him in the off-season.


Also, I think I am changing my thoughts on Ryan Miller. I was of the mindset his value is in any trade return. I am leaning now to agreeing with those that say that Miller must be re-signed. He may not be the best goaltender in the NHL, he is steady enough where i would prefer he remain in goal for the Sabres while the front office attempts to right the ship in front of him.


Very good post. I totally agree to all of it.


Your idea to hire a another Ott like player is good. Ott is currently the face ( together with Mller) of this franchise. We should really resign him, although it won't be for cheap, because his bondings to Buffalo are not so strong yet. Miller is a very good goalie and one of the most constant goalies in the NHL. Lundquist money would be crazy but he won't be cheap either.


I have another dream which most probably won't come true. Resign Moulson ( not impossible) and sign Vanek. Line one and two would be fixed on the LW. The gem line as second line i would like. Hodgson Vanek and a talented RW with chemistry would be a fine first line. Not elite but a line which can be the difference in game. Line three and four we have the players for. The D is not too bad and will improve when the youngster break the roster. We need to get rid ofLeino and Stafford and make some cap room.


I believe when all the players buy Nolans mindset a good team can achieve anything.


Of course to lure Vanek and a talented RW (together 15 million per year) to Buffalo and to resign Miller, Moulson, Ott will cost alltogether around 33 million per year. Expensive ? Yes! Is it worth? I say yes. For Nolan and a good team in my opinion only the sky is the limit.


But without a GM who can achieve what i dream of, we will be top 5 in the next 2years ( in the draft of course).

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I had never heard of it and watched some people playing it on YouTube. I don't know how great it could be. See, I thought you wrote down your own answers. How funny is it when the same printed answers keep coming up?


It's kind of like Mad Libs... the answer phrases are the same, but the different contexts from the question cards makes for a lot of possibilities. There are also expansion cards sets that incorporate more recent events. I've only played once or twice but it's pretty hilarious with some alcohol and a crowd of people who are not easily offended.

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Very good post. I totally agree to all of it.


Your idea to hire a another Ott like player is good. Ott is currently the face ( together with Mller) of this franchise. We should really resign him, although it won't be for cheap, because his bondings to Buffalo are not so strong yet. Miller is a very good goalie and one of the most constant goalies in the NHL. Lundquist money would be crazy but he won't be cheap either.


I have another dream which most probably won't come true. Resign Moulson ( not impossible) and sign Vanek. Line one and two would be fixed on the LW. The gem line as second line i would like. Hodgson Vanek and a talented RW with chemistry would be a fine first line. Not elite but a line which can be the difference in game. Line three and four we have the players for. The D is not too bad and will improve when the youngster break the roster. We need to get rid ofLeino and Stafford and make some cap room.


I believe when all the players buy Nolans mindset a good team can achieve anything.


Of course to lure Vanek and a talented RW (together 15 million per year) to Buffalo and to resign Miller, Moulson, Ott will cost alltogether around 33 million per year. Expensive ? Yes! Is it worth? I say yes. For Nolan and a good team in my opinion only the sky is the limit.


But without a GM who can achieve what i dream of, we will be top 5 in the next 2years ( in the draft of course).

With $41 mil of cap space next year, money shouldn't be an issued.


Vanek is an interesting idea. If Regier was still here I would say no way would Vanek think about returning. If the Sabres can show Vanek between now and July 1st that things are changing towards the positive, who knows?


RW? Two players to target next off-season that wont break the bank. 1) Devon Setoguchi - should be good for 20-30 goals a season, 26 years old, a career plus player and he can play the more physical Nolan style. He is coming off of a couple of tough years which will keep the price point at a manageable level. IMO, there is a top six forward here. 2) Ryan Reeves - I know people will say we already have enough 3rd -4th line guys. I go back to buying into Nolan as coach. This is a guy tailor made for Nolan. This is a tough, heart on his sleeve type. of player that people here will fall in love with. He is seeing very limited time in St. Louis. IMO, a great value that can/should play 12 minutes a game and not hurt you.

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It's kind of like Mad Libs... the answer phrases are the same, but the different contexts from the question cards makes for a lot of possibilities. There are also expansion cards sets that incorporate more recent events. I've only played once or twice but it's pretty hilarious with some alcohol and a crowd of people who are not easily offended.


I'll take your word for it. I think we need a Sabres/SabreSpace version.

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I'll take your word for it. I think we need a Sabres/SabreSpace version.



I agree, but we will have to work on it. I guess we could post the questions and the answers in the form of JPEGs that people can choose from.


I will start working on a list, but obviously this will need a whole new thread and possibly some formatting adjustments from the mods.

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On Cards:


Seems like we'd want to start with the files here:



Also, I'm either missing something or really amused at the prices on Amazon. I'm digging the "Openness" of the game, if someone's buying it, please buy it from the developers and don't give someone else a cut on something they're not supposed to be selling.

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