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LOL dude, you said "Buffalo is playing horribly" before they had even touched the puck. How is less than two minutes of play indicative of how a team is playing?


What do you know, 1-0 buffalo. Boy. They are playing AWFUL!!!!!!! Fire Lindy. Fire Darcy. Trade Miller! ATTROCIOUS!


I said they were playing awful so far. Which they were. Just because they scored doesn't change they fact that they had an awful start. Neale and RJ both said they had a mediocre start to the first. Did I ever say firs Darcy? Did I ever say firs Ruff? Did I ever suggest trading Miller? No. So in the future try to not put words in someone's mouth for the sake of an argument.


Now please I'm trying to watch the game and have discussions with people, who's sole reason for being in the forum is not to pick fights with people based on one comment they disagree with. Even if the comment is true. Have a nice day.

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Did anyone hear why Montador was scratched?


I didn't, and I was curious too. Not 15 minutes before the game started WGR said Butler was sitting again, along with Goose, and made no mention of Stafford being out. I'll give them a pass on this one based on the events of this afternoon...



and ######. 1-1

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