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Like Chz said, By deeking you can be moving away from the goal but still towards the goal line. As long as the puck is moving forward you are good, but you can't get the goalie to bite on one side, then move the puck backwards (away from the goal line) to get around him to put it in.


EDIT: just checked. The rule is actually written that way. It says towards the goal line not just goal.


I understand the spirit of the rule. The letter of it is just another poorly written rule. If the puck has to be in continuous motion toward the goal line, I don't see how a spinorama can be allowed.

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I understand the spirit of the rule. The letter of it is just another poorly written rule. If the puck has to be in continuous motion toward the goal line, I don't see how a spinorama can be allowed.

Speaking of spin-o-ramas (I agree, a stupid name). It's really hard to tell if the puck ever stops going towards the goal line. It definitely comes to a dead stop from left to right, but I think it is always moving forward.

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Speaking of spin-o-ramas (I agree, a stupid name). It's really hard to tell if the puck ever stops going towards the goal line. It definitely comes to a dead stop from left to right, but I think it is always moving forward.


When it's at a dead stop, how can it be moving forward? :)


Let's say we're going 75 MPH down a road, I'm in the front seat and I toss a ball to you in the back seat. The ball certainly is farther down the road when you catch it, but was it always in continuous motion toward some point down the road?


I just blew my mind.


I think this means we can enter a black hole and go back in time. With our luck, we'll probably end up in the 1986-87 season.

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When it's at a dead stop, how can it be moving forward? :)


Let's say we're going 75 MPH down a road, I'm in the front seat and I toss a ball to you in the back seat. The ball certainly is farther down the road when you catch it, but was it always in continuous motion toward some point down the road?


I just blew my mind.


I think this means we can enter a black hole and go back in time. With our luck, we'll probably end up in the 1986-87 season.


It's only at a dead stop on the left-right axis. (It's also usually nearly at a dead stop on the up-down axis, until the player shoots it.)


If you're going 75 MPH down a road and you toss a ball into the back seat, yes, the ball still is moving forward, and it is doing so continuously. Just tiny bit more slowly.

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It's only at a dead stop on the left-right axis. (It's also usually nearly at a dead stop on the up-down axis, until the player shoots it.)


If you're going 75 MPH down a road and you toss a ball into the back seat, yes, the ball still is moving forward, and it is doing so continuously. Just tiny bit more slowly.


I'll buy that. But is the analogy apt?


Note that the league's clarification allows spinoramas because the puck is in continuous motion, not because it's in continuous motion toward the goal line. Which makes me suspect that someone in the league doesn't think the puck is in continuous motion toward the goal line during a spinorama -- but it doesn't matter, because it's in continuous motion.

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I'll buy that. But is the analogy apt?


Note that the league's clarification allows spinoramas because the puck is in continuous motion, not because it's in continuous motion toward the goal line. Which makes me suspect that someone in the league doesn't think the puck is in continuous motion toward the goal line during a spinorama -- but it doesn't matter, because it's in continuous motion.


But I think the puck may, in fact, be in continuous motion toward the goal line. It's the illusion of backwards movement that confuses, because the puck is no longer moving as quickly as the skater.


We probably do need carp's help here. Carp, can you set up some equations or a chart or do whatever it is that you do when you're not working on cold fusion?

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But I think the puck may, in fact, be in continuous motion toward the goal line. It's the illusion of backwards movement that confuses, because the puck is no longer moving as quickly as the skater.


We probably do need carp's help here. Carp, can you set up some equations or a chart or do whatever it is that you do when you're not working on cold fusion?


Do ya think... that maybe... carp is with... a girl? Nah.


But the spinorama move does not take place independently of the puck. The player pivots and propels the puck toward the opposite goal line. Or am I imagining that too, in addition to carp's pocket protector heaved on the floor in a moment of passion?

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Ryan said he got a "WWF" knee to the back later in the game. He was down and out after it and appeared to be injured. Just lost his wind. What did you think of the Sabres' response?


And that running was far more blatant as he was run from behind. Then it looked like the player decided to jump on him just for the hell of it after.

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Do ya think... that maybe... carp is with... a girl? Nah.


But the spinorama move does not take place independently of the puck. The player pivots and propels the puck toward the opposite goal line. Or am I imagining that too, in addition to carp's pocket protector heaved on the floor in a moment of passion?

The more I look at it, the more I think you are imagining it, and we've all seen what that imagination is capable of. I really don't think (at least in the Gerbe example) that the puck ever stops moving towards the goal line.

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Last night:




Myers needs some work to stop letting opposing players from getting past him along the boards.


The General looked good, but like Kennedy gets manhandled a bit along the boards. (FWIW, Roby said Mac put on 10lbs of muscle over the break).



Lydman was giving away pucks all night. Blind clearing passes, passes up the boards when clearly an Isle was going to step up and pick it off.


Noticed some late game line changes, I'd assume to give the guys who played best more ice time.

I have been seeing the same things as you on Myers that opposing players seem to be getting past him along the boards but the only positive thing I see about that is he gives them no shot with that long reach he has and it's not like they are getting past him to the net. I wouldn't worry about this too much over time he will make the necessary change and once he puts on more muscle he's going to be that much tougher for teams to play against.


I like Kennedy but I still believe he's going to be sent down soon. He needs to play like a player that just made the team. He doesn't look like the same player as he did in preseason and isn't coming out with the same type of work ethic from game to game. I see him getting sent down as soon as Lindy wants Mair and Paille in the lineup.


Lydman hopefully just had an off night because he coughed up the puck a bunch last night which luckily for him didn't end up in the back of the net.

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