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Ex Sabre traded to Toronto

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Classic Burke move. It's just like Parcells. Wherever he goes, he brings his guys with him. May has become one of Burke's guys and is now playing on his third team GMed by Burke including Vancouver, Anaheim, and now Toronto. I anticipate seeing some more familiar faces going to Toronto including even a Bertuzzi sighting. Just a hunch.

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My favorite Sabre ever....now he is a Leaf......WTF.

OK, I understand his making Ray Bourque look like Phil Bourque in '93. Other than that, can somebody please explain to me what it is about Brad May that puts him in such high regard?


The guy broke his hand sucker punching Ulfie literally from completely behind him. And I can't recall a single Sabre that ever threw more punches after an opponent was prone on the ice. Wrestle them when it's fair, beat the snot out of them when they're down was his typical form. The guy is a thug, and he had enough talent that he didn't have to be. (He's basically another Chris Cheaplios w/out as much raw talent.) If not for scoring the series winning goal, I'd probably rate him just below Jacques Richard on my favorite Sabres list.

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