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How's the letting Briere/Drury/Campbell plan working out?


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Yes really the only difference is the SABRES ARE ABOUT 9 PLACES BEHIND WHERE THEY WERE LAST YEAR!!!!!

Eight, actually (1st to 9th).


Last year's record was inflated by a hot start (31 out of the first 34 possible points) and steller performance in OT/SO (15 wins, 10 of 14 in the SO). They also won a lot of games that they lost in every way but the scoreboard. Conversely, this year's team had a slow start (13 out of the first 34 possible points) and has had poor OT/SO performance (6 wins, 2 of 11 in the SO). If they had the same start this season as last year, they would have 97 points right now (just four behind last year!), would be leading the East and would be competing for the President's cup again. Even if they just had the same win % in the SO, they would have 5 or 6 more points and would have the fifth best record in the East.


The difference is not as big as it seems and, again, has more to do with what they didn't bring in (leadership, solid D).

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Yes, manboy. Or is it Boyman?


Darcy does know what he's doing, and whether you agree with his moves or not is irrelevant to that fact. That's why he has a GM job in the NHL, and why you post on a forum under an adolescent screen name.


"Darcy knows what he's doing" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's the best joke I heard in a long while, thanks for the laugh!!!!
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Eight, actually (1st to 9th).


Last year's record was inflated by a hot start (31 out of the first 34 possible points) and steller performance in OT/SO (15 wins, 10 of 14 in the SO). They also won a lot of games that they lost in every way but the scoreboard. Conversely, this year's team had a slow start (13 out of the first 34 possible points) and has had poor OT/SO performance (6 wins, 2 of 11 in the SO). If they had the same start this season as last year, they would have 97 points right now (just four behind last year!), would be leading the East and would be competing for the President's cup again. Even if they just had the same win % in the SO, they would have 5 or 6 more points and would have the fifth best record in the East.


The difference is not as big as it seems and, again, has more to do with what they didn't bring in (leadership, solid D).

Why is a good start inflating???It still counts as part of the season..Last yrs team obviously was flawed...But not near as bad as this yrs..If they wouldve added to the roster a tough dman and a tough player for the forwards then last years team wouldve had a ddecent shot to win it..Now you see instead of haviing to just tweak the roster you have to find leadership and still fill all those voids..They made their job a lot tougher..As Howie Mandel would say..YOU MADE A BAD DEAL

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HMMM CD 22 goals 26 assist -5


DB 26 goals 36 assist -25 holy crap?



Replaced by (who had to step up into their roles)


Derrick roy 29---37 +14

Joghen Hect 19--24 +4



When you compare hect and Drury almost identical point numbers but better D from Jochen


Roy also similar slightly better point totals then Briere but huge difference in 2 way play.


Now what 2 player reveived more playing time because of their departure?


Paille 18--16 +11


Stafford 15--18 +1



So are problem this year is not the loss of these 2. Our problem is also not Ryan Miller as her has better stats this year then last he has faced more shots this year. Our problem lies in the shootout. In the previous 2 years we seem to win a lot of the shootouts. For some reason this year it is not happeneing.



Buffalo only has 4 more lossed then 06 and 6 more than 07.

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Yes, manboy. Or is it Boyman?


Darcy does know what he's doing, and whether you agree with his moves or not is irrelevant to that fact. That's why he has a GM job in the NHL, and why you post on a forum under an adolescent screen name.


Please, stop calling me those bad, awful names, I just can't take it. (sarcasm).


Ok, I guess I shouldn't have blurted out like that, I thought it was hysterical when I read it (Darcy knows what he's doing). I'll have a post on the pros/cons on Darcy Regier in the next day or two.

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i think we should have traded drury and briere before the deadline to get players/picks. i am sure everyone would have understood because no one thought the sabres were winning the cup last year; and darcy should have also known we would give up a 2 goal lead in Game 2 at home against the Sens, and that we would have been able to rely upon 3-4 D in the Ottawa series.

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Why is a good start inflating???It still counts as part of the season..Last yrs team obviously was flawed...But not near as bad as this yrs..If they wouldve added to the roster a tough dman and a tough player for the forwards then last years team wouldve had a ddecent shot to win it..Now you see instead of haviing to just tweak the roster you have to find leadership and still fill all those voids..They made their job a lot tougher..As Howie Mandel would say..YOU MADE A BAD DEAL

Of course it counts as part of the season, but my point is that other than the start (18 points difference in the first 20% of the season), these teams haven't been significantly different (4 point over the next 69%). There was a steeper learning curve as players had to step up and fill new roles. I don't think that anyone expected differently. While we may have taken a step back in some departments (leadership, puck-moving D) by letting those players that we did go, we also didn't lock up $15-18 Million per year on players with deficiencies (Briere and Campbell on Defense, Drury's offense is not what you'd expect for a $5-6 Million per year*), leaving room to bring in what we didn't have and replace what we did. Now, they just need to do it. Unfortunately, to really make the moves they should, they will still need to find some suckers to trade with that can take over some of our over-priced contracts (Max, Timmy, Lydman, Tallinder).


* yes, I know that Vanek doesn't either this season, but Chris had never broken 70 points over a long career, while Vanek had broken 80 in just his second season.

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Eight, actually (1st to 9th).


Last year's record was inflated by a hot start (31 out of the first 34 possible points) and steller performance in OT/SO (15 wins, 10 of 14 in the SO). They also won a lot of games that they lost in every way but the scoreboard. Conversely, this year's team had a slow start (13 out of the first 34 possible points) and has had poor OT/SO performance (6 wins, 2 of 11 in the SO). If they had the same start this season as last year, they would have 97 points right now (just four behind last year!), would be leading the East and would be competing for the President's cup again. Even if they just had the same win % in the SO, they would have 5 or 6 more points and would have the fifth best record in the East.


The difference is not as big as it seems and, again, has more to do with what they didn't bring in (leadership, solid D).


This is an argument that is as infuriating to me as the dead horses I beat seem to be to others. The season doesn't run January to January or a calendar year or without shootouts or only on Thursdays. The season runs as a whole. Find all the positives you want out of this season,and there are many, but the story about their record after so and so rings as familiar as those two years after Hasek. It took Marty a couple of months, if only they would have won these two games, blah, blah, blah.

Once the pressures off, teams play different. Anybody that follows baseball teams other than the top teams can tell you how many years their team made a great second half run to finish .500 or pull within 10 games and than did the same thing the following year.

In a league of parity, that miniscule difference between first and ninth can be as daunting as the difference there seemed to be when Buffalo met Pittsburgh last Wednesday.

When they start handing out trophies for best record in a calendar year, or best record since November 11th, or best record if you don't count games against this opponent give me a call.

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This is an argument that is as infuriating to me as the dead horses I beat seem to be to others. The season doesn't run January to January or a calendar year or without shootouts or only on Thursdays. The season runs as a whole. Find all the positives you want out of this season,and there are many, but the story about their record after so and so rings as familiar as those two years after Hasek. It took Marty a couple of months, if only they would have won these two games, blah, blah, blah.

Once the pressures off, teams play different. Anybody that follows baseball teams other than the top teams can tell you how many years their team made a great second half run to finish .500 or pull within 10 games and than did the same thing the following year.

In a league of parity, that miniscule difference between first and ninth can be as daunting as the difference there seemed to be when Buffalo met Pittsburgh last Wednesday.

When they start handing out trophies for best record in a calendar year, or best record since November 11th, or best record if you don't count games against this opponent give me a call.

I don't completely disagree with you. However, the question then becomes: if it was just letting down after the pressure was off, then why did they continue to play like that (poorly) during the playoffs when the pressure really should have been on? They came within 8 seconds of going down 3-2 to the Rangers heading back to MSG. A million tiny things happen differently on that play and they would have lost that game and could easily have been knocked out in the second round. Then, they faced a real challenge in Ottawa and crumpled. The games may have been close score-wise, but there wasn't one game that they flat out beat the Sens, while they were definitely flat out beat in several games.


It wasn't just about letting down when the pressure was supposedly off. Teams figured out how to play against their system, making it less effective. The old rules also crept back in, which again weakened the advantage of their system. The Sabres were just slower to adapt than other teams. Their locked-in contracts are keeping them from completely adapting even now (see our blue line).

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I don't completely disagree with you. However, the question then becomes: if it was just letting down after the pressure was off, then why did they continue to play like that (poorly) during the playoffs when the pressure really should have been on? They came within 8 seconds of going down 3-2 to the Rangers heading back to MSG. A million tiny things happen differently on that play and they would have lost that game and could easily have been knocked out in the second round. Then, they faced a real challenge in Ottawa and crumpled. The games may have been close score-wise, but there wasn't one game that they flat out beat the Sens, while they were definitely flat out beat in several games.


It wasn't just about letting down when the pressure was supposedly off. Teams figured out how to play against their system, making it less effective. The old rules also crept back in, which again weakened the advantage of their system. The Sabres were just slower to adapt than other teams. Their locked-in contracts are keeping them from completely adapting even now (see our blue line).


I was actually referring to this years team and others playing better when less is expected of them. As for last year's team, I think the Rangers just play that style that makes it difficult to look good beating them, but beat them they did. I think Ottawa just surprised them and quite frankly, I thought Danny played horribly and looked scared especially in game 3. I also think I a lot of the guys didn't heed the warning of their captains with regards to Ottawa. I also think too many people just assume that Anaheim would have destroyed them and I am not sure that's a certainty. I am not saying they would have won,I am saying that they would have put up a better fight.

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Well, in order to add you need cap room. Had we kept both Drury and Briere we would have lost Vanek and we'd be capped out regardless so I'm not sure where the adding happens. You have to subtract to add these days you can't just be the Bobby Clarke Flyers and get whomever you want and to hell with the budget.


I appreciate the sentiment but I'm really not sure what else they could have done this year without subtracting more veterans off the roster.

This has been argued by everyone on this board enough already..They coulda found away..If the Rangers could find a way to keep all their stars sign gomez and Drury i dont buy it...I am never gonna buy it..Dont waste your time trying to convince me otherwise..NOT GONNA HAPPEN..They couldve found away instead the blundered it..Just like they blundered the offseason before..IF THEY WANTED TO THEY COULDVE FOUND AWAY TO KEEP EM ALL..They chose not too...

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This has been argued by everyone on this board enough already..They coulda found away..If the Rangers could find a way to keep all their stars sign gomez and Drury i dont buy it...I am never gonna buy it..Dont waste your time trying to convince me otherwise..NOT GONNA HAPPEN..They couldve found away instead the blundered it..Just like they blundered the offseason before..IF THEY WANTED TO THEY COULDVE FOUND AWAY TO KEEP EM ALL..They chose not too...

I've looked at the numbers a lot and let's just say that they could not have signed Briere and Drury, even at discounted prices ($5 Million/yr) and still sign Vanek and Roy to the the contracts that they got without finding a way to unload some other over-priced contracts (Max, Timmy, Lydman, Tallinder, Kalinin, Kotalik or, to a lesser extent, Spacek). I can show you the numbers if you would like. If they managed to find takers (trade for picks/prospects) for some of those, they might have been able to do it, but that's a big if. If they'd found a way to lock Vanek up for much less and/or signed Roy to a lower hit contract (likely much shorter), then they might have squeezed them in, but only if they got the discounted prices on Danny/Chris. Again, though, those are more big ifs and you risk losing Vanek and/or don't lock up Roy, both bad. Note: this also assumes that they didn't even think about signing Teppo again and, instead, brought up Sekera. Also, even in these best case scenerios, they are spending about $5 Million more than they currently are.


Then, look at next season. It would have made the Campbell decision much easier. The only two players up for contracts with any serious cap hits (above $750k) were Kalinin and Hecht. Kalinin could go, but is that enough to sign Campbell for next year? Hmmm ... $1.5 Million up to $5 Million is still more than Kalinin's $2.0 million and you still have to pay for another defender even if it's a current AHL guy. Do let Hecht go, too? I wouldn't.


Face it, we have too many players with inflated contracts that you can't just wish away. The guys that they brought in to fill those spot were both under a Million.

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I've looked at the numbers a lot and let's just say that they could not have signed Briere and Drury, even at discounted prices ($5 Million/yr) and still sign Vanek and Roy to the the contracts that they got without finding a way to unload some other over-priced contracts (Max, Timmy, Lydman, Tallinder, Kalinin, Kotalik or, to a lesser extent, Spacek). I can show you the numbers if you would like. If they managed to find takers (trade for picks/prospects) for some of those, they might have been able to do it, but that's a big if. If they'd found a way to lock Vanek up for much less and/or signed Roy to a lower hit contract (likely much shorter), then they might have squeezed them in, but only if they got the discounted prices on Danny/Chris. Again, though, those are more big ifs and you risk losing Vanek and/or don't lock up Roy, both bad. Note: this also assumes that they didn't even think about signing Teppo again and, instead, brought up Sekera. Also, even in these best case scenerios, they are spending about $5 Million more than they currently are.


Then, look at next season. It would have made the Campbell decision much easier. The only two players up for contracts with any serious cap hits (above $750k) were Kalinin and Hecht. Kalinin could go, but is that enough to sign Campbell for next year? Hmmm ... $1.5 Million up to $5 Million is still more than Kalinin's $2.0 million and you still have to pay for another defender even if it's a current AHL guy. Do let Hecht go, too? I wouldn't.


Face it, we have too many players with inflated contracts that you can't just wish away. The guys that they brought in to fill those spot were both under a Million.

They coulda traded max timmy whoever and agreed to pay half their salaries just like the caps did with Jagr..If they wanted to do it there are just to many ways to overcome the obstacle..Where there is will there is a way..I dont buy it..

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They coulda traded max timmy whoever and agreed to pay half their salaries just like the caps did with Jagr..If they wanted to do it there are just to many ways to overcome the obstacle..Where there is will there is a way..I dont buy it..

Pretty sure you can't do that anymore - not with the new CBA. The new agreement pretty much put the kibosh on a lot of that kind of stuff. Besides, if they were paying half of these guys' salaries, who's to say that it wouldn't count against our cap number?

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Pretty sure you can't do that anymore - not with the new CBA. The new agreement pretty much put the kibosh on a lot of that kind of stuff. Besides, if they were paying half of these guys' salaries, who's to say that it wouldn't count against our cap number?

That's right. I think only Jagr's contract is grandfathered in.

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