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  1. A lot of us may know about Hunter's Hope from Jim & Jill Kelly. Here's a similar organization started by Sabres alum Curtis Brown and his wife Ami. https://www.theaubribrownclub.org/ Check it out. We all may know others who need the help.
  2. I can't find the old reading thread from a few years ago,, so I thought I'd start a new one.. After all, someone started one about favorite greasy spoon joints. Plus, this gets my mind off of our boys possibly attending an Andrew Peters golf clinic. Thus, I've started reading some books simultaneously. The Romanov Sisters by Helen Rappaport. Scimitar's Edge by Marvin Olasky. Far From Rome, Near to God, edited by Richard Bennett and Martin Buckingham. (Don't hold this one against me.) Medium is not important. It could be a newspaper or magazine article. It could even be something from BuzzFeed and other electronic media.
  3. I personally would treat these as foreign actors who have access to technology which we can not hold a candle to.
  4. Seattle Mariners 19(thru 2020) Sacramento Kings 15(thru 20-21) Buffalo Sabres 10(thru 20-21) New York Jets 10(thru 2020) It just happens to be that it ended up being one team from each league in the top 4 droughts. The Phoenix Suns also had a 10 year drought which they are about to snap. I don't follow the NBA at all, so I am not sure if the Kings are anywhere close to ending their streak, but the Mariners have a decent shot of being a playoff team this year.
  5. What are your vaccine plans? Closed to comments and voting is private. Since this is closed to comments, there is no way to bump it. Mods could you please pin for a week or so. If this thread is considered inappropriate, feel free to delete.
  6. spndnchz

    OT: RIP

    Prince Philip and DMX die on the same day. Coincidence?
  7. https://www.wkbw.com/news/local-news/legendary-7-eyewitness-news-broadcaster-rick-azar-has-died 😞😞😞
  8. It's going to be a strange one, folks. Probably covid forfeits and huge upsets if the conference tournaments are any indications. I've decided I'm rooting for Gonzaga. They should finally win one, and why not in this crazy season? I'll root for the Bonnies and Orange if they make it in. I'm an Orange fan, but I don't see their team this year going anywhere.
  9. Don't know if this a big whoop or not but ... https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tLP1TfIMM5JTzY1YPTiy0otLs5MTlQoSE0vzUkEAHqvCR8&q=jessica+pegula&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS838US838&oq=jessica&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j46i131i433l3j46i433l2j0i131i433j46i131i433l2.3238j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 My boss mentioned this - I told him most Sabres fans would rather the Sabres make it to the SC playoffs. But, good for her.
  10. Xmas gift. need to get an air hockey table for my nephew. Any suggestions?
  11. I found Jacques Pépin's recipe for Eggs Jeannette. Basically a glorified, seared deviled egg in some sort of french mustard-y sauce. I wonder what the recipe for Eggs Jeanneret would be.
  12. https://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/f1/1109241/invitation?key=61d9ad037080633b&ikey=790007386440da4e&soc_src=app-sh Let me know if anyone wants to join... played with some options
  13. It doesn’t matter where you’ve been in this world. We all have stories to tell about our favorite places in the world to see for one reason or another. If something comes to mind later, share that too! Feel free to share pics, if you like. The ones that stick in my head are US Route 30 in Lancaster County, PA and the I-26 corridor from Johnson City, TN to the mountains of South Carolina.
  14. Hi everyone - I found this jersey at my local goodwill and am trying to figure out whose autographs are on it. I think the one near the eye is Randy Burridge but I can’t figure out the one near the horn. Any insights?
  15. Well it is that time of the year again. I thought about a club but I doubt there’s enough interest for that so here we are. My wife planted the raised bed garden this year. We have kale and celery that came up from last years roots. The kale actually never died off. We had growth way back in early March. Today’s PPE was simple and comfortable! This little dandy is my irrigation station. My well water has a ph of 10 or higher so I run down to Bristol and get Canandaigua Lake water for the gardens. Under that upside down trash can is a jet pump with built in pressure tank. The banjo fitting for the tank is plumbed with pex through a back flow valve to keep the pressure on the tank. I just plug it into an extension cord and water away. The pool hose there also has a banjo fitting so I can easily and quickly flood the new trees in my little orchard. I’m trying a scarecrow in my unfenced garden in desperation. The crows have pulled hundreds of seedlings right out of the ground to get at that succulent endosperm. The popcorn and sunflowers were decimated so I replanted and put up the Ogre doppelgänger. These crows seem pretty smart so I’m hoping that this looks so much like a trick to them that they over-analyze and think that it’s a trap! I just need enough time so the roots are developed enough that they can’t pull them out. We leave you with the sun setting over Baileyshire.
  16. Hey Sabrespace folks. I need help identifying this autograph. I live in Las Vegas and went to the Sabres Alumni Road Crew Event in late February 2020. My wife buys me a mystery puck from the event and I cannot, for the life of me, determine who signed it! Any help out there would be awesome. It's signed from a Sabres player this 2019-20 season, that's all we know. Thanks in advance! IMG_3315.HEIC
  17. I know we're all sick and tired of dealing with SIP orders and being stuck in our houses. So, why not lighten the mood with SFWAF comedy? By all means, guys. Share with the rest of us what makes you laugh. I highly encourage video clips. Or, you could tell us all a really funny thing that you observed. Here's my initial offering: https://youtu.be/ptbs5G-xXRg
  18. Ok, guys. A lot of us are starved for sports, and some of us can't work, shop, or go out to eat for obvious reasons. So, what are you doing to pass the time? Please keep it clean.
  19. Per WBEN: https://wben.radio.com/articles/fantasy-island-in-grand-island-announces-it-is-closed
  20. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10157690884851070&id=137302061069
  21. The Buffalo Memorial Auditorium was everything to my dad as a kid. He loved game nights sitting up top in those orange seats and feeling the entire aud rumble due to erupting fans when the Sabres scored a goal. He had an orange seat that was stolen from our house and he was crushed. I have looked everywhere to find one and I am striking out. If anyone knows of ANY orange section AUD seats please contact me. autumn.danny3@yahoo.com
  22. It’s that time of year. The one day we as Americans can justify having that extra slice of pie as though it’s not what we always do. I just wanna take this time to share with my fellow Sabrespace cadets what I’m thankful for. Please feel free to join me. If you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving please join in anyway. It’s like in those movies in your parents top drawer, the more the merrier. 1. I’d go to hell for not saying family. However I want to be specific and say wife and kids. If the roles were reversed and they put me through half the stuff I put them through I’d be getting alimony. 2. Hockey. Perhaps the most dangerous sport because you know razor blades on feet and all. It is culturally diverse. We take people from other countries, get them visas, put them to work and if they step out of line, their “employer” takes their money. Some might say it sounds like human trafficking. I say shut your mouth. 3. Lastly, the Buffalo Sabres. Most people have multiple stressors that cause high blood pressure, depression and general wondering of what’s the point. The Sabres do all that and more for us, the fans. We have a coach who loves the game so much he never took time away from it to play some weird sport like soccer or something. Our GM with the foresight to make bold moves to bring respect back to an organization with a rich history of winning....stuff. To all of you Happy Thanksgiving! Those of you who don’t eat yourselves into a coma I will see you in the Toronto GDT. For you brave souls wondering into the Oval Office thread, I’m putting the foil on boys (or girls or whatever you feel like). ?
  23. I think its time to thank Sabrespacers for their support and generosity in supporting me through this trying time dealing with bladder cancer and rough chemo therapy. I am truly grateful for 50th anniversary jersey its awesome, and plan to pay for and Sabres Rangers game at MSG on Feb 7 with my family. Any left over funds I would like to donate to a bladder cancer research. I am slowly improving, and prognosis good. I will keep you informed. Moral of story get checked and get second opinion. Again Thank You... I am floored!
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