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Night Train

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Everything posted by Night Train

  1. I'm clamoring for something better than .500 and the postseason. Are we there yet ?
  2. Passed up a free ticket yet again. Leaving in a few to do something better with the family. Highlights/lowlights later. Have fun !
  3. 4 hours until another game and no gameday thread. I'll be out with the family and won't watch.
  4. Multiple elite forwards. Let's get real about this roster.
  5. KO on TV right now with Bucci on ESPN2. Had to tell his 5 kids as they came home from school. That has to be something. Saying all the right things naturally.
  6. One game in for the new guy and made a positive impression. This morning , he's probably thinking " Nice to have friends here but man is this team soft..."
  7. Sabres plans.. 1. Get a new set of Callaways. 2. Work on the iron game. 3. Hit Cabo for 2 weeks.
  8. It's 7 months until the next season. Not a week from Friday. Team playing out the string until the golf clubs come out. I'll observe what the team does until October with players, coaches, GM's etc.
  9. Start doing what Vegas does. Trade picks for Vets and win.
  10. And take your brother Don with you. That game was so boring.
  11. TNT crew seeing if they can switch to another game with action.
  12. Amazing that the Sabres have scored 15 goals in 2 games against the Leafs this season. Where did that come from ? People throwing pucks from the stands ?
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