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Night Train

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Everything posted by Night Train

  1. Are some suggesting Back To The Future with Ruff ??
  2. 9. Rochester Nick Tahou garbage plates will be the pre-game meal for all home games.
  3. Cleared 70 F today, North of Buffalo. Sunny and enjoying a cigar outside on the deck.
  4. So this current roster has basically peaked at .500. Non-physical. Wildly inconsistent. Turnover prone. Has some talent but the prime scoring players scored half the expected rate. Needs a major shakeup. With UPL and Levi, they have the G position solidified. After that, the D corp needs a couple more solid players. Power and Samuelsson need a major kick in the can. The Forward group has been puzzling. They were no-shows for such long stretches. Float back on D far too often. Just not rugged at all. Coach and GM are past their expiration date but the owner is AWOL with family and other business concerns. I sensed this was not going well when his wife sent out that bad letter to ticket holders, basically stating their lifestyle came first. Love hockey...but this hockey plan doesn't work. I'll watch to see if changes come before next October but running it back looks like the current thought. They seem so disconnected from reality. Can't blame the fans for taking a pass on tickets. 13 years of April golf.
  5. " As you can see by the recent wins, we're almost there " Adams repeats again and for the next 10 years. Run mediocrity back ! .. or actually try and make the playoffs before we're all dead.
  6. Sabres raised their sticks to the crowd tonight, instead of their 5 iron.
  7. Don't care if Vegas has injuries. I'm enjoying the game out of spite.
  8. Need to see what happens between now and October. Trades now or during the summer ? Any change to coach or GM ? Running it back with little change would be sad. Most of our players we depend on to score saw their production drop to half of expected output.
  9. The bottom line is all these high ratings without results reflects badly on the coaching staff... as it should.
  10. I hope the league looked at that Benson mugging. That was such a blunder by the refs. They should get a red mark for that and demoted.
  11. 50's and 60's F here in WNY. Snowblower still has 3/4ths of a tank. Nothing burger this winter.
  12. Just win > Must win. It's all about getting the golf clubs ready with this current team. I bet many already have April reservations and tee times.
  13. That thread sucked. No one cares what mentally challenged ex-athletes have to say.
  14. Old Bills Asst. and radio loudmouth Chuck Dickerson died at age 86. Appreciate his service in the Marines but his radio work was horrid. Talked a big game prior to the Redskins SB, where we were out of the game 15 minutes after it started. Got fired and went on to talk nonsense on radio.
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