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Night Train

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Everything posted by Night Train

  1. So they muck through the entire .500 season and then wake up in March ? Where was this team all year ??
  2. " Matty just told me the guys need to score goals " - Rob Ray
  3. He ran a 4.31 at the Combine years back, coming out of Ohio St.
  4. Samuel is so versatile and explosive. Good get by Beane.
  5. Feel the same. Let him rehab and be fully ready for next season. Another injury may permanently affect any future with this team. Lots of upcoming prospects and only so many spots on the active roster. Ones best ability is availability.
  6. Did the Sabres call or notify the league ? Hello Adams..
  7. I'll take pressure and urgency over the indifference I viewed from October to February.
  8. He's playing better the last couple of weeks. He stopped skating for long stretches prior and avoided physical play despite being the biggest guy out there. Don't know the reasons why. When you get paid big far earlier than expected ( should have received a 3 year bridge deal ) and play poorly, the worry is the player isn't motivated anymore. He was one of many well paid supposed core players that played far below their value this season.
  9. 13 years of no playoffs when half of the teams make the playoffs speaks volumes. I believe that explains a lot of posts quite clearly.
  10. That confirms to me they won't change and feel untouchable. " We are doing it right " . Detached.
  11. So far, Beane retained the players I hoped he would. The posted $ numbers are always something different in real cap figures. Really needed to keep Jones, Epenesa, Rapp and Lewis on D. Floyd is turning 33 and vanished down the stretch after a good start. . Didn't think he was staying. Have zero idea how much room they have after the Allen restructure. I believe this time around he's happy to have the extra draft picks in what is being rated as a very deep draft.
  12. NFLN - OT Dion Dawkins: Agreed to a three-year, $60.5 million extension. Dawkins was entering the final year of his contract. (Mike Garafolo)
  13. And now a report (Buff News) that he's getting a 3 year extension.
  14. Yes, it's more likely they package some to move up after getting a Comp 4th instead of the expected 3rd rounder. We'll see. Need a partner. I expect an Allen and maybe Taron Johnson contract redo to be announced shortly. FA tampering starts tomorrow with contracts getting signed on Wed. Would allow the Bills to go get a couple players or more. Brown of Ariz. and Chark of Carolina are WR's that can stretch the D. More are out there. Fill the roster ? DL and Safety also.
  15. He played far better than Power and Samuelsson many games. Keep him around as #6 or #7. Need the depth. Then focus on forwards that don't float and score half their expected total.
  16. So basically we need to win every game and have a drone bomb the opposing arena's ?
  17. I doubt they mess with Rochester, if they are in playoff contention. If anything, make them stronger late. Sabres will finish the year just being the Sabres....which isn't that good.
  18. I would vote someone else. Have to think about it and see if anyone new arrives before October. I think those top 4 aren't C types at all.
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