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Everything posted by TageMVP

  1. Might be in your best interest to not watch the game at all then
  2. Comrie playing well. Makin up for the lack of shots the Sabres have produced
  3. This an admirable topic. Good on you for owning your incorrect predictions Most people cower when they're incorrect
  4. For now he is I dont see any excuse for the putrid display of defense night in and night out though
  5. Lol with Toronto playing soft up 4 Anderson starts and it's 10-0 in the 1st period
  6. When the other two are Gramps Andy and C list Comrie, I am
  7. Comrie, Anderson or any AHL scrub gets torched by this Toronto team
  8. Except in that San Jose game 1 game ago? What?
  9. They both hate Adams because of that Carolina cup team
  10. And that great shot has generated exactly 9 goals all season
  11. Lol it's easy to say this right after he scores But because you asked ill say 53 GP 9 Goals Glad he got us the lead though
  12. How does Anaheim have zero shots. Zero Sabres lose 2-1 Comrie 2 shots zero saves
  13. The Red Wings need an upgrade. Some times less is more, but those are plain and boring
  14. The Ducks might have the ugliest jerseys in the league
  15. It really is befuddling in regards to how awful they play defense I seem to recall the Winnipeg game not too long ago where the Sabres won and the defense was phenomenal. Doesn't make sense. Defense is effort. Should be more simple than scoring 5 goals per game UPL hung out to dry game after game after game after game... Could UPL be better? Yes. Is it entirely his fault, ever? Resounding no Good news, if any, is that even though this recent stretch has been difficult to watch, the Sabres are still not below .500 Time to get up and go. Final push. Still have games in hand on a few of these teams
  16. They left UPL out to dry in the 1st period, on every goal actually That kind of defense should be inexcusable at the pro level Use the break to run defensive drills
  17. They stink They should bring back the 50th anniversary jerseys or the heritage classic jerseys
  18. 3-2 Sabres Goal scored late in the 3rd to break the tie UPL 44 shots 42 saves
  19. 1 point behind the Sabres. 2 points out of the wildcard. Excellent goalie. Took the Sabres to overtime in a hard fought win for the Sabres Yeah. They suck. Hopeless even Lol
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