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Everything posted by TageMVP

  1. They're a different team when he's on the ice
  2. Time to start that 5 game winning streak Islanders will start their 5 game losing streak
  3. They play like they did against the Rangers and they will have a solid chance. In this game and for the playoffs. Tuch is back. No question he adds an element that no other current player provides to this team Islanders are nervous. They had a nice slump mid-season. The pressures mounting, and they're barely holding onto that last wild card spot. Out of the Sabres, Florida and Ottawa, the Islanders are the worst. Sorokin is their forever MVP They better hope the Sabres don't go on a run...
  4. I seriously wonder why the post lockout "rules" just faded away seemingly overnight. The trapezoid is pointless, though. I strongly dislike 3 on 3 in overtime, as Thorny said earlier. 3 on 3 has way too much open ice, a team can horde the puck forever, and if a team takes a penalty it's basically over for them. Some executive was saying a way while back that penalties in OT should only be a minute long, I might agree there. Every thing about overtime is far too gimmicky. 3 on 3, shootout, LOSER point. Get rid of all of it. Why would a team ever get a point for losing? Makes beyond zero sense. Shootouts are exciting, but that's about it. Would not mind them going back to 5 on 5 for 5 minutes and ties. Makes the most sense, easily The refs are all over the place lately, but Dahlin has to be smarter there. He's a leader on this team, no excuses Lead by example
  5. Usually the Sabres implode in the beginning or middle of a season. They waited until the end this time, for extra pain and agony
  6. Peterka needs to find out who high sticked him and high stick that guy right back. Why not the refs don't call anything anyway
  7. Sabres lookin a lot more fresh than that Dallas game so far
  8. Regarding the topic, the way the Sabres play defense is the far greater problem than who is in net. They somehow play worse defense than when Ullmark was here UPL is a decent goalie considering the absolute horrendous defense in front of him. This team doesn't even TRY to play defense. Absurd I haven't lost any faith in UPL. Keep him, start him
  9. Anaheim has two in the top 5
  10. How can you play like this 2 games in a row with the season on the line? What is Granato telling them? Is he saying anything at all?
  11. Derek Roy is going behind the bench with Granato. Comeback incoming 7-3 Sabres win
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