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Everything posted by TageMVP

  1. The game where Cozens won it in overtime less than 15 seconds in wasn't boring
  2. How crazy would a 12 game winning streak be I mean they got 10 with Housley as coach with divas as the leaders They definitely have the firepower to do it...
  3. I give you laughing smiley face And Pimlack gave me the x in the Pegula thread for saying the Pegulas have been spending money lol Plus he didn't explain why
  4. And even then I still think you keep him unless a coach with heavy merit is in line to replace him Was Byslma a good coach? Probably not. He did have to coach a bunch of misfits, though. Was 2 years long enough? No Was Housley a good coach? Probably not. Again, 2 years is an absurdly short window. Simliar/same players as well Was Ralph a good coach? This one's easier. No. 2 years is still too short. His mistakes were more blatant You can't give a coach only 2 years total and expect real changes to happen Continuity matters Keep firing keep coaches too early, change the system every two years and the cycle will continue. It's been continuing for 12 years
  5. They've spent quite bit of money recently to be fair
  6. Wouldn't be a good idea It's clear and obvious he's been the best coach since Ruff. Firing coaches too early or after 1 or 2 years rarely works. Tage, Tuch, Skinner and Dahlin are all having their best years. You fire him now, you risk losing their confidence in this organizations competency. Trades could be demanded by some of the players in the near future If you were to fire him now, then the entire team has to re-learn a completely different system. Mid-season. The players are already upset about this recent stretch. Tage was livid and checking everything, fighting, I thought he played a great game yesterday. You fire Granato and Adams could lose this team mentally for good. There's no way this would go over well in the locker room The better answer is for Granato to let the assistant coaches go, if he does that, it proves he has the guts necessary to do what needs to be done. He knows this team has problems He deserves at the very least the entirety of next year. Not saying he's a Jon Cooper, and their teams were and are in completely different stages, but Tampa Bay got swept by Columbus and he did not get fired. Some people wanted it. Then look what happened. Coaches need the appropriate amount of time. 2 years or less isn't enough
  7. Stop leaving the Goaltender out to dry
  8. They weren't even that bad to begin with
  9. Dahlin can play those minutes if he doesn't get cross checked in the back repeatedly which causes a lingering issue the rest of the way. Teams know they can still do that with little to no repercussions. He was great before that cross check
  10. Doesn't matter how good he supposedly is if hes hurt most of the time Injured last year, injured three different times this year The guy is big, but doesn't check anyone, doesn't fight, why is he hurt all the time Here buddy here's a 7 year contract now be hurt 75% of the time. Yay
  11. Make up call or not, it doesn't matter. Tuch took an obvious retaliation penalty Tuch retaliated. That always get called. If he has to punch or shove, keep the fists lower
  12. Tuch cleary got a punch up high to Irwins face. It wasn't a heavy punch, but he still made contact that was unnecessary. The result stinks, but that's a penalty
  13. I like Tuch and he's an essential part of the team but that penalty he took was something like a Tom Wilson would do He's a leader, he cannot take penalties like that at critical junctures, let alone at all Disappointing
  14. I like the premise of this topic. Can't wait around forever. Andersons old and Comrie is useless. UPL has potential Go for it
  15. The Islanders and Senators both have tough matchups on the road tonight. They both lose and they'll both be sweating Sabres lurking... it ain't over yet
  16. They're a different team when he's on the ice
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