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Everything posted by Flashsabre

  1. Arizona seems like a good trade match. A lot of options that would help the forward group that could be moved: Crouse, Kerfoot, Bjustad, O’Brien
  2. Imagine he came out and said: ”Guys my ass is really on the line here. I’m going to get really desperate in the offseason. This guy sitting beside me, he’s gone. The following players I feel are garbage and will be gone….”
  3. If I was Adams I would have this year’s first up as part of a deal for an impact younger forward.
  4. Things the biggest black mark against the coaching staff. Unacceptable.
  5. A 25 year old 2nd/3rd line centre for a 22 year old top pairing dman. You make that deal everytime. Byram will be the better player long term.
  6. “Hello, It’s Terry, he’s the problem, it’s Terry” I don’t care what Adams says, he is on a strict budget. The quality of the coaching staff is proof enough. 0 for 13 years as owner is just mind boggling. Why Pegula refuses to bring in vet, successful hockey people in the front office and behind the bench has killed them for 13 years.
  7. You can get rid of anyone if you are willing to pay the price. put him on waivers, send him to the AHL. Retain 50% of his salary to move him with a sweetener or buy him out.
  8. Great wins today! Do they get 4 points?😃 Byram is going to be a game changer. I think Skinner’s time is up in Buffalo. I like Robinson’s game. How can they be this bad at faceoffs still? That’s on coaching. This coaching staff has to go. There are more than enough pieces here to be playoff bound. Power is super talented. He needs support and mentoring right now. Vancouver brought in Foote and Gonchar to revamp the Canucks back end. Edmonton brought in Coffey. I think Power needs a vet competent D partner and a coach that can help him develop. Dahlin-Bryam-Power is a great building block and with UPL coming on in net they should be so much better. It’s up to Adams to support these guys properly.
  9. And Bryam exploded by getting out of Colorado
  10. Metsa is a really good dman. I think he sees NHL time. So smart.
  11. Best deal of the day! Not having to see Cooley 💩 the bed for the Amerks is a big plus.😂
  12. What did they possibly give up to acquire Hertl?
  13. For a 5th. Arizona wouldn’t retain money so he had to go somewhere they would take his salary so that is why the return is so underwhelming
  14. Would like to see Z moved. He has been a good soldier for a long time and deserves a chance in the playoffs. Guy’s game is built for he playoffs. If I’m a contender Is jump on him for my 4th line
  15. I would be utterly shocked if Boston touched PLD with a ten foot pole
  16. Verbeek is old school and Zegras doesn’t fit his type of player. On one hand Zegras is the type of playmaker they need. But he is not the type of guy you win playoff series with. Watched the Leafs play the Bruins twice this last week and the fancy skill of the Leafs disappeared when the going got tough. That’s what I think Verbeek’s view of Zegras is.
  17. Cozens can not be a centre. He doesn’t think the game well enough. When the puck is on his stick and he has to make a decision it usually doesn’t turn out well. Let him go up and down his wing with his speed and rip shots. They need a centre who really thinks and distributes the puck. That is not Thompson either. Mitts could think and distribute but didn’t play with enough pace to take over. The PP suffers because every team knows everything has to run from up top because they don’t have a thinker that can run it down low and give them different looks. Krebs is the closest they have right now Quinn could probably do it if healthy. Östlund is the closest thing in the system but is a couple years away. Savoie too.
  18. He was their best player tonight. Not a high bar right now but he looked good
  19. I cannot watch Comrie play one more game. Pickup Raanta on waivers for the rest of the year Indont care just no more Comrie
  20. Someone is being sent a message with this lineup😂 Enjoy the 4th line Skinner
  21. Interested to see Byram with Dahlin. Play Girgs 30 minutes tonight at centre. Then trade him as a 30 minute centre tomorrow for a huge return😜
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