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Everything posted by Flashsabre

  1. Wonder what Montreal does at #1. Takes the pressure off if they were leaning away from Wright.
  2. https://thehockeywriters.com/maple-leafs-blackhawks-blockbuster-trade-debrincat-dach-muzzin-mrazek/ I have seen some one sided asinine trade proposals in my time but this is from a guy writing for a website. Coles Notes version for those that don’t want to read: Chicago trades DeBrincat, Dach and Murphy (while retaining salary) to Toronto for Mrazek, Muzzin and a 1st round pick.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  3. 1919 was first Memorial Cup. 1972 the 3 League Champions started playing each other for the Memorial Cup. 1983 started the 4 team tournament which added the host city as the 4th team to boost attendance.
  4. St. John was knocked out early, fired their head coach and brought in the University head coach to coach them for the Memorial Cup. Super odd but it has got them to the Final.
  5. 2-2 in the semi final vs Hamilton. Nadeau set up the first goal and just tipped in the tying goal. Kid is a player. If they can improve his skating he could be an impact player. Lots of Andreychuk traits around the net. Nadeau has scored in every game of the Memorial Cup so far.
  6. And he can only play about 25 games a season too.
  7. They have a new front office, and new coaching staff led by Richardson. The insiders are saying they are taking calls on DeBrincat and Dach and might not qualify Strome or Kubilik but that is unlikely. They aresaying the only players not currently available are Jones, Toews and Kane. Jones because they just gave up the farm to get him and give him a massive contract. Toews and Kane because they have been the faces of the franchise for Cup Winners. Both control their destiny though with one year left at over $10 million. They can both go to management and say they want out and I think that is what the Hawks want at this point it is just semantics. Hawks are looking at a full rebuild and I doubt either want to extend after this season.
  8. Again this is not the Sabres draft board. It is a guy who posts at hockeybuzz who some think has a relative who works for the Sabres but no one knows. Even if he had access to the Sabres he is not going to be stupid enough to post their draft list in a chat forum. And remember with Mintyukov that he played with Bloom at Saginaw so Buffalo scouts probably had more eyes on him this season then a lot of the other draft eligible players. That is usually a big determining factor when choosing between potential picks. Won’t mean he will be the pick at 16 if available but they will be very well versed in his abilities.
  9. Solution is simple: 1) obtain a flux Capacitor 2) buy a DeLorian 3) set time to 1997 4) bring back 1990s Dominik Hasek 5) keep his 1990s contract in tact 6) Cup😁
  10. Chicago desperately needs to reboot the franchise, get the bad taste out of fans mouths from the scandal and start fresh with some new young franchise players coming from high picks. Kane to Buffalo, Toews to Winnipeg. Send the guys home to finish their careers. I could see it. I mean if they are looking to move DeBrincat the fans aren’t going to be enthused with the franchise. The only downside is acquisition cost for Buffalo. But Adams would have the hammer of “We’ll just check in on him as a UFA instead” to play. Adding Kane would likely open the door to the higher end goalies and dmen to consider coming to Buffalo too.
  11. I guarantee that is not the Sabres list. Even if he had insight to the Sabres he wouldn’t dare post their list in a chat forum.
  12. I don’t even know what this means. Why did he type 9) ?
  13. Ottawa, Detroit or Buffalo all could be landing spots
  14. I have followed the draft since the early 90s and I would bet this season would be the most volatile and if you lined up every team’s draft board and compared them that each one would be wildly different. Between Covid and lack of playing time for some leagues the past few years and the Russia situation it all leads to very divergent views on players from each team.
  15. Why don’t we just link back to the last 15 times this exact Ullmark discussion has happened. Save everyone from typing out the exact same posts again.
  16. You deserve to get blasted at this point. Let It Go. What was the deal he was willing to sign? He walked away for a better situation, disappointed them when it counted to the point they turned to their other goalie and are looking to move Ullmark after a single season. The guy is injury probes on top of it.
  17. Based on nothing but your opinion
  18. In my mind Adams has a secret team of scientists and engineers working in a lab in the bowels of the arena actively building a bionic knee for Bishop and he will announce come September that Bishop is healthy and has never looked better.😁
  19. Pitt: Mario, Jagr, Crosby, Malkin etc and Edmonton: Gretzky, Messier, Kurri, Coffey, McDavid, Draisaitl have capped out on generational and superstar players.😀 So Rosen is a bust already. Wow that was quick. Wonder why they signed him for Rochester if his career is basically over.
  20. Vasilevskiy was brutal in game 2, wouldn’t touch him with a 10 foot pole and MacKinnon hasn’t scored in the Finals, wouldn’t even pick him up on waivers.😜 One or two bad games does not make a career.
  21. Pittsburgh Hockey Now: “It’s shocking, if not a bit embarrassing. It has been seven years since the Penguins drafted an NHL regular. Yep, in 2015 the Penguins selected…Dominik Simon. The Penguins have whiffed in every draft since. That’s costing them a lot of salary cap space, too. Pittsburgh Penguins draft-day woes.” Just find the Pens draft list and don’t draft anyone they are interested in.😛
  22. The physical copy of the book. I looked at it the other day.
  23. I missed the memo that teams can only make one move per offseason. Better players on the team make it more attractive to potential free agents, goalies included.
  24. https://www.tsn.ca/shane-wright-nhl-draft-prospect-ranking-craig-button-1.1815325 Craig Button’s final rankings are uh interesting.
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