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Everything posted by JustOneParade

  1. I used to call it the RJ Drinking Game. Every time RJ uttered that phrase you had to do a shot. Blind by the first intermission most nights.
  2. Just to be clear, I presume @Doohickie never said anything about 75 points. But when the question was asked 'who will claim the chicken dinner?' I simply couldn't resist in light of the avatar. ✌️
  3. Great call @PASabreFan. The game last night was blacked out for me on ESPN+ so I listened to the first period on the radio. Got absolutely none of what you described in your first paragraph. I realize it can't be the same as listening to RJ but still. It was so hard to listen to that I turned it off.
  4. This guy. He said if the Sabres get to 75 points 'I'll eat my hat".
  5. A couple thoughts: When I hear Rick has been doing this for 51 years I think, 'Man, that's a long time'. But it's just a number. Then I think, 'RJ has been doing this since I was 15 years old. Holy sh*t, that's a LONG time!'. Seems much different in the latter context yet the same number of years. Incredible run for RJ. As to his impact ... my wife has been watching most Sabres' games with me over the past couple years. On a scale of 1 to 10 her knowledge of hockey is probably a 4 (mine a 7 or 8). When I tell her 'the Sabres are playing tonight' she doesn't ask me who they are playing. The first question out of her mouth is 'Is Rick calling the game?'. Tonight will be a tough one knowing its his last call. I'll be raising a glass to him when the game ends.
  6. If the Russian prospects can get out and all goes well on draft day this year, the Amerks games may be quite enjoyable over the next 2-3 years.
  7. I realize much can change in 12 months. But even assuming none of VGK's 'seasoned vets' regress a bit because of age, can anyone see this team beating COL or Calgary in a seven game series to get out of the West playoffs next year? And if they should, could they beat any of the top 4 teams in the east to win a Cup? I'd say there's less than a 5% chance of Las Vegas winning a Cup before that roster disintegrates.
  8. I give it a 25% chance the Bills pick in their slot. Beane will move up if there's someone they love that has dropped into a good value range. I think there's a better chance he will move out of the first round altogether. Some team that wants a quarterback (i.e., Carolina?) but not in the first 10 picks may look to get back into the end of round one. If Beane can get an extra 2nd and 3rd, both very early in those rounds, he'll take them and make some hay with the first four picks. JMO.
  9. ^ This. Beane does a great job of succession planning with the roster. With all the debate about Edmunds future, we'll get a pretty good idea of what the Bills are thinking in that regard over the next couple days.
  10. My comment on Tuch was based on my perception that Tage became even more productive when Tuch joined the line. Maybe the numbers don't support that.
  11. Again, to you guys who follow this stuff closely: Would you rather have 16 this year or a pick in the bottom third of the '23 draft? I ask because I've read here and elsewhere how strong next year's crop of prospects will be. Obviously will be determined by the ping pong balls. Which begs another question. If Las Vegas 'wins' and moves up to 10 (however unlikely) does the traded pick automatically defer to '23 or does Las Vegas have the option to defer in that scenario?
  12. As we speculate on TT's future performance he will be dealing with the headwind of no longer surprising anyone. Two things to feel good about? He's still developing as a NHL center. And he'll have Tuch on his line for an entire season (if DG leaves the line that way).
  13. I think this is the glorious culmination of almost 2 full seasons of a complete sh*tshow saga. And the board is rightfully reveling in it because Eichel did himself no favors throughout (and to some degree prior). I also think we will mostly move on now. Hoping for a productive offseason to build upon the last two months of this year. We'll be focused on the Sabres continued resurgence and not give a crap about what's going on out West - other than when the Sabres play Las Vegas. I think it will be more like 'Eichel is dead to me now' and rarely discussed. But evidence suggests I may be totally off base here. How many years ago did the Sabres trade Ryan O'Reilly?
  14. I would imagine the barn will be pretty full Friday night with an amped up crowd. It would be great if the Sabres could get Portillo, Levi, Johnson and Huglen to the game. A recruiting trip of sorts. But I'm sure that would violate some NCAA rule, potentially costing them their remaining eligibility.
  15. Thanks @inkman. It appears I overlooked a bit of earlier conversation on the subject. Ralph Krueger: The gift that keeps on giving.
  16. Who's decision was it to replace Taylor? And what was the given reason? Happened around the time of the great purge, didn't it?
  17. I was in high school when the Sabres came into being. (Thereby revealing that I am older than most of you). Grew up watching HNIC as a kid every Saturday evening. Sabres fan from the beginning but lost track periodically as I moved around the country for work and before the internet. (in case you didn't get my age reference the first time 😁). Watched the Fog Game while away at college.
  18. Joker partnering with the new young guy Power is good practice for when Joker does the same on the third line with Ryan Johnson.
  19. This. I think it is vitally important that the players see that the plan is viable and beginning to show results. Unlike the malaise created by the rudderless plan of the past however many years.
  20. Players are more relaxed and certainly more affable during the practice rounds. Especially on Tuesday. On Wednesday you can see them starting to get more serious and focus on 'work'. Been to the practice rounds at the Masters several times (and one final round, too). If you like golf and have never been to Augusta National, put it on your bucket list. Television does not do it justice for just how beautiful that place is.
  21. Went to the '03 tournament at Oak Hill. Was planning to hit golf in the AM then an afternoon Bills training camp practice in Pittsford. (The PGA was played in mid-August back then). Had sponsors tickets for the PGA. Hospitality Tent. ☺️ The Bills had to make due without me that day.
  22. I wonder if this optimism that most of us feel about the team is shared by the players themselves. Surely it must. (Insert 'Airplane!' bit here). And assuming so, might it result in the players pushing themselves, and each other where possible, a little harder than they otherwise might during the offseason? Anyone have any first-hand experience with this type of situation?
  23. It feels like once the Sabres get set up in the offensive zone they can be reasonably (above average?) productive. VO being at full strength helps. But .... getting the puck into the zone and set up with the man advantage seems to be quite problematic more often than not. (As opposed to teams easily gaining the zone regularly against the Sabres when on their PP). The data may prove this all to be a mirage.
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