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Cascade Youth

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Everything posted by Cascade Youth

  1. I’m just really glad Kevyn Adams is a good guy who Terry can trust. Honestly that’s all that matters.
  2. Now you wait just a minute. Are you telling me that Appleby's isn't smoking its own hog in-house? You just can't trust anyone or anything anymore.
  3. Had no idea he was from Buffalo - guy had a very interesting life and was super influential.
  4. Just looking at those chairs is inflaming my sciatica.
  5. You generally have it right, but where hearsay evidence is being offered not for its truth but for something else (like the fact of a report made by Trotter and the NFL’s response), the judge will need to weigh its probative value against the potential for prejudice. Here, it’s impossible to predict how that will come out: the potential for prejudice is high (because the NFL will argue that jurors will be confused about a hearsay instruction and will unfairly assume the truth of the statement and it hold against the NFL, i.e., deem it to be racist). What I’ve often seen judges do in this scenario is rule that the statement can come in with some verbal redactions - i.e., Trotter may be permitted to testify that he heard from a colleague that an unnamed (to the jury) owner made a comment that could be construed as racist. The problem here of course is that it’s too late for Terry, his name has already been smeared publicly.
  6. It does not. You’re correct. But this is the same law firm that represents Brian Flores in his suit against the NFL and, despite him having a binding arbitration clause, filed a public Complaint which casually included an allegation of tanking against the Dolphins’ owner. Which was not at all necessary for Flores’ claims - but got plenty of clicks. This is just what they do.
  7. No doubt, they’re great at what they do, which is branding themselves as a firm and using the media to litigate (starting with well-written but sensationalized pleadings).
  8. Don’t assume those things. Chambers is an elite list but it’s not a badge of ethical behavior. You can get on the Chambers list by getting high-profile results and a few key referrals/references. And Widgor is known for pushing ethical boundaries, again, check out Leon Black’s lawsuit against the firm and it isn’t the first of its kind. I have dealt with the Wigdor firm and let me just say I have serious concerns about their diligence. They draft Complaints for the media not for the court and they’re really good at that but that’s what they’re doing, sometimes at the expense of their own clients’ interest. The moment the Complaint is filed it has its own webpage, think about that. Media hit jobs are their MO.
  9. That is correct but good luck proving it. Getting a lawsuit dismissed as frivolous (as opposed to unable to state a cause of action) is probably an even higher bar than proving defamation.
  10. I addressed this earlier. The public figure standard is irrelevant because the speech - an allegation contained in a lawsuit pleading - is immune from liability under defamation law.
  11. I know this area of law well. You are conflating a few different things. Statements of opinion (generally) are not actionable under defamation law, only statements of fact. That has nothing to do with the qualified litigation privilege.
  12. Yes. But it's a qualified privilege, not an absolute privilege. You *might* be able to challenge it if you can show that it was superfluous to the lawsuit and was put into the pleading in an effort to shield it from a defamation claim. But that's a tough showing (and won't work here since it's related to the core claims). Sorry but you're just wrong about that. Statements contained in a pleading in a lawsuit are protected speech afforded a qualified privilege which is a defense to a defamation claim. Extremely hard (but not impossible) to pierce that privilege.
  13. When they injured Rhett Warrener and it killed our playoff hopes.
  14. Isaak Rosen's mother has entered the chat.
  15. Wonder who Adams was trying to move up for - if it was Michkov, Adams’ board was the same as mine. Benson is an amazing consolation prize.
  16. He makes Rosen immediately expendable, not Savoie. Always use the draft stockpile talent, not to fill needs. Wanted a trade up for Michkov but this is the second best outcome.
  17. At some point in his tenure, Adams HAS to do something bold, no? Is it really just “fly the plane straight” every day, every year?
  18. I had a nightmare the other night that I was still paying Christian Erhoff.
  19. I mean just in the last year alone, Matthew Tkachuk, no?
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