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Everything posted by PerreaultForever

  1. Most definitely, and you get into a kind of conundrum over it. If he's not physically ready can he play properly and develop properly focusing on what he needs to focus on or is he spending too much time trying to keep his head up or backing off contact and trying to learn to avoid contact. I think we have rushed him. I'd contrast him with Krebs who spent more time at a lower level. He could still add some muscle to help his game, but he has a lot less fear in it.
  2. laugh all you want, but since he got thumped a few games back I've seen him back off players a number of times. So you don't like the word afraid, you prefer overly cautious? Hesitating? How do you want to phrase it?
  3. Reading this piece, Cassidy also dumping on his goalie. Jack, typically, doesn't shoulder the blame and admit he has to be better, he prefers to spread the blame around a little. What a leader! 🙂 https://www.sportsnet.ca/nhl/article/he-needs-to-be-one-of-the-drivers-golden-knights-cassidy-calls-out-eichels-play/
  4. You have to remember Cassidy has gone from Bergeron to Eichel. Cassidy's system is all about defensive accountability. If Eichel had zero points in that stretch but had a plus rating, Cassidy would be happier with him. Same reason he had a problem with DeBrusk.
  5. idk. He needs to be bigger and stronger, and less afraid. He needs to grow into a man so to speak. Too many times I see him in the right position, ready to make the right play, but he'll stop or back away from contact and won't press the play further, so the opponent just moves past him or passes easily. So mentally I think he can read the plays and make the decisions, but he's just too gun shy after that, and a lot of that is because he's not physically ready. Send him to the weight room every day.
  6. Yes, but I was just talking about today. That Zegras goal on the short side was poor positioning by UPL and should never have gone in. The long shot was weak as well.
  7. However, ultimately, it doesn't mean much as some of those top "dominant" teams made early playoff exits. So clearly, there is another missing component(s).
  8. I generally don't like to dump on goalies but there was some shoddy goaltending in this one (both sides). Ducks are in the tank. Fully immersed. I found myself wondering today could Cozens be our Bergeron and Krebs be our Marchand? Cozens really seems to be coming into his own and is only being held back by being saddled with the rookies. Quinn shouldn't be in the NHL. He's just not ready. But Cozens has got it all and that drive and focus with 2 way ability is making me think Bergeron. Some will say Krebs isn't a dirty Marchand type rat, but watch closely, it's coming. Kid likes to get in close, toss an elbow, a slash, a little butt end, scraps and yaps. Sure, he hasn't licked anyone (yet) but I can see the Marchand in him developing. Eichel trade looking even better. We need that. Lybushkyn was good today. Solid play as others have said. Tage is bothering me though. He just seems to be floating at times. Lacking desire? Just not into it? Head elsewhere? idk. Might be nothing. See how it goes. This game was more like it should have been against Chicago. With good goaltending this game is 6-1 or a shutout.
  9. So using this chart, who usually wins the Stanley Cup? I'm assuming it'd be "dominant"?
  10. I really don't understand why people here think any team would be interested in Vinnie, especially with his salary. The only scenario for a trade that I could see is if we made (for example) a deal for Chychrun that was all picks and prospects. We could throw Vinnie in to keep them above the cap floor. Otherwise, this is not much different to Sheehan. Just another scrub who was signed as insurance and lost his job to a youngster. Time for Vinnie to consider a European vacation.
  11. It was only a matter of time before this inevitably happened. It's what Cassidy does. That's why Krejci went home to Europe and DeBrusk demanded a trade. Cassidy always throws players under the bus. But he's not wrong. Eichel lacks character and drive. Talent aside, he's the exact opposite of Tuch.
  12. Even if he doesn't, I suspect that will be what KA will do (if he ever even had a shopping list). Myself, I'd still upgrade Comrie.
  13. I think a game like this shows you who the true emotional leaders are on this club, and those are the people it needs to keep building around. If Cozens, Tuch and Dahlin are not wearing the letters next year this team truly is clueless.
  14. I'm really just looking at the dark black comedy, perhaps irony, of how that would go on Miller night. Are the hockey gods jokesters? 🙂 To some extent you're right, but I'm not sure there's anybody on the roster who would actually do much of anything other than a little push and shove.
  15. No, what I'm saying is Philly, with Gritty, has been very LGBQT supportive and has gained fans. More than a lot of other teams so it's rather "awkward" for them, as an organization, to have to deal with this issue. There were Provorov trade rumours before, so I wonder if this action might lead to that happening.
  16. I've gone over this before but l will put it in this appropriate thread for anyone who doesn't know my story yet. When I was a kid hockey wasn't watched in my house (immigrant parents, my dad liked soccer, boxing and the olympics). I grew up in Hamilton Ontario and all my young friends were Leafs or Habs fans (mostly Leafs). Leafs sucked and I'm not much of a group follower peer pressure type. Everybody was talking hockey all the time though so finally I got to flip the Stanley Cup on the tv and my first game was the Bobby Orr flying through the air cup victory over St. Louis. Orr and Boston became my team for this reason (it was cool) AND also because the black and gold was the same uniform colours as the local CFL football Hamilton Tiger Cats. Naturally the Habs were the enemy and as I started to watch and like hockey more and more I discovered the local Buffalo tv broadcasts as well which back then were on free tv a few times a week. These French Connection guys were pretty cool and when they knocked off Montreal in the playoffs I was hooked. That became my team. I kept Boston as a sort of B team that has served me well in recent years with Buffalo's ineptitude. I'm also watching the Kraken as I'm now living on the west coast. But Buffalo is still my team. I am probably insane 🙂 Saw the Sabres a few times in the Aud. Once in Hamilton (a terrible game). Haven't gone to a live NHL game in years though. I did get to play hockey once with Dave Andreychuk, and I learned pretty quickly why high school hockey was the peak of my career 🙂 and this is why I have a fondness for the goat head:
  17. Miller was a good goalie but I personally don't really think he deserves a retired number. I wonder what'll happen tonight if an islander runs our goalie?
  18. The interesting thing with this (in how it ultimately plays out) is Gritty is a bit of a gay icon. As I understand it, even some non hockey fans took to this mascot for some reason or other.
  19. Watched the Isles lose to the Bruins tonight. They are pretty banged up and lacking in offense but they do play that close checking and stifling style we seem to struggle with. It will be difficult to beat them, but perhaps the timing is good.
  20. I was muted a few years ago for using the T word so this comment should not be allowed either. (personally I'd allow both, but I'm not an admin and fair is fair).
  21. Well I can't speak for the board, but I see no reason to trade for him. He isn't going to get us into the playoffs any more than he's getting Vancouver in so you might as well talk to him in free agency if you want. Why give up a boatload of picks and prospects for a few months. You can say the deal would have to involve signing him, but this puts him in a huge negotiating advantage that makes him likely TOO overpaid. We find out soon if this team is serious about winning or if it's just a bare bones low cost outfit now as I'm sure there will be plenty of teams looking to off load salaries and we have the room (in exchange for prospects and picks obviously). Personally, I doubt we do much of anything.
  22. Just 3? There's only about 6 or 7 I definitely want to keep. But to stay on topic, Bryson, VO and Mitts since Vinnie is already gone and Skinner cannot be unloaded, we all know that. I still believe, as I have all year, that Kyle and Zemgus should be deadline dealt if possible (all the sentimental folks can go ahead and red X me all they want). At least half this team is useless though.
  23. I doubt he gets pick up with that salary (deadline deals looming and all that) for what he brings (not much) but we can all relax, we're still about a million above the floor :}
  24. I think that's definitely true but I suspect he's far from the only one.
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