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Everything posted by Derrico

  1. If you're even contemplating Tkachuk you have to contemplate Marner. I would only do it for a centre also but Marner really is incredible.
  2. That's the question. Heard on the way home leafs are about $7 mil under the cap right now but have to sign Marner.
  3. I don't know if I go Marner. But we may be close enough that an Aho offer sheet puts this team on a pretty quick upward trajectory.
  4. I was banging the drum a bit to keep Risto. But now that a near replacement level player is here I'm fine with a trade. But only if we can get a good 2C back. Risto still holds a decent amount of value. Sabres arn't in cap trouble so only trade him if it really upgrades the forwards. Otherwise you keep him and run out the best 6 D you have since the 05-07 days.
  5. I would almost use the word ‘loaded’ to describe their D right now. Get us a 2C and atleast one more winger. Even if they use Risto for 2C I love the look going into the season back there.
  6. Yep and if he's looking for 5 years then thanks but no thanks.
  7. 5 year deal on Zuc? No thanks. I'm with Modo and want him for 2-3 years but no way I'm going 5.
  8. I’m not going back and quoting people to call them out. Just happy I don’t have to keep seeing it over and over again next draft. I hope. Not to mention I was obviously being facetious.
  9. Personally I’m fine with nylander assumingky training in Sweden than fly over for camp. This is such a great week for rookies and second year guys to get a taste of what it takes and all of the resources available at their disposal. Not sure what benefit that would really be for nylander. It’s make it or break it time and if he feels training in Europe is best for his development in order to be ready for October than so be it.
  10. I don't think it needs to be stated but I have no illusions TT well end up nearly as good as Stamkos (arguable one of the great goal scorers in the game). I'm just saying that I think the shot could be very good one day. Yes he gets leverage with his huge stick. That's part of the appeal to him and not something that should be just dismissed. He will always have that big long stick. *no that's what she said jokes*
  11. Yes he does whiff but I'm hoping that aspect can be fixed. Donno how you watch these and don't think it's a good shot. https://www.nhl.com/sabres/video/ellis-breaks-down-thompsons-shot/t-277437090/c-66145603 (really like this one) (show me the NHL highlights of Nylander doing this) https://www.nhl.com/sabres/video/thompsons-top-shelf-snipe/t-277437090/c-65408603 https://www.nhl.com/sabres/video/thompson-beats-sparks-to-tie-game/t-277437090/c-61218703 @Randall Flagg - Notice in the first video it's your boy Point and Vasilevskiy he pulls that off on.
  12. I like that second line in your first lineup. If Mitts can take a bit of a step and take pressure off by moving him to wing that has the potential of being an enormous upgrade from last year.
  13. Wouldn't it though? They say they want to draft and develop. You've drafted, let's see you develop them now.
  14. Wow. I guess I'm in the minority on this. I know points arn't everything (but I'm also not going to pretend Nylander wins the 'all around player' category). NHL Games - Tage - 106 games 10 11 21 vs Nylander 19 3 3 6 2019 AHL Games (including playoffs) - Tage - 11 games 8 3 11 vs Nylander 49 games 12 19 31 Good to hear. This is EXACTLY what he needs to be doing.
  15. Really? A 6'6 forward who has an unbelievable shot and really good hands? Yes he has to figure out his release. Yes he has to be stronger on his skates. These are fixable qualities (I hope) and again, he's friggen 21 years old!! Don't be spoiled by the Eichels and Matthews of the world. It usually takes these guys some time to figure it out. He showed me enough last year that he's on that path. I have wayyyyyyy more confidence in TT being a difference maker than Nylander.
  16. TT has shown much more potential IMO than Nylander. He played a bunch of games for the Sabres and there was a stretch in the middle where he was playing pretty good hockey. Nylander has never come close to showing that IMO.
  17. Nonsense. JBott is a moron who hates CHL players.
  18. I donno. I think we are pretty set unless we trade Risto. NHL Players - Risto, Montour, Dahlin, McCabe, Bogo, Scandella, Nelson, Hunwick Likely NHL Players or guys I want to get a look - Pilut and Borgen Focus on bringing in a 2C and a couple of wingers imo.
  19. Botts seems to keep things close to the vest. For the most part the trades have been announced with little word on it leading up. Atleast more so then GMTM.
  20. Maybe I’m drinking the koolaide but instigators talking up Thompson leadership at development camp and saying how his hands, shot and size is unbelievable. Apparently he’s working on his legs all summer to work on skating and positioning (maybe net front presence). ROR return is garbage and I’m not rehashing it here. But I have to remind myself he is still only 21 years old and has an unreal shot that takes too long to take. If he can figure out the release and get stronger on his skates than I’m hopeful. If the sabres and not blues drafted TT and he’s a 21 year old tweener looking to take that next step then I feel we’re way more optimistic on his outlook then we currently are.
  21. Picked the little guy up from daycare yesterday for the last time as he starts school in September. Bitter sweet. I won’t miss those expenses but I’m almost officially out of the toddler / preschool parenting years. Goes by too fast. Later today I’ll be picking up my oldest from SK. He will be finished kindergarten and into the real elementary years. Won’t be long before I’m helping with math and science problems that I’ve long forgotten myself. I guess my complaint is time moves on too quickly. I use to think this. Then had kids and wondered what the hell I did with all my time before.
  22. He is way more of a playmaker than scorer. I know this team lacks the scorer part of it but if the price was right and there are no better options I don’t think it’s a bad idea.
  23. Wow. So many unreal RFA out there. I would want the sabres money to go to forwards so I’m out but he is such a good player. First pairing for sure. Him with Dahlin and Montour? Crazy.
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