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Everything posted by Radar

  1. I'm to the point that it just doesn't matter as long as Pegulas are in charge. Changes are needed above coaching even as much as I want RK gone.
  2. Hope we lose. Never thought I would say that but frankly I want Pegula left no wiggle room. Plus I'm just not caring anymore.
  3. My bet is they will wait to see what opens up. I know rumors (key word here) are saying Bruce B. would come here. As they say show me the money. This off season will offer him better opportunities in my opinion.
  4. Someone who wants to not kill his coaching career? If I'm an established coach in the league I'm not looking at Buffalo as a prime place by any stretch.
  5. ????????? Sounds exactly what I would say as their PR guy. That's the spin I expect they may use actually. Let's face it the odds are they have to eventually win one and this may be their best chance this coming week.
  6. I'm doubting they can find such people to come here with our owners. They've lost that much credibility probably.
  7. Las Vegas benefited by a stupid NHL expansion draft design. Should never have been set up that way but what does this league do sensibly other than sell expansion rights to put more money in the owners pockets. The only reason for expansion to begin with at this point.
  8. KA I don't believe makes decisions. He carries them out. Sure he says he has authority to fire the coach. What else would he say? That's like asking Rhino if the team's quit on the coach. This is the owners and they're clueless.
  9. Literally can't remember the last game I watched whole game. Now it's on while I'm doing other things.
  10. I agree. They have very possibly run this franchise into the ground. It could be the Pegulas will be unable to revive it. It can't be an attractive job for anyone other than a hockey czar with full authority and the Pegula ego probably prevents that. They need to sell and if they don't I can't believe people will buy their product much longer.
  11. Is being? We passed ground level awhile ago.
  12. Ten years into this ownership this seems to me the only possible solution. I hold no personal feelings against the Pegulas. I supported them as owners for years and have no reason to doubt they are nice people but that's not the criteria I look for in owners of the Sabres. Ten years of futility in operating and hiring has brought me into agreement PA with your assessment.
  13. Insults? We should define what is an insult. To some who may be thin skinned any criticism is insulting. Unfortunately, I suspect the Pegulas are in that category. They shut off much of the media pretty early on for being too negative I believe. Personal attacks on a person are not okay. All else is open game.
  14. I'm actually worried that this,minus the yacht, may be true. Bills success has given them the idea they do know how to run things. Also I'm not sure the Sabres are as important to them the real money is in the NFL.
  15. I was very fortunate to have only had to fire a handful in my years of work. I found it to be one of the most emotionally difficult things to do in our small operation. Having said that this coach has failed and you have really no justification for his remaining other than money. That is what I believe is the reason for his still being on the job. For those saying how about our players. As the saying goes you can't fire the players. You trade them.
  16. Would it be safe to say that if RK survives this he's here for the duration? I've thought that anyway but this should ice it.
  17. Ah yes! The 70's were exciting times.
  18. I don't trust KA to make moves necessary to tun this around. I trust the owners less to make those moves.
  19. Agree on the Pegulas have been willing to spend the money. I don't agree that they don't meddle. It's my opinion that these decade long hiring blunders had to do with the owners. Do they meddle in day to day operations? I don't know but this franchise is a joke and I hold only them responsible.
  20. I'm amazed that we keep our guns pointed at coaches, general managers, etc. The guns should be aimed at the owners who have orchestrated this mess over the last ten years. What many of us believed to be the salvation of this franchise now should realize it was possibly the demise of it. I don't think the owners know anything about running a franchise. And please spare me about "well how about the Bills". That , first of all , is not the same as hockey and I think frankly that was more luck than smart. I think there's a slim chance for the Sabres to redeem this mess under the Pegulas. I hope as slim as it is by some wonder it happens. I started out a supporter of the owners and had high hopes but over this decade of blunders they have lost my confidence and support.
  21. Agree with an exception. We can't say KA doesn't have authority to fire RK. That's speculation. Still the problem I believe is the one constant over the last decade. The owners.
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