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Everything posted by Ducky

  1. Congrats on the W... I was out hunting and forgot to tape the game... Anybody on the Jets stand out in a good or bad way?
  2. Then you make a blockbuster trade with the Jets for Trouba.
  3. Thanks...it was followed up by an Estrella, a Peroni, a Stella and now my last of the evening and a celebratory beer for the win...another Estrella. Armia has ANOTHER strong night and one of his line mates finally put one in on a great feed by Armia. Myers plays the most at over 27 minutes and Hutch gets the shutout. I wonder who we play next????????? edit....haven't tried an Innis and Gunn..............yet.
  4. Whew, I am only on my first beer...a Lownbrau for starters.
  5. The Bieksa and Stoner contracts are really hurting the Ducks right now. A team could probably pick up a good, young, expansion exempt D man from them if they took a bad contract. huh?
  6. So far in the few games they have played, Ehlers has probably been the best with Armia following. Laine was MIA for a couple of early games but would probably be third although I am one of the few Jets' fans that likes Enstrom's game. It would benefit the team the most if Hellebuyck or Scheifele were the best players but Laine can score goals from anywhere. Puck is off of his stick in an instant and he can make plays in a phone booth. Excellent passer and strong on D for his age. Most Finns are smart on D though. Before anyone asks which I think is better, Matthews plays 1C and will continue for years as an an elite center; therefore, he is more valuable to a team than an elite scorer.
  7. Scheif at 1C is good, he isn't playing all that shite hot right now but neither is his Wheeler, his RWer... Little is hurt right now but is, IMO, a very under-rated player. Good on D but can and has been a 1C in the league. I think Petan should be given a chance to fill in for a hurt Little but don't expect him to succeed as a C in the NHL let alone the Central...If he makes it, playing as a LWer is probably where he will do it.......... Burmistrov shouldn't dress.... Lowry is a good 4th line C and is playing with Armia (Ehlers and Armia are our best players so far this year) and Matthias..... Matty Perreault is a very important part for the team and can play on any of the top three lines but is better at LW than he is at C...this is the player Petan should be replacing eventually but I don't see that happening.... They just announced that Little won't be back before December so if it were me, I would call up Roslovic and give him a chance. He is playing well for the Moose and, by all accounts, is our future 2C. Call him up and play him with some offensive minded players. He's played with Tkachuk and held his own, he's played with Matthews and held his own.This is something I wouldn't expect management to do though... Armia is setting his line mates up for two to three PRIME scoring chances a game and they have him playing with pylons. Staf gets hurt and they don't move him up!!! I just totally don't understand this and makes me really question the coach's decision making. Overall, I think our depth at C is below average with not a lot coming up through the system. We have alleviated the LHD with the play of Morrissey but C depth is a real need. I was suggesting trading for RNH or Staal from the Canes on local boards and was shot down immediately. Two VERY good two way players that are signed long term. How would that trade have looked now?
  8. It would surprise me more if the Jets made the playoffs then if they didn't. Another for rookies in the lineup and below average or average goaltending Plus little being hurt and trouba sitting out makes for a lot of mistakes.
  9. Well, like I said, someone should tell him that. Having said that, I think he is out for a few games so maybe Armia gets off of the 4th line....he was the best player for the Jets last night. Dream on.
  10. Did they figure out if there would be clouds at that time thousands of years ago too? I thought someone told me Staf plays lights out when he is in last year of his deal??? Someone should tell him he is in the last year of his deal...he is playingon the 1st of 2nd line and has 1 assist so far........meanwhile RWer Marko Dano plays on the Moose in the AHL.
  11. Matthews is the real deal as is Laine... I am impressed with Laine's D play...
  12. got any pics hsif? I love eating steelhead trout. Much tastier than salmon any/every day.
  13. TrueBlue, I've search here and the net and can't find any discussion of the status of Bogo's NMC, except an article on a credible fan site saying that the clause actually doesn't kick in until the end of this season other then the TBN article referenced below. TBN says he has a NMC and must be protected. http://buffalonews.com/2016/06/14/nhl-reportedly-expanding-las-vegas-sabres-plan-expansion-draft/ I'm guessing the Sabres didn't honor it......why would they? 11.8 Individually Negotiated Limitations on Player Movement. (a) The SPC of any Player who is a Group 3 Unrestricted Free Agent under Article10.1(a) may contain a no-Trade or a no-move clause. SPCs containing a no-Trade or a no-move clause may be entered into prior to the time that the Player is a Group 3 Unrestricted Free Agentso long as the SPC containing the no-Trade or no-move clause extends through and does not become effective until the time that the Player qualifies for Group 3 Unrestricted Free Agency.If the Player is Traded or claimed on Waivers prior to the no-Trade or no-move clause taking effect, the clause does not bind the acquiring Club. An acquiring Club may agree to continue to be bound by the no-Trade or no-move clause, which agreement shall be evidenced in writing to the Player, Central Registry and the NHLPA, in accordance with Exhibit 3 hereof.
  14. I'd rather talk duck hunting than fish but that's me...I would love to pheasant hunt.
  15. Deuce says thanks for the compliment....he is 9 years old and had the day off today...It is my favorite bird meat whether tame or wild...We got another 8 today but should have had our 12 easily...The dog wasn't with me today...I use Deuce to flush them if I know for sure they are in the area and I can't see them and he retrieves them...otherwise he walks about 8 yards in front of me and smells every blade of grass in his way...I dropped one today and had a hard time finding where it fell, could have used him but I eventually found it with only a broken wing...he is approaching 700 lifetime water retrieves though.....we've taken 27 ruffies the last 3 times we were there....an hour and 15 minute trip from my driveway until we load the guns on a VERY rough road...it is an old logging road that is no longer maintained and the beaver are everywhere in there so there is LOTS of water coming over the road in some places...going for ducks on Thursday and ruffies again on Friday. My buddies are trying to get me to go out for walleye as the big ones are in the river but I would rather pull the trigger.
  16. 11.8 Individually Negotiated Limitations on Player Movement. (a) The SPC of any Player who is a Group 3 Unrestricted Free Agent under Article 10.1(a) may contain a no-Trade or a no-move clause. SPCs containing a no-Trade or a no-move clause may be entered into prior to the time that the Player is a Group 3 Unrestricted Free Agent so long as the SPC containing the no-Trade or no-move clause extends through and does not become effective until the time that the Player qualifies for Group 3 Unrestricted Free Agency. If the Player is Traded or claimed on Waivers prior to the no-Trade or no-move clause taking effect, the clause does not bind the acquiring Club. An acquiring Club may agree to continue to be bound by the no-Trade or no-move clause, which agreement shall be evidenced in writing to the Player, Central Registry and the NHLPA, in accordance with Exhibit 3 hereof.
  17. Me, my dog and 12 ruffed grouse from Oct. 15/2016.
  18. He isn't good enough to beat out Wheeler, Connor, Laine or Ehlers....He sat in the pressbox last game. They played him with offensive players ALL preseason and he does quite well and then the season starts and they play him on the 4th line and then sit him the next game? Before the Little injury, I had him on the 3rd line with Perreault and Connor. He played with Perreault and Laine for a big part of the preseason and didn't look out of place...They played Chris freaking Thorburn in his place (6 minutes of playing time) last night! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MZ4w1aJeiw They played Ehlers with Matthias and Burmistrov for God's sake... I'm not sure what management is thinking but I would be pleasantly surprised if the Jets make the post season this year.
  19. Went out with a buddy about 75 minutes north to a little marsh I know of on the west side of Lake Winnipeg. We had 9 ducks when just before dark the mallards starting coming in like crazy....we could barely reload in time for the next flock...we dropped 5 more and decided to pick up and call it a night....3 minutes of legal shooting left...we are in the water pushing the boat out of the reeds with our guns cased when mallards and Canada geese started landing in the decoys!!!!!!!!!!!!! Could easily have shot 2 more ducks for our limits and put a good dent in the geese but it was nice to watch as we picked up the decoys. Going for ruffed grouse in an hour or so. I LOVE this time of the year.
  20. Both are better than Pavs and Armia was supposed to be Laine as a rookie.
  21. Pavelec AND Peluso sent down....HOOWAH!!!!! Armia, Connor, Tanev and Morrissey are the rookies to start the season... Armia on 3rd line because Staf is 2RW...
  22. Yak has the last say in that and i wouldn't want him on my team. There's a reason he only brought back what he did. After Yak, 7 of the next 8 players drafted were D men...how would the Oilers look with Lindholm on their D?
  23. He looked good but hard to tell with RNH not playing and checking that line...It was the top line as Ehlers Scheifele and Wheeler weren't dressed...he played just over two periods with Laine and Little and the 3rd period with Laine and Perreault...Probably play with Perreault and Laine for the last pre-season is my hunch. He will make the team but I can't see him beating out someone in the top 6. sidenote... The Jets D looked atrocious last night and Myers was about the 2nd worst of them all. This means that Stuart Morrissey Postma and Buff outplayed him! Besides Buff, none of those D men should be outplaying him. Chiarot was barely playing at a junior level.
  24. Armia is getting a big chance to shine tonight playing with Little and Laine.
  25. He bought a track suit and they won't let him wear it...
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