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Everything posted by Ducky

  1. Coming from someone whose team has averaged 65 points a season (59 points the last 4) for the last 5 years? Okay...
  2. Implying that Kaner helped you increase 27 points??? You are losing credibility fast.... Staf outplayed him for God's sake man. He is an arrogant little pr$%k that feels he is entitled. Have you heard the reports on what he was saying that night? Do you really want this guy on your team? Losing Kane (a 3rd liner here by the way) didn't make us lose 21 points believe me. I honestly wouldn't give you Staf for KAne and I don't want Staf playing RW for us this year. Listen close cuz I am typing slow... C A N C E R
  3. Get a grip. I am Canadian so I am not sure what the comment was supposed to mean. I sound Canadian? Um.......... okay? The point of the thread is the trade. Classic technique....not sure I have been on the internet long enough to know anything classic on here. Has this trade made this team better? The subtraction of Kane instantly made them better. A team isn't only about on ice. Remove Kane from the Sabres and they are instantly better and can move on and continue building in the right and proper way. Adding Kane was a risk and I don't see it working out. Let me ask you this. If Bogo and Myers are close to a wash, do you think you could trade Kane for the equivalent of Armia, Lemieux and Roslovic plus Staf's 21 goals last season? Not even close. If you could, he'd be long gone. Staf outscored him last year by the way. Actually, he outscored him and was asked to play a more defensive role for about 25 games last season. The reason I want Staf gone is because we have young RWers that are coming up that need ice time. Laine will easily cover Staf's O numbers so I say trade him and let the young guys make their mistakes now and start learning the pro game. I'd be happy with a 2nd rounder. Armia, Ehlers, and Dano need to see the ice and nobody is unseating Wheeler.
  4. I'm sure once some money is spread around the witnesses won't come forward or forget the incident....sound familiar?
  5. I may sound Canadian but you spell like someone in kindergarten. Had you tried harder and ended up in third like the Oilers did, you'd have McDavid, a much better player.
  6. We traded mainly for futures to help fill a deleted cupboard. This trade wasn't to win the Stanley cup the year after the trade. Yet the 3rd overall got McDavid......
  7. We got taken by you guys in the Hawerrchuk deal too, so what?....I admit when the Jets have made a bad move....signing Pavelec for as long and as much? Bad move? Thorburn? Same thing. Stuart? One of the worst contracts we have...........nope, the worst. Hull was over the hill. How many games did the wife-beater play after he left here? A little info for you guys that say the trade helped you get Eichel.....the tank was for 1st overall, not 2nd. You finished last overall and the third last team got 1st overall. Maybe you should have tried a little harder to win games. The Jets fairly played well down the stretch and finished 6th last and got 2nd overall...just saying maybe you shouldn't have tanked so hard and maybe tried to win?
  8. Everyone seems to thinkthat Mhers and Staf are useless but that you guys got Eichel because they were traded. Makes no sense to me.
  9. Well, at least he is showing young players what not to do. I didn't think that you guys were that hard up to want a player of his character on your team.
  10. I can't believe that anybody would still want this guy on his team. You guys should open your eyes think with your brain not your heart. The guy is a lowlife.
  11. Not only do I not see Kaner ever wearing a Sabres' jersey again, I see him being suspended, traded and a way smaller contract (if he gets another one) than what he would have got if he behaved. How much is he worth right now? Twenty cents on the dollar? I'd trade Kane and next year's first for Juolevi though. You are rid of the guy and also open up cap space while getting a really good blue chip LHD.
  12. Staf will not be here past the TD....book it. Dano, Armia or Copp could be picked in the expansion draft but none of them going to LV will make or break a cup run here. RWers... Wheeler Armia Dano Staf Ehlers Scheifele Wheeler Laine Little Armia Connor Perreault Staf Matthias Lowry Dano If Staf is gone we can move Dano up and bring up a youngster to take Dano's 4th line spot.
  13. He's not here any more so maybe we do? Buff is the undisputed leader of this team and he wanted Kane gone....bad for the room. Gone. He is a distraction on your team and a bad example for the younger players. He is overpaid for his production. Trade him home to the Canucks, you should be able to fleece that bozo over there. I think Staf has to change his game somewhat as he ages and I hope, for his sake, he does. I just hope it is somewhere else so he isn't slowing a youngster's progress. Myers plays pretty soft and isn't the smartest player but pretty good offensively. If you put Buff's smarts and mean streak on Myers,...watch out. I doubt that his game improves a lot as he ages but he IS still relatively young. Third best RHD we have but they play Trouba on the left side so Myers gets 2nd pairing time. I'd trade Myers for an equal LHD. I'd trade Staf because he will stall Armia's and Dano's, etc... progress. It will be hard to replace his goals but in two or three years, I think the investment in youth will pay off. Forgot, I read somewhere that Kasdorf signed a two way?
  14. I have t heard anyone from tbis site mention any cancers in the room......who was ir myers or staf?
  15. You guys can say what you want but I am glad to have this cancer (Kaner) out of the room...
  16. You won't get Lindholm for Kane unless you are adding quite a bit. three way rumor of ... Jets Lindholm Anaheim Landeskog Avs Trouba floating around.
  17. Well, if you guys are right, Staf will have an excellent year as this is the last year of his contract. I hope he is moved but probably won't be until the TD. We need the younger guys to get the ice time.
  18. I am pretty sure Kaner doesn't drink alcohol...maybe he should start? Does anyone think he starts the season in a Sabres' uni? Thorny? Huckleberry, why do you think Murray won't trade him? Not sure what Duff's wings are but rarely eat chicken and I don't see Laine going anywhere for the next decade or so. I am pretty sure the Nucks would take a chance on him...the Jets, not so much.
  19. His short lived career with the Sabres is over. He will never play another game for the Sabres and they are better for it.
  20. Kaner to the Nucks for a LHD and a 2nd rounder. He gets to go home and the Sabres fill a need. Vancouver has direct flights to Vegas.
  21. Kaner is a beast on the ice. I like how he plays the game. He should learn a few more tricks in the O zone but he isn't paid to be a playmaker. It's his off ice stuff that doesn't jive with building a cohesive team. Make a deal with Vegas that says we leave him unprotected and we give you a 2nd rounder for 3 players we tell you to draft and a 2nd rounder. Staf isn't lazy on the ice, just in certain zones.
  22. You just get sized up for that jersey man, it's coming. I'd much rather let the young players see how Staf is as a pro than Kaner every day of the week. Kaner could take some lessons from Staf in that regard.
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