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Everything posted by pastajoe

  1. Good man. Should have been the nominee in 1988 instead of Dukakis. Clinton's strong debate and latest poll numbers probably convinced him it would be a futile effort.
  2. So it can't really be used as an indicator of support, but an indicator of curiousity. Must be the same regarding Trump.
  3. Question from the old guy: when people say Sanders is doing better on social media, does that mean that they are polling or making positive statements, or is it just counting how many times he's mentioned or searched. When I searched for his voting record on guns, is that counted towards his social media popularity?
  4. And the lack of production from the Sabres power play.
  5. You can hear some of the individuals yelling given all the empty seats. I feel bad for the players with the lack of support in Miami. Bettman needs to give up and let them move to a city where they'd be appreciated.
  6. That's rediculous. Hillary was in command of the issues and of the debate, and solidified her national lead. She pointed out Sanders weak record on gun control, and his only response was "I come from Vermont". Well you're running to lead the whole country Bernie, not just little Vermont. She also was the only one to defend Planned Parenthood.
  7. Will Millenials vote in the general election if their candidate doesn't win the nomination? I voted for Clinton in the 2008 primary, and for Obama in the general election because the Democrat party offered better proposals, and I didn't want the Supreme Court to regress.
  8. I wish everyone who could vote did vote. I think this country would be in much better shape if the real majority of voters voted. But unfortunately too many people don't, and they're usually younger or lower income.
  9. Social media is dominated by younger perople, many who talk the talk but don't walk the walk when it comes to voting. "I can't vote from my phone? Screw it, I'm watching a Netflix movie." The majority of voters over 40 who are more reliable don't use social media like under 40s. And there's plenty over 60 who don't even have a cell phone or computer.
  10. I need to read more about the claims that Sanders supported the Sandinistas, and honeymooned in the Soviet Union of all places. Unusual to say the least. Curious to see his reasons.
  11. I'll end with saying I was very pleased with Hillary, and I believe she solidified her support with the majority of Democrats nationwide. Bernie came off as a bit freteic, which could be off putting to moderates. But kudos to him for the best line of the night with "Enough of the emails!". Good night America and all the ships at sea.
  12. I say this with all sincerity, that you should read up on the difference between civilian nuclear energy and what it takes to create nuclear material for a weapon.
  13. Which is consistant. Or are you not up to speed on the details of the deal? You realize it's to prevent them from developing nukes.
  14. And both of them have little chance of winning the Presidency. But I don't think Trump really believes everything he says. He's a salesman.
  15. So you don't care about who will select perhaps 3 Supreme Court judges? No opinion on women's rights, gay rights, healthcare, or campaign finance reform? You don't care who formulates our energy policy, or if climate change is acknowledged or dismissed? Supply side or demand economics, no preference? Interesting.
  16. Still doesn't make sense. No matter where he plays, if he gets another concussion he's probably done. It could happen anywhere.
  17. He's playing in Rochester, so what difference does it make. It could happen anywhere.
  18. Calgary is looking to unload one of their three goalies.
  19. Republicans are in chaos. McCarthy has dropped out of Speaker nomination because the far right won't back him.
  20. I don't think he's good enough for 3rd line and doesn't play gritty enough for 4th. It would be nice if GMTM could put him in a package to get a left D.
  21. Clinton and O'Malley have put their gun control plans forward. Will any other candidates stand up to the NRA? http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/255888-clinton-unveiling-gun-control-plan
  22. He was listed as a 2009 graduate of the Switzer Learning Center in Torrance, a private school for students with learning disabilities, emotional issues and other special-education needs. Officials from the school declined to comment on Friday. Mr. Harper-Mercer joined the Army for a month in 2008 but was discharged before finishing basic training. In one exchange, a writer who appeared to be Ms. Harper offered assistance to the mother of a child with Asperger’s syndrome, saying, “I’m a nurse and also have an Aspergers kid.” http://mobile.nytimes.com/2015/10/03/us/chris-harper-mercer-umpqua-community-college-shooting.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&module=photo-spot-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&referer=http://mobile.nytimes.com/2015/10/04/us/mass-murderers-fit-profile-as-do-many-others-who-dont-kill.html
  23. Seems that she's been a consistant gun control advocate. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/08/29/hillary-clinton-really-is-coming-for-your-guns.html What single issue is more important than staying alive?
  24. All the mass murders have been issues of mental illness, not poverty. There has to be more scrutiny of who is allowed to own guns. It shows that Bernie's not ready for the big stage. A person that aspires for national office should lead his constituents, not just pander to their wishes even when they differ with the majority of the country. It's like politicians in Kentucky pandering by supporting Kim Davis. Like Obama said, it's time that people opposed to the gun lobby become single issue voters like those led by the NRA have, and hold the candidates responsible for how they would vote on gun laws.
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