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Everything posted by SABRES 0311

  1. What any Biden VP candidate gains. A chance to be the real shot caller behind the scenes and exposure for a 2024 run.
  2. Trump said the same thing on Oprah in the 90s I think.
  3. Now I’m thinking he picks Cuomo. Guy has had a lot of what is arguably good PR during COVID. Seems he and Trump are having an adhoc COVID debate everyday.
  4. If that social distancing then the Sabres are devout in their abstenance.
  5. George Carlin’s take on everything in life.
  6. Yes, go to Wikileaks. Tell me how that works out if your caught downloading classified material.
  7. I think snopes has been wrong as well. Wikipedia? No no no.
  8. Haha. At this point the Sabres should pay us.
  9. We could just blame COVID on the ROR trade and unite the world.
  10. This keeps coming around. The idea of shaming someone because they have something someone else does not makes no sense. Nobody with any self confidence will bow down to someone else’s virtue signaling. Words today have less impact because they are over used. Actions like those of medical personnel and those donating resources are what get things done. Talk is cheap, $1000,000 means more right now.
  11. Kavanaugh’s accuser did a lot of finger pointing but I don’t recall a whole lot of evidence and people held rallies against him. There are videos of Biden acting like a creeper and he’s the nominee. Nope, no bias.
  12. I definitely keep my distance but still go in to check on everyone. Wife gets pissed I do it but it is what it is.
  13. Wife used some older cammis to make me a COVID mask. Not sure how medically sound it is but the COVID won’t be able to see me.
  14. I think you are better at articulation of thoughts than I am. I just thought we were talking about playing some hockey.
  15. Three pages in and a discussion about hockey in ND went to hell.
  16. It was a tremendous test. Truly the best test in history. The test had a 95% approval rating among Republicans.
  17. It would be cool if they had an Eastern Conference and Western Conference game going at the same time.
  18. Got lost on the way to college. For real though. I just typed Sabres news and SS popped up. Kind of just read comments and then jumped in. Been running the show ever since. Mods are just there for cover.
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