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Everything posted by SABRES 0311

  1. He’s in a city that loves him. As a competitor I wouldn’t doubt he looks at the situation as a challenge like splitting the d. He doesn’t mail games in and tries to maybe do too much at times. I don’t think he wants to leave but wants to be what gets things going. Now when he’s in his late 30s and hasn’t won the cup with Buffalo then yes he will want a trade.
  2. I always thought the orange man thing was funny. On one hand he is of unnatural color and I admit he looks like something from The Jersey Shore. On the other hand if someone referred to a non white politician by calling them “color-gender” the world would stop spinning. Yes he did it to himself presumably by spray tan or too much time in a tanning bed. It still makes me laugh that those who don’t like Trump use his physical appearance as a punch line.
  3. I’ll always remember the end of T2. In the end Arnold found his love for the game. Maybe we should dip a few players in molten metal to see if it works for them.
  4. Dude, let’s look at some facts. 1. @SwampDis just mad about the game. 2. He’s not hurting anyone venting. 3. Epstein didn’t kill himself. 4. He’s not the only one who ever thought this. 5. He’s the only with the balls to actually say. 6. There’s no such thing as a safe space. 7. I’m completely messing with you.
  5. I picture Major Payne saying this. Addicts are selfish because its what the problem turns them into. Doesn’t excuse their actions though. Then again maybe their selfishness led them to where they are at.
  6. Just dipping my toes back in here. Not a doctor but people are scared because this is new and it is pretty serious. That said I’m confident we will get through this. Doom and gloom clouds an individual’s thoughts which need to be clear if this thing goes sideways.
  7. We have a first time head GM and a coach was coaching soccer. What could go wrong rebuilding a team?
  8. I’m getting a feeling every Sabre feels like they can score tonight. Wonder why.
  9. Complaint Thursday meet Things That are Awesome.
  10. Hey in about an hour NS will check in for duty and ask if he missed anything.?
  11. Hutton still overplays the puck. So much movement makes for an inefficient goalie. Unless it’s Hasek.
  12. Was that Miller you got back to help Dahlin? Either way great effort.
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