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Everything posted by SabresBaltimore

  1. And for anyone else like me who wants to watch it that has NHL.tv or Center ice, I think this is the feed: https://www.nhl.com/tv/2019020405/221-2003735/70130703#game=2019020405 There are 2 parts just after the first and second periods.
  2. This looks to be where you have to go: https://www.nhl.com/activate
  3. Really? I didn't know that. I"ll have to look into that. I've debated switching over to nhl.tv, but I like to be able to DVR the games. That would make what I have the best of both worlds.
  4. Sadly I have Center Ice through Verizon so that's not an option for me. I think they said they were going to air it again, but really I just want them to post it on YouTube or Facebook like they have with some of the other stuff. Hopefully they will eventually.
  5. I'm annoyed about the Ray v. Domi thing. They should just post it online. I'm stuck with the Flier coverage tonight and won't be able to see it. Again
  6. Works been busy lately, so I haven't had time to check in here much. It's been a bit up and down lately, thankfullly more up than down due to Eichel. So in addition to rooting for a win tonight, I'm rooting for Eichel to tie the Game Point streak record. I realized earlier this week the streak started for the Ottawa game I was in town for last month where Eichel got 4 goals. And now if he scores gets a point tonight it sets up Saturday's game (which I'll also be attending) to break the record. It'd be pretty awesome to be there at the start and be there if/when he breaks it. Go Sabres!
  7. With the Bills doing so well I want to be greedy and get double playoffs this year. The prospects of that looked good in late October. Sabres need to start stringing together a bunch more wins though in December.
  8. Saturday's game really showed me the general state of the fans right now. There was very little cheering beyond when being prompted ie when they'd play the organ use the score board for a let's go Buffalo cheer. As soon as the organ stopped/play started the cheer immediately died. It was depressing. I'd keep cheering then it'd feel awkward when I was the only one. There was maybe 1 time someone else got an actual cheer going and it picked up a bit of steam then also promptly died. Eichel looked downright angry after each of his 4 goals. He celebrated briefly then looked like someone ran over his dog. I was hoping the win/big game by Jack on Saturday was going to be the start of a turnaround but we looked awful Sunday night. I was worried after our early success that we'd fall over once we faced some adversity and here we are with adversity. A lot of it. So far we don't seem to be responding. Is this on the players? The coaching staff? Probably a bit of both. The Krueger honeymoon is over and now I'm wondering what we can do to get the season back on track before it's too late. Hoping for another win here and maybe some kind of spark because we really need it. Sadly I've returned to Maryland yesterday so I won't be in attendance to make some magic happen again.
  9. Hoping for a double win today with the Bills. That (plus the pizza and wings I'll be enjoying) would cap off my trip back to Buffalo nicely before my 400 mile drive tomorrow morning. Despite the win last night, the Sabres only looked good in the first period and in the minutes after Eichel's hat trick in the 3rd. That's a lot of time in the middle where we were on our heals. Now we have a road game on back to back nights. I'm hoping yesterday woke them up a little bit.
  10. I'm in town for this one. I was 2-0 in games attended last season, so let's hope I can right the ship tonight. lol. But really though, I have a lot of time and money invested into this game, so I'm hoping they win.
  11. I don't think he understands that I'm driving up to Buffalo tomorrow for Saturday's game. Missing tonight is bad enough. Missing Saturday is unacceptable.
  12. I really hope we bounce back tonight. I'm starting to worry it's going to be a repeat of last year. It's been strange with so little hockey the last two weeks. Right after this game ends I'll be going to bed to wake up early tomorrow and drive up to Buffalo for Saturday's game against the Sens. Hopefully that game will be the second win in a row as we right the ship tonight.
  13. This is probably our most important game of the season so far. Really both of these games. We're on a 3 game skid and while we looked better in our last game we still haven't managed to correct ourselves. Hopefully the team is bonding over the long roadtrip and with all the Swedes on our team I'm hoping they will shine over the next 2 days. We need to get back on track with a big win (or ideally pair of wins) in Sweden while all the other teams in the league are busy playing more games and moving ahead of us in the point race. Let's Go Buf-fa-lo!
  14. Personally I always start the game 1h after puck drop and skip all the commercials and intermissions. Although with the 50th anniversary stuff, I tend to watch some of the intermissions this year. Typically I end the game within about 5 minutes of the actual ending. I just avoid the internet until after the game ends. 82 games/year is a lot. Saving 82 hours/season really adds up.
  15. I think this game is almost as important as Friday's win over Detroit was. Not only is it important to bounce back from a bad loss like New York put on us, but it's important to keep the momentum going and string together several wins before losing again. Plus we're perfect at home still, need to keep that going. (Although selfishly I care most about them winning their 11/16 game against Ottawa since I'm driving up for that one. Supersitious me thinks it'd be better chances for me if they lose at least 1 home game before then. But I don't want them to lose any games. But alternating wins and losses would result in a .500 record, so it's important to have another big game. It looks like Arizona isn't the same sort of pushover we're used to, but still a very beatable team. Let's go Buf-fa-lo!
  16. Jack had a bad giveaway last night that led to a goal. The last two games where Jack did something like that were followed up by 4 point nights. Although both of those games were at home. Now's the time to see if he can turn it on like that on the road finally.
  17. While I wasn't rooting for this kind of loss, I was expecting it to happen eventually. Now I want to seem them come out motivated to not let that happen again, or at least not lose twice in a row. I think games like these: back to back after a bad loss will make or break the season. Time to get a better idea if the 10 game start was a fluke like last year, or the start of our first playoff season in forever. Let's Go!
  18. For me I hate it because my hockey package seems to think MSG and MSG-B are the same channel so they shouldn't bother with whoever is the away team. So I'll be stuck listening to the Rags commentators tonight.
  19. The Rangers are doing terrible, but I feel like this is our first big "trap game". A coworker said they were the team that ended the 10 game streak last season too. I'm hoping to see another good road game. We should win this by a goal or two. I'll say 3-1.
  20. Certainly right now it looks like Krueger is doing a far better job than Housley. I wasn't sad to see him go, but Housley was the coach when they had a 10 game winning streak. Tonight makes our 10th game. How do we do in the next 10? And the 10 after that. I do think the way we've won most of our games this season looks more sustainable than the way we won most of those 10 games last year though (one of which I was present for). I've also like how we've bounced back from our 2 losses so far, although that LA game was far too many shots allowed despite the shutout win. But It's a lot easier to teach guys about mistakes when they are winning than when they are losing. Something Krueger has already mentioned in one of the interviews I watched with him. I'll be curious to see how he handles when we lose 2-3 games in a row. Does he tinker more then, or just let them work it out. What is 2-3 games becomes 5-6 games? I think more than Krueger, I'm even more suprised/pleased at how well Johansson has worked out so far. He's producing and so is Skinner. Even Sobotka seems better this year (not that it's hard after last year) and Skinner is still producing despite being split from Jack and Sam. And last 2 games Middlestat's line finally got going. I think that means Rodriguez is probably a healthy scratch for the foreseeable future, although I'd be curious to see him play with Mitts and Sheary over Vesey at least once or twice when that line cools off. For now (much like last season) I'll enjoy the ride and hope it keeps going though.
  21. That would be an interesting stat. How many of those have the Sabres played in 50 seasons?
  22. I've been avoiding all things Sabres for the last week while they were on the west coast so I could watch the games the next day without spoilers. I may have to go back to the GDT for the excellent history details from jsb. Sabres are undeated at home, and hopefully that will continue. I'm sure San Jose is going to come out hard to win in our barn after losing to us in theirs though. Should be a good game.
  23. Yeah. That's always the case with Toronto and to a lesser degree Ottawa too. Probably a few others. I'm sure there are a few others. I'm coming up to Buffalo for the 11/16 game against Ottawa. I'm hoping there won't be too many Sens fans.
  24. Big game against a big divsion rival. Need to bounce back from Monday, especially starting a 3 game home stand. Hopefully our barn can have some level of energy near to opening night. There won't be the pregame stuff to get the fans riled up, so we need a strong start.
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