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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. What impressed me the most are really his angles. Rarely does a team miss net on new goalie, but there where at least a dozen shots that missed net last night because there was nowhere to shoot. I really think Missed shots is a really underrated stat for goalies. Really forcing a miss is often better than a save.
  2. Thanks. I'm not a very good tweeter - so I'm not always sure what it is I'm supposed to look at. It probably didn't load on my phone.
  3. Ullmark's angles cutting off the shooter are just about perfect. He really isn't giving shooters much to look at. Strong game last night.
  4. I saw this performed years ago. Unforgettable.
  5. I notice that Bylsma really loves Deslauriers in crunch minutes. With a lead, last minute, he's on the ice with two defense-men Risto and Gorges. It's like having 3 defenders.
  6. Would it be too much to ask to post the twitter thing you are referencing in your copy and paste so we don't have to leave the site to read 140 characters. And I often find they are changed or removed. Thanks.
  7. Bottling up the neutral zone ain't great theater.
  8. INteresting strategy by the isles last night. First team I've seen that has really game planned the Sabres (at all) to contest the red line and stay out of the box. contesting the Red line really bottled buffalo up. Leddy wAs the best player on the ice IMO. What A move by Snow to grab him.
  9. Chris Christie, can't be my president - the Gov. Of a gambling state that pretends a gambling question is beneath him. I'm still stunned. This practiced outrage is the very thing that makes guys like Ben Carson looks presidential by merely not practicing outrage.
  10. CNBC? The idea that they are the liberal media is laughable; Incompetent maybe. But those guys are more fiscally conservative and pro business than Main Street.
  11. Not that I really want to get into this, but as of today the defense and goal-tending are really on a par with last years team. The difference is Brian Gionta hasn't been left to organize the transition game.
  12. I hardly want to make a partisan point here. Which is what I fear I sound like. I think good elections are important for the country, but the GOP has to get its house in order in terms of leadership at every level - from Party Chair to house caucuses.
  13. The Republican Party can't even organize a debate these days. Seriously, as much as it is fashionable to attack the media, (what's new?) The Party has complete control of format for these events. If you don't like CNBC (a station completely dedicated to an anti-regulatory business environment, and anti-labor, hardly the hard left), fix it. The Party has complete control of organizing these things. But can't even manage that.
  14. You got some beautiful cheekbones there, kid.
  15. He's not. But he's a damn near close to the perfect depth roster player.
  16. Game Notes: O'Reilly! I'm in love.Based on the last 4 games. Colorado got fleeced. We haven't had anyone that dominated a game at center ice like that in since the 90's. Love how Deslauries, Zemgus, McGinn, Samson, and Foligno get to the front of the net. The forwards are creating a culture of getting there. the first 6 games there were too many naked shots. That's changing. O'Reilly. Who held the Halloween party last night. Where was everybody? Ulmark looked pretty sharp. Maybe he was bewildered last start, but he looked more explosive rather than sluggish and passive. Philly has more seasoned talent than Buffalo. They are poorly constructed IMO. Not enough grit at wing, not enough depth at D. Streit who is what? close to 40? is getting their most minutes. Watching the Sabres breakouts is a pleasure. Good win.
  17. He could break into 16th century Yiddish for all I care. Keep scoring, kid. :)
  18. Oh....we'll be in the lottery either way, I think.
  19. One Canada goose can poop over 2 pounds a day. Better to eat them (the goose not the poop).
  20. There have been some real softies. It doesn't take too many. But between his puck handling (which is an adventure), and just plain getting beat by a shooter he sees clearly, he's not long for a starting position. Not saying he doesn't give a game effort, but the talent is lacking IMO. And I'm pretty sympathetic to goalies in general.
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