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Andrew Amerk

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Everything posted by Andrew Amerk

  1. You'd think that since its for a good cause, that more would be made, but it doesn't seem like it. Guess I will have to pay an eBay vulture for one, lol
  2. I grew up with him. It's not going to just be about money.
  3. Eh...I was thinking more like bocce ball.
  4. Jim Hofford? Gord Donnelly? Rumun Ndur?
  5. Noticed today that these started showing up on eBay already...bids are at $50+ Pretty disappointing to see that people bought a charity item just to flip it for profit. Unless, the sellers are the Buffalo Zoo raising money (doubtful). Surprised that the team hasn't announced to produce more, considering how popular the Otters were and what seems to be a high demand for them...
  6. I never realized that they had more than one song.
  7. JR at Dodger Stadium: "So cool!" x57 "So awesome!" x86
  8. Yeah but one tonight was an empty netter. Net was empty for 3 minutes. Can't really count it.
  9. I think Ray is doing a good job.
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