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Everything posted by Crusader1969

  1. I don't understand. We are pissed and we are all siting in our living rooms. why aren't the people just as pissed ? They spent good money to watch this garbage. Let's hear some "fire Donnie " chants. "sell the team". most complacent crowd in professional sports both good and bad
  2. Man I'm pissed that there is no anticipation or excitement for this game tonight. i really need changes to happen this off-season
  3. if the players really like DG, they have a funny way of showing it.
  4. 2 weeks ago, I thought Don was safe and would get to come back next season but no longer. Losing to Detroit, the 3rd period vs Edmonton and now last nights debacle has convinced me and hopefully KA that he must be fired. I would actually fire him today to make a real statement to the team.
  5. Oh right. I keep forgetting we often have more freedoms in socialist Canada than do our neighbors in the Land of Free. I TEASE!!'
  6. I'm thinking they should fire DG tomorrow shock the players. No longer is failure acceptable. Plus put DG out of his misery. I think he is a really good guy and you are doing right by him by firing him now. he should find work again as an Assitant coach down the road
  7. The team takes on the personality of their coach. Don is a good guy, well liked but doesn't inspire have to hope the Hurricanes go out early and Bind'mour becomes a free agent. if not bring back Lindy with the idea that he will get a job in the front office down the line .... give Peca a few more years experience and bring him in truth be told, I'd rather Peca with experienced assistants over DG next year
  8. It's that time. Guess I should be happy it's almost April, before having to do this... but time to switch over from the NHL standings to Tankathon!
  9. I wouldn't. Not an energy guy that you need on the 4th line. 3rd line is exactly where he belongs
  10. Ummm why wouldn't you pull the goalie there ? DG lacks in game management skills
  11. 1000 games and no playoffs for skinner. Sportsnet commentators speculating that it must eat him up honestly , I really doubt he cares
  12. I doubt there is anyone who doesn't want changes to the roster but you can constantly run people in and out and you won't have success until you find a coach so get a new coach and make some changes to the roster. Adams has to do both this summer
  13. I imagine the same people who are dumping on Power were the same people that wanted to trade Dahlin. wanted to waive guys like UPL and Mitts hell, I even remember people wanted to trade JJP not long ago
  14. Don't you live in BC. ? What were they saying about them before Bruce was fired ?
  15. Tuchs aim is off this year. not only on his passes but also his shot
  16. Why? Why can so many others teams turn it around with the right coach but not the Sabres ?
  17. 100%. There is tons of evidence that a change in coach can make a significant impact on the teams performance need to look at the top of the NHL standings to find an example. Canucks were the leagues laughing stock just over a year ago. a coaching change , a couple of bottom line foot soldiers brought in. They traded away a 40 goal scorer who was one dimensional. Now the top team in the league
  18. If DG is fired after the season, this is the game that drove the stake through his heart. To come out this flat in a game of this significance is unacceptable.
  19. I It's unfortunate that the game isn't played on a spreadsheet I suppose
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