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dEnnis the Menace

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Everything posted by dEnnis the Menace

  1. Don't think she is. After the run in with the Dire wolf, she said, "it isn't you." I think this was her stating that her going home isn't her, and isn't what she should be doing. I think she's turning around again.
  2. trying to catch up on so many conversations here...it's exhausting! lol
  3. I've been waiting for this thread to pop back up :) I'm in! I'm fine with the 1QB setup we have.
  4. Wowsa. Left for a couple weeks (months?) and came back to a whole lot of 'whoa'. Between my job, twin boys (almost a year), and life, (and of course the Sabres being absolutely infuriating), I've had a hard time fitting this place into my schedule. I might come back when I have time. Probably will just lurk from time to time.
  5. I hope your team goes belly up this week. I Need another win here!
  6. Stupid complaint, but teething. Both boys cut 2 teeth at once. Now both have their third tooth coming. that's 6 teeth my wife and I are dealing with at once. Orajel and that other natural stuff don't work for teething. Ended up going old school and using a dab of whiskey to help the pain for the boys. Oh, and Children's Tylenol doesn't do ... My wife and I haven't slept more than 4 - 5 hours on any given night in almost 2 weeks. I'm running on empty. Might have my mom come and watch the boys Saturday, so we can just sleep. I love my kids, but I just need 8 hours of sleep.
  7. Stefon Diggs killed me. That and playing Jeffrey over Kerley :(
  8. Gonna miss tonights game. They better freaking win though
  9. We should figure out an RIT or Sabres hockey game towards the end of the season or something. My complaint for the day doesn't actually pertain to me, per say, directly. I have a technician, former Army metal worker, did odd jobs after he got out, and is now looking for stable work to settle down. He came into the interview two years ago with a backwards hat on, long hair, jeans and a polo/golf type shirt. I hired him on the spot (much to the disliking of the other interviewers). He has turned out to be one of our best technicians and one of my best direct reports. He keeps the lab area clean, and is a jack of all trades. If he doesn't know something, he teaches himself or asks someone to teach him. There isn't much he can't do. Well, he has outperformed his job description now for about 8 months, with so many people leaving and the rest of us trying to pick up the slack. I submitted a Personnel Action request (i.e. a promotion/jump in pay) for him 6 months ago. I was just told that it's not going to get done until at least after the first of the year. This guy works his ass off, does everything he is asked and then some, rarely if ever complains, and is being on. He came to me recently and told me that if he feels like his self motivation and his proactivity are being used. He wants to see even the smallest of pay bumps. My boss told him we submitted something, but I can't tell (read that as literally cannot, not that I'm afraid to, I just am not allowed to) him that it won't go through for at least 2 more months. Guy and his girlfriend just had a baby, and he couldn't afford to take full paternity leave, and she hasn't returned to work in any capacity because they can't afford daycare, even if she was working. I'm stuck with just giving the guy giftcards every couple of weeks. I hate not being able to bump this guy's pay up, and I'm afraid I'm gonig to lose one of if not my best workers.
  10. You and Mrs Menace would get a long great lol. I asked Mrs menace if I could quit my job and be a stay at home dad. She told me she was no ones sugar momma. lmao. I'm still employed...
  11. I'm more worried about Baldwin than Graham, and of course, this will be the week the Bills D goes off with 6 sacks and 4 picks or something ridiculous.
  12. Need Wildcards 3 players (2 + Defense) to do terrible tonight to pull off this win lol.
  13. Hoping to get home in time tonight to catch the game. I have a drs apt at 4, then need to run to the middle school where my mom works. I helped them set up their sound system, and they're having issues, and have a production coming up. Goal is to get everyone set by 630 so I get home in time. Also just got an ESPN update. Bogo out indefinitely with sprained knee. :(
  14. Going to the doctor today actually haha. The boss (my wife obviously) instructed me to not come home until I visited the doctor lol. In all seriousness though, I can't take any risks with the boys, although they seem to have a pretty decent immune system so far. They've been sick once, but kicked it after a week or so. That week was hell, but the two times I've been sick since, they never got anything.
  15. I'm hoping what I have doesn't turn into that. PS maybe listen to Josie? take a rest boss. :P
  16. Seeing A. Williams land on IR makes me hope that someone just annihilates Landry in the rematch against the fins.
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