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Everything posted by Drunkard

  1. Beastie Boys was the only decent one on the list. I went to college in early 2000's as well but Journey and Bon Jovi was never on the play list. Usually metal, punk rock, or classic rock (Zeppelin, Stones, etc.) when it was my place or one of my buddies and either some sort of rap, reggae, or dance music if we hit up a random party to mingle with coeds from other circles.
  2. That sounds gayer than eight guys blowing nine guys (not that there's anything wrong with that). To each his/her own.
  3. They can't really do the jersey collage of our uniform justice without showing off the sweet gray pit stains or the cape effect of having a jersey that's primarily yellow in the front and blue on the shoulders and down the back. It doesn't even show the slug in its full glory. They could have made their Frankenstein version much more of an eye sore.
  4. I'll second this. If you're eligible to join a credit union due to some sort of family connection (military, state employee, etc.) go with that route if at all possible.
  5. It may not count since the sticker/motto was altered but there's a grocery store chain down here called Piggly Wiggly and they sell bumper stickers that say "I'm sticking with the pig" and there's a pig logo on them. One time years ago I was driving behind a guy who had 2 of these stickers on the back window of his truck. On his side it read "I'm sticking the Pig" and on his wife/girlfriends/shotgun side it said "I'm the pig". Still the second best bumper sticker I've ever seen behind this old veteran guy who had one on the back of his car that said "Vietnam. We were winning when I left".
  6. Only if you think there's a chance he'll retired before he turns 30. Even if we end up trading him, he's low risk to not play out the contract based on his age.
  7. If we're too far from the basement in the standings we should still be able to sell off enough players at the deadline (Stafford, Steward, Meszaros, etc.) to collapse at the end and remain in the running for a top pick. I imagine all the bottom teams will be having the best fire sales as well though.
  8. The Bills are always on the uptick when there are no games to actually play. How else does a significant portion of the fan base fool themselves into thinking this is the year they make the playoffs despite the decade and a half of futility? We fool ourselves into believing that a couple of free agent pick ups and draft picks have improved the team by leaps and bounds and ignore the fact that the rest of the league also had the same ability to improve their clubs.
  9. I think it's because Campbell only has 2 years left on his contract while Ehrhoff has 7. Personally I'd prefer to keep Ehrhoff unless we can get a top 10 pick or 1st line prospect in a deal for him. I'd be fine with bringing in Campbell to help reach the cap floor too until some of our younger players develop.
  10. Thanks rakish and bunomatic. Not sure I agree with their list but all of them make at least some kind of sense. I'd definitely like to keep Hodgson even if they keep him on the wing due to his ability to play center and I wouldn't move Grigorenko because his value doesn't seem like anything we got back would make it worth while. I'd prefer to stockpile centers and push them to the wing as needed.
  11. Any chance somebody can post the article? It won't open here at my job. I'm having trouble thinking of 5 players they'd possibly move on draft day. Ehrhoff, Stafford, Stewart would be the one I think would be listed. Myers is probably on there. Leino should be a buyout candidate and has zero trade value. Who is listed? McBain?
  12. I hope so. I don't want to end up like Nashville and be much better on defense than offense. Give me whichever forward Murray feels is the best. Personally I lean towards Reinhart but I'd definitely love to find out who Murray prefers with Ekblad off the board.
  13. My response is too late now but you can't go wrong with a fried egg on a cheeseburger. Especially if you don't break the yolk until you take your first bite.
  14. For the boat load of money we would have to pay to get Callahan here there is no way he'd play on the 3rd line particularly when you have Foligno, Stewart, and Stafford over him. Plus I highly doubt we'll be that active in free agency. I think we may pick up 1 or possibly 2 but even that is pushing it, plus I think Murray is leaning towards letting our #2 pick stay in juniors for another season. I'd definitely be satisfied with that lineup for next season I just don't see it as likely. I'd also like to see Zadarov up with the Sabres since he isn't eligible for the AHL.
  15. Just be honest without trying to be mean. Tell her there's no nice way to say this but you've noticed that she has put on some weight and it's making her less attractive to you (or leave that part out since it's kind of intuitive). Say you are worried about her health instead. You may get a frying pan across the back of your head anyway but it's important to be honest with her. If you've put on some weight too bring yourself into the equation and point out that you've put on a few pounds as well. Then offer to work out/exercise with her and eating better so you can both get back on the path to being healthier. Offer to join a gym together, go for walks, or whatever activity you think she may be willing to do with you. If you don't bring it up the problem could get worse or you could start to resent her and it will only lead to bigger problems down the road.
  16. You should use bald eagle eggs instead. They taste just like freedom. Then wash it all down with the tears of Indians and the blood of baby seals.
  17. I'm not sure about the over/under but I'll bet $10 that the design will include some sweet gray armpit patches and accents.
  18. Amen, sir. I'd root for the Taliban if they were playing Boston, even playing that sport where you drop the dead goat in the circle from Rambo III.
  19. Louis CK refers to stuff like this as white people problems. Regardless of that though, words are always up to the interpretation of the listener and always have been. Whether they interpret them in the way you desire or not depends on both the speaker/author and the listener/reader but you can’t always make people perceive things in the same way that you do.
  20. Massholes Pittsburgh Ottawa Philadelphia Carolina Toronto Detroit Dallas Rangers
  21. My girlfriend has two kids and I joked with her that I'll be happy to take care of them like they were my own as long as she's willing to adopt my two retarded children, the Bills and Sabres. I think I got the better end of the deal because her kids are great.
  22. You can basically argue that about everyone on the team though. Ennis and Hodgson would probably perform better against lesser competition but both of them spent a good amount of time this season against our sorry excuse for a top line and they didn't stink up the place. Hell, as much as I love Ott he spent a good part of the season in our top 6 and there's no way in hell a player like him should be playing on a scoring line on a good team other than as a temporary injury fill in. The point is that most of our guys were put into a position where they were slotted at least one line or one pairing too high so Weber wasn't alone in that. That's what happens when you have no true top line talent and no true shut down defensemen. Hell, a portion of our top 6 was filled with guys that we picked up off waivers. All that being said, I have no problem with what he said as long as he realizes that his defensive gaffes were also part of the problem and not just some of the other players dogging it and mailing it in.
  23. I have to dress business casual for my job which means the evil black socks and dress shoes along with slacks/dress pants and a button up shirt and the shirt is the least horrible part of it (only because I have to tuck it in). I've got a ton of those short sleeve button up plaid shirts and if you don't have to tuck them in they are very comfortable and don't get you too warm. Plus they don't really show your sweat thanks to the pattern even though most of them are pretty thin so I'd recommend them. I live down south so I sweat a lot too at times, especially when I've been drinking. I'd follow Matt as well and go with cargo shorts over gym shorts as well. The only time I wear gym shorts is either at the gym or when I'm bumming around the house but even then I'm usually wearing plaid pajama pants.
  24. What's wrong with shorts, a t-shirt, and a pair of sneakers? You work in a factory, right? I'd imagine the dress code would allow for that, although you may have to wear steel-toed shoes instead of sneakers.
  25. All this time I've been going with the tuxedo t-shirt (sleeveless of course) complete with mustard stains and cutoff jean shorts similar to my idol Lieutenant Dangle. It appears I have much to learn about being classy.
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