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Everything posted by Wyldnwoody44

  1. Lol nice, I do see a lot of canadian plates on a lot of nice rides at the galleria tho, is it just Toronto that has the influx of cash flow, somehow I just don't see that many Toronto consumers driving to the world rebound galleria mall
  2. We have a timmys and a dunkin donuts in springville and I don't mind dunkin to change things up.... However there is this little mom and pop Cafe in the village that serves fresh ground personal French press coffee that cannot be beat
  3. Now did said Canadian just finish up ravaging the dressing room at Macy's while driving his Mercedes in a pair of stolen jeans?
  4. A Canadian is walking down the street with a case of beer under his arm. His friend Doug stops him and asks, "Hey Bob! Whacha get the case of beer for?" "I got it for my wife, eh." answers Bob. "Oh!" exclaims Doug, "Good trade. Only In Canada can a pizza get to your house faster than an ambulance. What do you ca a sophisticated Canadian? An American! What's the difference between a Canadian and a canoe..... A canoe tips! How do we know Adam was Canadian.... Who else could stand beside a naked woman and we tempted by fruit! Hell the only perk of moving to Canada is that your 6 inch member becomes 15.24 CM ;) Go USA
  5. I'm shocked he wasn't picked to play for the Finnish team, why let that skill go to waste
  6. Just like your dancers, we're gonna totally undress your team ;) USA USA USA USA!!!!! Damn Canadians with their beady eyes and floppy mouths
  7. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. He was my favorite player.....Damn sabres have no eye for talent And yes for those that don't know me SARCASM lol
  8. Miller sucks.... Enroth should be the starting goalie for team USA. insert other generic bs here......
  9. I'm with ya, and then the scene making it look like Rick dies, everyone knows that Rick is not gonna die (at least not anytime soon) from the previews it looked like they may get into others this week, let's hope so.
  10. I have "let it go" from frozen, as I have my nieces around for the next couple of weeks and they enjoy it. Typically I have mine on vibrate but when sound is on I have "black is the colour" by celtic thunder
  11. I was at good times in Olean tonight and they have 2 outdoor curling tracks... They have a giant leader board and a ton of teams competing for first place... It was quite the scene, I just stopped for a shock top and some bowling.... Ended up hanging with Jack Daniels girls, free t-shirts, shots and a very drunk me ;) plus I actually got to throw a stone tonight, it's not as easy as it looks
  12. Ok, I'm sure this has been addressed and I'm at half power still this AM... But why was Ehrhoff not selected for team Germany?
  13. Gotcha, thanks.... Yeah I saw throws in the match I was watching where the clear intent was to aim and blast away, no brooms even used..... I'd like to see that replay as well... For being a boring "sport" it is somehow addicting to watch lol
  14. As awesome as that sounds, I have never gone skiing except cross country once in middle school... And i have attempted snowboarding 3 times.... All inevitably ending in instant failure and me eating snow. I heard skiing is easier than boarding, maybe one of these winters I'll try and take some lessons
  15. They have tubing (sledding) with lifts now and it's pretty extreme... Although I have know a few people to get some bad injuries lol
  16. I caught the end of the US vs Swiss curling and even tho I don't fully understand the Scoring and ins and outs, I get the basic jist of it... Like shuffleboard on ice... With brooms...But our strategy was just terrible... Idk if they just poorly executed what they were going for or if they just can't think moves ahead because they got ripped
  17. Just so the Tank isnt forgotten about during this nice 3 week layoff.......
  18. I re-separated a shoulder with pads on, with a misstep on a backwards crossover, just landed all funky and BAM, back in a sling.... So just be careful. A side note, I played division 1 tennis for 3 1/2 years and I can honestly say I have no ankle ligaments left, the number of strains is unfathomable, it's to the point that my ligaments are so lax that as soon as the ankle starts to move, it's basically perpendicular. However I recover much quicker from the typical sprain.... And wearing hockey skates is so nice for my poor joints
  19. No prob, It is pretty ridiculous when a lot of primary care centers even have Staff on hand to take care of a simple echo.... My folks used to dabble in breeding dogs, St Bernard and pomeranians... And the process and the examination the dogs were put through, we're honestly more involved that what a lot of asymptomatic players receive. Now I do feel that if there are trouble signs then the staff does a pretty good job of getting on top of it, especially with sports related injuries (minus the case of gerbe), but then again we all make mistakes, I certainly know that I do every month, but these guys really shouldnt miss anything huge. Unfortunately in the case of letang, his condition may have very well been asymptomatic, however I'm guessing that a physician should have heard at the very least a murmur of some sorts that could of warranted further imaging, but thats information that I wish I knew. To keep it on track, I'm neither here nor there on the hiring of TM, I will allow time to assess and honestly I don't know much about other candidates as well so who am I to actually judge lol
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