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Everything posted by Wyldnwoody44

  1. Interesting.... I didn't know that little tidbit... I think Manning is a better Qb in general with the way he audibles and reads the D and diagnoses plays... Brady has talent, but has had an amazing O line and Mr belichick his whole career, even tho the guy is a douche he is a good coach. I wanted Seattle to win yesterday and I'm glad it was at least a tight game, officiating was suspect at best for sure. I just hope Denver can keep their offensive pace up against that D.
  2. Lol nice, with my luck I'd come to a stop drooling over TV and get crunched.... U must have missed Sherman and his rant at the end
  3. No they start with a 3rd line Followed by another 3rd line Then a mix of 2 4th lines
  4. Met Steve Ott today, got an autograph, then after watching Denver win, flipped over to the news and bam, there I am talking with Ott.... Also made corned beef and cabbage soaked in butter and guiness..... Good day
  5. Yes i want Peyton to get his 2nd so people will quit questioning his legacy Should be a good bowl
  6. Sherman..... Just shut up.... Ignorant fool
  7. Excellent!!! Manning couldn't be stopped today
  8. Chances of winning the cup are higher.... It's given out yearly.... The Olympics only happen every 4 years and you arent guaranteed a spot on the roster. Personally I'd rather win gold
  9. Idk where else to post this, anyone else going to the Ott signing today? It is around the Nhl ;)
  10. Welcome to the board!!! Let's hope this translates into the AHL and then the Sabres
  11. Wow that's not even close to a goal, the puck hit like 20 feet up on the netting..... I hate the netting (but understand why it needs to be there)..... That's Bush league
  12. He's good, but I want this circus to be over.... Get what you can for him and move along. Also that pretty nice save he made last night, I think it was umburger, it was shot right back into him which made the save look better than it was...I'm not a miller hater.... And i don't think enroth is the answer at #1 but I think we need to take a shot and see at least. Worst that happens is our GT sucks and we draft better next year..... Win/win
  13. Can't wait for a little football..... Screw the Pats!!!!!!
  14. How much merit is there to the "miller wants to be closer to his wife" line of thinking..... Would this impact his decision and anyone know why he doesn't want to go to a Canadian team?
  15. Weave, WTF happened to you?!?! I don't even know who I am anymore. Let's hope this year's draft is a stellar one.... Everyone is assuming that it will be, and it certainly should land us some serious talent, but this is Buffalo, where even the simplest tasks are wrecked on a yearly basis. I agree with you in that Moulson is a pretty good vanek replacement, same number, same style of game, good production, all without the vanek grimace.
  16. That's if miller wants to go to a Canadian team, I think it's been said that he will refuse to go to a Canada in team in the past... Not sure how true it is. Also I'm not one of those guys that cares about trading in the division, you get the best return regardless of what team offers
  17. When I hear "give me suckitude" I Don't think about hockey lol...... Mind, meet gutter!
  18. I've heard talks of 11 having secret parking ramp deals with the KHL, while he is special, he's most certainly a flight risk
  19. Welp I've parlayed my 40 into a final loss and a total of 0... Only fitting it was a shootout
  20. I suppose the draft is a crap shoot, I just never understood some of our picks at the time...CJ wasn't a terrible pick but terrible for being our first round pick that year, and definitely not what we needed..... I guess the problems all came from us not identifying proper positions to fill at the proper times.... I'm still bitter at picking TJ tho, one of the worst picks in the past 5 years. I think we have a semblance of what we actually need now, a better direction, just hope the picks are more positive than bust... Kinda like the Kiko pick, that seems to be working out alright for us so far.
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