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Everything posted by Wyldnwoody44

  1. I'm interested in this reading thing, sounds pretty neato 📖🙃
  2. I'm still all about my 16$ Dahlin knockoff from China. It's not quite 100% but for the price it's close enough 🙂
  3. It's early and I spent all night working, a rather rough evening, I saw 4 Covid positive patients, they were all able to go home..... You know who were the sickest patients of the night though? The 4 that were alcoholics, just absolutley rough, including a young one in total liver failure. Here we are in 2020 and the rousing topic of convo are mask debates... Wtf happened to this world? Off to sleep for me soon
  4. @SwampDwhat the hell are you doing up anyways.😂😉
  5. Maybe sometimes, but balls deep on an overnight shift as I currently am, I may be misreading, people are cray cray tonight 😬
  6. That is a bit much eh, open it up yes, I'm not saying I don't empathize with those who may get infected, but the death rate is relatively low, and it's getting lower, at a certain point we have to quit hiding our tails. It doesn't matter, we haven't been on the same page, or even the same library since the beginning.
  7. I'm used to it, being on the unpopular side of opinion draws these kind of personal jabs. Nevermind that I have rather vast experience in pandemic medicine, it just happens to be on another continent so it doesn't matter here. I still keep posting though so I guess I ask for it.
  8. This seems incredibly stupid. Just play the game or cancel the season.
  9. I just saw them for sale in Hamburg on the street, for 7 dollars a piece, that's not cheap, that's the going rate, if not more. It's easy for me, I work at a hospital so I just grab surgical masks, but to launder masks and have a huge supply for a good chunk of the population is being a little silly. We just had a conversation wayyyy back in this thread regarding dollar menu diets contributing to the comorbidities of the disease, but that doesn't apply to masks?
  10. Distancing probably can work, in basic science theory, if we could all get along and have a 5 day lockdown, 100% lockdown, chances are we could eradicate the virus. But that's simply not possible and at this point 5 days may not be enough. Everything else up to this point has been such a mess, I've seen it on other continents as well, it's hard wrapping my head around some of the logic I've seen. I was combat trained in the military and I work in a pretty volatile Healthcare field, my mentality is if something is done, it should be done right, when it's not people die. That's harsh to apply to everyday life and a pandemic, but I see so much room for improvement in basic steps that I wonder if they were even thought out in the first place.
  11. No one decided to watch the video I posted months ago, it was too long and not a "quick easy answer" which is typical of most not in the field. Masks can be and are also highly dangerous to the user, especially the woven face coverings. They are not changed often and not cleaned, that moist environment all day creates a haven for Serratia, Staph, Strep, H flu, etc. I've taken a sample of masks at the end of a day and grew them on Agar plates and the findings were absolutley disgusting. All we are seeing is numbers and cases and blah blah blah, there's so much more out there that we discount to just being defiant. Granted many are defiant for no particular reason, but that doesn't invalidate the negative science behind an extended period of masking. At this point in humanity they have all but disproved sterile field and masking in the OR as a means to prevention of infection, but it's what we know, so surgeons that are 100 years old abide by it, can't teach an old dog new tricks.
  12. Probably the same thing thst has happened all along, the sheer stupidity I've seen in other countries, including our own regarding how to "fight Covid" rivals Tom hanks in Forrest Gump. It seriously deserves an academy award. Just this morning in Mexico they were taking Temps and O2 saturations at the airport.. But the kicker. If there were 2 or more people together, they took, get this, one person's vitals and then just ushered the group through. I wonder who is making money off all of this, mask companies, those companies that print those 6 foot signs that are so graciously placed approx 2 feet apart that people ignore anyways. Clearly I'm annoyed, I am jet lagged, but at a certain point, cmon man.
  13. We did know this and it's pandemic 101, there was always going to be a 2nd spike and there will be a 3rd as well, with almost every virus it does get weaker each spike. The illness is much less grave, so now it's time to carefully look forward at the same time and treating the current situation.
  14. National Treasure, a bit much eh. What knowledge have we bought? As far as I see it, we're 7 months in and still not handling this well. Our knowledge of the disease process hasn't really been improved much when you consider the amount of work put into it this year, we still have conflictig reports and no treatment that is known to work. Some good guesses, sure. I am aware it's a virus and treatments are limited, but still. It's not a popular opinion but I still think the devastating effects beyond what can be measured in polls, charts, and statistics; are going to be much worse in the coming 5 years. I went hiking at tift nature preserve before I left, children were actively scared walking by people without masks on, outside.... Are we discounting the effect this is going to have on social cues going forward?
  15. Though I feel some shade lately, thought I'd share this amazing day, sunrise hot air balloon ride over Teotihuacan. It was something that can't be described in words. The other pics are a cool cave restaurant next to Teotihuacan in a volanco called la Gruta, amazing food and mango chili margaritas.
  16. The power of preservatives. I found some stuff at Trader Joe's once that was decent, but it's since been replaced with junk again.
  17. It's like they use miracle whip or just plain sugar in it.
  18. I oddly was a big fan of Geoff Sanderson in his short stint here, his speed and game. Can't explain why but as a young'un I dug him.
  19. The bills Are known for hot 4-0 starts.... Only to poop out....
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