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Everything posted by apuszczalowski

  1. From what I remember, there was rumors of Balsillie wanting a franchise and looking at the Sabres before Pittsburgh to move them to Waterloo (league may have saw something no one else did because it doesn't seem like he would have been an owner long). There may have been talk that TG could sell, but I don't ever recall him or anyone saying he was actively looking to sell them. Balsillie at the time was actively looking for a franchise to move. For some reason, the way I remember it was that it happened fast and it was quickly announce TG agreed to sell the team to Terry. The Bills on the other hand, they were announced for sale and the Pegulas were the only ones guaranteeing they stay, the other person whos name can't be spoken around here who no one really knew his intentions, and Bon Jovi/Rodgers family whom it was assumed would relocate them.
  2. Anything is possible, how many knew the Sabres were up for sale when the Pegulas bought them? I remember it being a bit of a surprise when it was announced that TG was selling. They weren't sitting around with a 'For Sale' sign hanging on the front door of the arena back then.
  3. The plan right now thought is only for Americans entering Canada, apparently the US government has not announced any plans for allowing Canadians in yet. It's a bit odd because there's a higher percent of Canadians vacinated then Americans, but we Canadians have to be nice and inviting first...... With MLS & MLB getting the go ahead for games to be played in Canada again, I don't think it will be an issue for the NHL this fall unless things drastically change. It's not like the NFL where they are having trouble with convincing players to get vacinated, the NHL had good numbers for vacinations.
  4. Teams can also let KA know their deal isn't going to get better then what they are offering know because they know Eichel wants out and could hold out if not moved. He is injured and disgruntled, and KA is an inexperienced GM that some of the experienced GMs might now they can take advantage of and call his bluff. There's no guarantee that they are going to get anything better after the draft. Eichel hasn't won anything in the NHL yet and hasn't even seen the playoffs in his career, teams can use that against the Sabres in a deal too that he's being over valued by them.
  5. I want Akil Thomas thrown into that deal to Buffalo.....
  6. 1st round picks in this draft are apparently one of the things Adams is looking for in a deal (according to most reports). Columbus also has goalies available, something else Buffalo needs Most of the other reports have some of the other teams unwilling to include their best prospects in a deal for Eichel.
  7. Why would Vegas want to completely reconstruct their roster? They have been in the finals and are near the top of the West for most of their existence. I doubt they want to do a complete overhaul at this point
  8. I disagree, I think they could get something worthwhile from Columbus for him. They have atleast one Goalie they will need to move and have multiple 1st rounders. If they want a salary dump, they can throw in Lainie too....... And Im expecting that no matter where he goes, fans are going to be greatly disappointed as to what Adams ends up taking for him
  9. He wants out, let him go to somewhere as bad or worse. It wasn't Karma that made the Sabres bad, its the continuous hiring of inexperienced or poor choices to run this team
  10. This updated essential unisex heathered t shirt fits like a well-loved favorite, featuring a crew neck, short sleeves and designed with superior Airlume combed and ring-spun cotton, Screen Printed in the USA, Machine Washable Licensed only by the 1st Amendment This design is the exclusive copyrighted intellectual property of Smack Apparel Inc. That was copied from Amazons listing, the bolded proves its not an official product..... Their 3rd Jerseys could be Flannel.......
  11. Thats why I would want to see Eichel go there.......
  12. Can they afford him? Unless they can pull a TB and go '$10 mil over the cap' (or however Dougie put it), Buffalo would have to take salary back in a deal
  13. Looking like Tocchett stays unemployed and Boudreau may end up 'at home' replacing Hakstol as an assistant in Toronto
  14. I can't be mad about Vegas, the league wants over half a billion for a franchise that the rest of the leagues owners are going to benefit financially from when they get their piece of that fee and then teams willingly gave them assetts to make them take certain players. Vegas did a great job of working within the rules given and did even better then the 'experts' thought they would. Is it Vegas's fault the Pens wanted them to take Fleury, and Florida gave up assetts so they would take Marchessault? They have FA's wanting to sign there and have also made some good trades. Problem this year is that they seem to be wanting to push Fleury out the door, I can't remember a time when a playoff team was having success and the coach decides to give his starter time off to rest during a series
  15. What they need is people from outside their inner circle to come in and take control. They need a coach and GM with the same vision that work together with the same plan, not guys that are here because they will do what the Pegulas want to do. Adams isn't going anywhere right now, and its looking more and more that they are going to just take the interim tag off Grannato so it will continue to be inexperinced GM with a first time HC (at the NHL level)
  16. The Sabres didn't Tank for Eichel, he was the loser prize, the Tank was for McDavid.
  17. Maybe Winnipeg is just 'Buffalo of Canada'? You might be able to see Buffalo in areas around Winnipeg too?
  18. Its Charlie too, one of the reasons they went with him was because he fit their mold of what Atkins and the front office want to do.
  19. True, but the remaining team that would face this issue is going to be from Manitoba or Quebec, Quebec has already opened things back up and had fans in the arena. Manitoba is getting hit now so who knows. Ontarios government has been fighting with the Canadian government to restrict the borders even more and won't be starting the re-opening of the province plan until the 14th. It took a game 7 of a hockey series and some begging to even allow 500 fully vacinated health care workers in to watch the Leafs game last night
  20. Wasn't there talk at the start of the year about how tough and amazing that division was going to be? And it looked like it only because they got to beat up on each other all year.
  21. Its weird to see a team like that with the most, you would expect those to be something the big market top teams (Boston, NY, Toronto, etc.) would be leading, but they probably have the least because they don't need to offer them to entice the top players to sign there. Its the small market teams and the bottom feeders that need to offer them to entice a player to sign.
  22. Now that the Leafs are out, and if they go on a tear up the standings, maybe the Ontario Government will get an exemption from the Canadian government to allow them back If Charlie keeps 'managing' they way has has been, the Jays fans may let Buffalo keep the franchise.......
  23. That sounds more like just good coaching When I think analytics, I'm thinking about how guys like Charlie Montoya ruin games by pulling their starter whos been doing great all game just because the other team is starting through their lineup a 3rd time, or having no one in the bullpen warming up until 'your best reliever' just walked the bases loaded in the last inning of a 1 run ball game while your bullpen didn't pitch the day before because of a rainout, you used up 2 relievers in the first half of a double header earlier in the day when the starter could have gone longer, and you have a day off the next day (before playing 2 games before your next day off) Sorry, didn't really have much to do with analytics or your comment, just wanted to complain about Montoya.......
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