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Everything posted by apuszczalowski

  1. Except for Boston, I'm ok with any of these teams remaining winning (Carolina only because of Ned in net)
  2. Its why this team hasn't been much of anything since Miller and Hasek..... Unfortunately where do you go to find one right now? I don't see anyone on the roster that would fit that mold for next year, I like Ullmark but I don't see him as anything more then a good 1B type guy in a tandem.
  3. Maybe in Prices prime, but he hasn't been great in a while I think the Habs were lucky they played a team that can't get out of their own way in the playoffs. The only thing that keeps this close would be the Jets being rusty because they haven't played in atleast a week I have to say it wasn't originally mine, I stole it from a comment section on Sportsnets website
  4. In Buffalo or Toronto? because the Leafs grabbed Cambell who they thought was the greatest thing because he kept winning in the regular season. They are still trying to follow the Oilers team building strategy of putting all your money and assetts in the forwards and then grab whatevers left for defence and in net (they are basically Oilers east with better goaltending....)
  5. And not one of them could save the Leafs from Choking......... 3-1, the final score in tonights game and also at one point the series lead held by the Leafs Watching the Leafs in the playoffs makes me less embarrassed to be a Sabres fan
  6. I've said it for years, fans need to realize the current way of tailgating is going to be pushed out by the league. Especially with how things are going with fans in places like Buffalo, last thing the league and teams want are lawsuits for injuries after someone is paralyzed after going through a table. Plus the league makes nothing off of the current tailgate setups, but they can make some money having sponsored 'tailgate zones' at stadiums where you can get cheap beer from the venue's sponsor and some food in a controlled area But it's how it's done. They get pitched on the 'economic impact' of what a stadium will bring to the area, and tax dollars, and other things that make politicians get excited......
  7. Then good luck because that's the way most are going and the government's won't be in favour in chipping in millions for a venue that's only guaranteed around 10 events a year.
  8. Prepare to be disappointed in any deal. Prepare for futures or picks as the basis for any deal. Team looking to get either guy arent going to want to give up high quality roster players for either because they will be trying to get better now with those guys. And because everyone knows those guys are upset and want out, other teams are going to use that to their advantage.
  9. Did anyone else have the same reaction as me 'Gretzky worked in the Oilers front office?'
  10. I don't see many Buffalo marlins fans willing to spend to see them, Astros maybe. I think the only games you could probably make some money reselling would be the Yankees series where I'm expecting 90% of the crowd to be Yankees fans since jays fans can't just cross the border to go to a game..... I don't see the Jays coming back to Ontario until atleast sometime in mid-late July if we are lucky, very lucky. The Canadians are the first sports team in Canada to start letting fans in and their playing teams that haven't left Canada The Jays may get a little lucky in the 2nd half of the summer if you guys force the border open and the Jays announce the roof is stuck in the open position making it an 'Outdoor venue'
  11. I heard they called him up and begged and he just laughed and said he would rather stay out of the league then hung up......
  12. Anderson can be real good, Leafs typically kill him by trying to get him to play 90% of the season. He could be very good as a 1a of a tandem with Ullmark. Let him play 50-60%of the games with Ullmark handling the rest and it's a huge upgrade
  13. That doesn't mean he wasn't 'in play', just that they didn't have a deal they were willing to accept to move him.
  14. Except that in one case, the team retaining 25% didn't give up anything but the retention for getting a pick from the team getting the player. (I think it was the deal where Detroit retained some cap space for another team. (The skinner part was just an example, I know it would take more and would be for more then just one year)
  15. its more likely that is just shows the other GMs and the rest of the league that he is in over his head and doesn't know what he is doing (and over values what he has). If Hall had more term on his deal, or the Sabres were a borderline playoff team, then it could be argued he shouldn't just deal him for whatever is the best he can get. But with them all but locking up the worst record in the league, and Hall becoming a UFA at the end of the season, holding onto him does nothing good for the franchise.
  16. I think he literally just re-signed as you posted this This team has enough Youth/youngsters, they need to sign veterans who will make a difference and a coach (and maybe GM) that can get the best out of what they have. They need to get the right coach, and be searching in the high end of the FA Pool, not the bargain bins to fill up the bottom of the roster. The problem with this team (besides bad inexperience bad coaches) is they don't have many high end difference makers. They made the right moves this offseason (in theory) by going after veteran leadership (Staal) and a high end offensive player (Hall). Unfortunately Staal seemed to be past his prime and not interested in being here, while Hall seems to be the kind of player who is going to put in the work to carry a team and make them better. Just handing over the team and the top spots to the youngsters hoping they just develop into the roles almost never works out. They need to have to battle and beat out guys infront of them to earn their spots
  17. I don't agree with being able to do this, adding a 3rd team to a deal for the sole purpose of taking on cap hit for other teams. (Although I guess this year that might be the only way for deals to get done because all the buyers are pretty much right up against the cap) If this is legal, why could a team like Buffalo just shop picks to teams with space for a players cap hit? Why couldn't they call a team like SJ and offer them a 5th for 1/3 of Skinners cap hit this year?
  18. Nobody on this team should be untouchable for the right price. Its not like this team has been successful with any of them. Thats not saying players should just be given away though
  19. It also should be noted for those using Foligno as a comparison, the Leafs gave up more because they needed a 3rd team involved to just take on more salary because they could afford to take him for just 50% retention.
  20. I think the issue/concern is that by retaining salary (which everyone assumed they would be doing anyways) the return was going to be that much greater, but seeing Halls production this year, this probably was an upgrade to any original offer they would have gotten otherwise and the only thing making him tradeable. this was always going to be an underwhelming deal and more of a 'get an asset for something your gonna lose in the offseason'.
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