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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. Herculean fightback by ManU against the worst team in the league, probably. It’s still funny...
  2. Paul Pogba playing center-half and Fellani on ahead of Alexis... this can’t possibly get funnier... can it? update: Matic missing the net from three yards out, apparently it can get funnier...
  3. Good lord, Ashley Young deliberately hitting the ball with his arm in the box, ref gives a goal kick because of what I can only assume are reasons... what in the world?
  4. The continued presence of Girgensons in general vexes me greatly.
  5. Just caught the highlights. Sigurdson's goal was siiiiick. As the kids say.
  6. Really, really really hoping the hilarious clown show at ManU continues this afternoon. Newcastle are beyond bad, so maybe not. But it'd be extra funny if they pull something out...
  7. Yeah, perhaps a bit insensitive and poorly stated on my part. Mea culpa. Need more coffee.
  8. Fair enough, but I can’t wait for the inevitable bad ending with this d**k...
  9. You are quite dilebritely misunderstanding. I never once said Nazis until another poster brought it up. It’s pretty well implied, but whatever. I want this fascist regime to disappear. The electorate will not do this for us, because. This I understand and accept, though it be evil. We are in for a long period of darkness, borne of the indifference of many young people but mostly gerrymandering and conserving cr attempts to limit the right to vote. It the minority (white conservatives) will shed not a tear...
  10. Neither did most Germans in 1930. Wait, that doesn’t make sense... they didn’t think Germany would turn into Nazi Germany, obviously...
  11. He also go to rid of NAFTA and then renegotiated NAFTA with Mexico and Canada individually... so he' should go to that going for him...
  12. I mean, whatever helps you sleep at night, but the objective reality of the similarity between the two situations can not be ignored. Or else, you know... Out of curiosity, what's is your idea of the proper role of the Supreme Court? If I had either the time or energy I'd lay out why the reactionary right are actually producing the judicial activists...
  13. Pretty much what NB says. He'll reliably come down against the interests of labor, women, the environment... but Trump could have nominated any one of dozens of others who would do the same thing. What makes Kavanaugh dangerous is what he represents. Dude is clearly dirty as hell in all sorts of respects. His finances needed a better look, but whatever. The rapey dudebro stuff is equally troubling , and the focus on it and his subsequent torrent of perjury in defense of himself was pathetic. Normal sane people do not keep alabi calendars for almost 40 years, nor do they have prearranged lists of all sorts of women they've never raped. But whatever. He's Trump's guy, because he'll never vote to impose consequences on anything Trump does. End of. It's bold-faced politization of the judiciary. Once everyone is free to believe that the Supreme Court, and every other court, is simply acting upon political bias, then the inevitable march forward of fascism may continue unimpeeded. We'll be lucky to have an election at all in 2020, and I am not kidding.
  14. Things are looking good for him ATM. This should horrify all of us.
  15. Kavanaugh is in. He’ll do what he’s been put there to do, erase the non political front that’s been draped over the judiciary since the constitution was written. Wholly the point. We’re reaching end-stage Weimar Germany. Swap out Mitch McConnell for Paul von Hindenburg. Both of whom bit off more than they could chew, McConnell either doesn’t know this yet or genuinely doesn’t care. Probably the latter. I despair at the thought of what the next few months will bring, we’ve seen it before. I have no faith we won’t see it again.
  16. Housley spitting fire in the postgame interview. Says the rookies were okay, everyone else needs to step it up. I like it.
  17. I can't help but think this team would have benefited from starting out west then coming home for four. In any case, I can't imagine they'll be this bad going forward. You could hear the sticks come,aiming they were being squeezed too tight...
  18. Risto at least trying to make something happen. I’m not willing to form a solid opinion based on one game, against what we all have to admit is a much better team, but hoo this has been a rough one.
  19. Was Eller douchey? Yes. At 7-0 is Marchand proving anything? Nah. If I'm a Bruins fan (ugh, threw up in my mouth a bit there) I'm pretty embarrassed at that display. Wipe the floor with them all night, no response on the ice. Showboat a bit, well, now they need to show some "toughness" or whatever.
  20. I think I’m right in adding Denis Hamel to that list... Ni matter, let’s see a win tonight...
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