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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. Well, somebody has to. Or else, many of our finest corporations and their masters are wasting a -load of money.... Seriously, nobody hasn't made their mind up? We're slavishly covering debates we don't care about?
  2. So, I've been thinking about something. A good deal is made of "undecided voters" in every election. I know what I think and what I find important in a candidate for any office, be it dog-catcher up to and including POTUS. Anyone undecided, what is it that makes you so? Everyone has beliefs and ideals. Is it that you find no candidate that gives you what you want? Is it that you don't trust any candidate to deliver what you'd expect? Or is it that you honestly don't know who to vote for and are genuinely interested in the debate process?
  3. South Carolina has long been the home of America's finest lunatics. Look into the start of the Civil War.
  4. Trust me, Neo. The military did not universally love GWB. He gained a good deal of capital from 9/11 and spent it unwisely. This comes not from me, but from several family members / friends in uniform. Brass liked him, but he wrote them blank checks...
  5. Maybe that's part of it. Spread it around, make sure everyone gets a turn.
  6. He wasn't particularly honest though. I'm not going to go too far down the rabbit-hole. I repeat, read his dissent in Lawrence v. Texas. Unless it was in Cleveland circa 2004/2005 I kinda doubt it.... Of course, this may have been his stock answer to this question that was likely hurled at him at every public appearance because even first year law students know better...
  7. No mistake, I think he was intellectually dishonest and ideologically driven beyond the point of reason. At times. Those times being most.
  8. Am I the only one genuinely bored of the very idea of outdoor games? The first one they did in Edmonton, then the one in Buffalo were nice. Since, ugh.
  9. When I was in law school, I attended a talk given by Scalia. He trotted out his usual lines. During the q&a, someone asked him if, given his views on the constitution and the role of the courts, he'd cast a vote to overturn Brown v. Board of Education. He just blinked a couple times and said, rather huffily, "I'm not crazy." Read his dissent in Lawrence v. Texas. He twisted both court precedent and logic until they screamed, not just there but it's a good capsule of how his mind worked.
  10. Ah, yes, the Thurmond Rule. As in Strom. As in: you go to hell LBJ!!!! Hilarious that "strict constructionalists" are braying negativity at the mere thought of the President asserting his constitutional authority. The GOP would just rather Obama not ever nominate anyone for any reason. The Dems would probably be the same the shoe being on the other foot, both parties are equally vile. Interestingly, Scalia's death probably costs the right wing a Union-Killing majority in the Friedrichs case. That is now going to be affirmed 4-4. The affirmative action takedown survives, however, because Kagan recused herself.
  11. Patented Ryan Miller glove-side softie against the Laffs just now. And Again!!!!! Okay, second one not really his fault.
  12. I am staggered by your restraint and fortitude. I'd be setting things on fire were I in your position right now...
  13. And stuff keeps happening. Yeo fired in MN... https://twitter.com/russostrib/status/698664047554727936 , Hoss. Really, that gets censored? Huh.
  14. Oooooooo. Vancouver wearing the German National Team sweaters with sleds on them tonight. I'm suddenly transported back to high school.... Wow, Gino Odjick walking out there on his own. impressive.
  15. A few days late on this one, but Mets pitcher Jenrry Mejia banned for life by Major League Baseball for a third positive PED test. Hilariously enough, the last two positive tests came WHILE HE WAS SUSPENDED for the previous test. He still had like 90 games left on his suspension this season. I have no words for how dumb this is. Now it's him and Pete Rose, the only two guys banned for life.
  16. Translating: He thought that was actually McKenzie's opinion.
  17. Foligno can stay for a 4th line role at a 4th line salary. Otherwise no. McGinn, while a nice player, isn't worth that much, and indeed may get an offer for more than that. No thanks. There are cheaper comparable alternatives. Moulson, while it's painful to watch him... I get the feeling that it's better to suck it up and pay him the next couple years as opposed to having his buyout counting against the cap for years afterwards when various ELC's will be over and Eichel, Samson, et. al. are going to want to be paid. Although, watch, they'll buy him out.... I am militantly indifferent to Zemgus. Again, there are other similar players out there.
  18. There are a few bugs. The rollout was a disaster, and the iOS app is a hot mess, but in general the improvement in video quality has been worth it. I would expect the kinks to be worked out in due course. Adding a bit of intrigue, I just got my renewal notice for MLB.tv. They dropped the price $20 for 2016. I'll be real interested to see what the NHL charges for next year...
  19. PK Subban can eat a bag of.... Well, we all know....
  20. Someone should explain backchecking to Eichel. Soon.
  21. FWIW, I took a massive pay cut almost exactly two years ago to escape my previous job and take my current one. Positives: I no longer want to shoot myself in the face on a daily basis and with my wife's support and blessing we're still living indoors and eating regularly. Negatives: Losing 25% of my salary hurt, no mistaking that. Outcome: Mental health and personal satisfaction outweigh the slimmer wallet. For me, anyway. If money were to become an issue, as you've indicated it is for you, then the scales might just tip the other way, though. It's a tough spot. Hopefully you end up in a good spot.
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