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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. Athletic ability, at the elite level, is a commodity with a short shelf-life. Anybody good enough to pursue pro sports should do so at the earliest point possible. College / Junior is all well and good, but an athlete is only ever one catastrophic injury away from having the door closed forever. If you can play, and earn as much as you can, do it. If the individual is not mature enough to handle it, the flameout happens regardless. How many of us know people who lasted one year in college max? I can't understand questioning any kid whose is demonstrably capable from doing what's best for him, career-wise. Any team, or school for that matter, would come at it from the opposite angle.
  2. Speaking of Stafford, he just took a 1-game suspension for a fantastic high-stick against Colorado. It was straight out of Kill Bill, full marks. Edit: Whoops. In late.
  3. That is just perfect. High-sticking is the only thing he could have called it that would have been more ridiculous.
  4. If this was baseball I'd be finishing this game under protest
  5. Welp. Had Franson not done everything aside from slew-footing Lehner and putting the puck in his own net for Boston's goal, this is a shutout and a win. Here's hoping the good guys can sneak the extra point...
  6. At least he didn't hit himself,in the face with his own stick. Which I think he's entirely capable of.
  7. Lehner hung himself out to dry there. Got lucky. The second one was a good stop...
  8. Just watched the Jason Wolley goal on the "Greatest Plays in Sabres History" segment. Fun fact, I had forgotten all about Vaclav Varada until I saw him just now.... Alright boys. Punch somebody. Or score a goal.
  9. Nice goal by Samson. Chara is a bit ponderous out there at this point. I mourn that not...
  10. Perhaps I worded it poorly. Instead of "people" I should have input "two guys on this forum, one of whom is never allowed to come back"
  11. Watching Rangers-Flyers. Evidently, Wayne Simmonds got a match penalty for knocking out Ryan McDonagh with a bit of a sucker punch. McDonagh, for his part, gets 4 for slashing/high-sticking. All of this ignores that McDonagh started it with what looked to be a fairly deliberate corss-check to Simmonds' head. I really can't figure out how these games are called.
  12. Not intending to dig up the grave of the Golisano era and parade those old bones around (even though, in retrospect, that's exactly what I did). Just struck me in that moment. For all the grief Pegula gets, he bought a fixer-upper and had it gutted. Even if he didn't realize that at the outset, it became obvious after the wallpaper covering the gaping holes in the beginning of his ownership didn't do the job. Maybe the rebuild could have been commenced faster, Vanek is definitely not the centerpiece of a franchise, then or now. I'll just retire this and/or move it to one of the seventeen more appropriate threads now...
  13. Just saw that. Given what we now know, I wonder if things might not have turned out better long-term had Darcy let Vanek walk to EDM and taken all those draft picks. Talk about a tank, but the franchise may well be light years ahead by now.
  14. I refused to go to my sister's wedding (Vegas). I was a poor law student at the time, no thanks. Of course, I can be unreasonable about things.... But I found it a bit crappy for her to be asking everyone to shell out a few grand for what could have been a much easier for everyone time of it at or near home. Family...
  15. I have a personal anecdote which makes me somewhat sympathetic to the player and horrified at the conduct of everyone else involved. I play old guy beer-league soccer. Was in goal, had my own teammate put a knee right in the side of my head. Knocked me clean out. I have no memory of anything for an indeterminable amount of time afterwards. I'm told I was out for a minute or two, got back up and finished the game. My wife was there, could tell that something was wrong, and wanted to take me to the hospital. I am told I lost my mind at the suggestion, became belligerent and quite frightening to deal with. It took two guys to manhandle me into the car and keep me still long enough to get to the er. I came to, and my memory picks back up a few minutes after they'd gotten me back to an exam room. I was boiling with anger for no explainable reason, for some time until I started to feel like myself again. I can't really explain it any better than that. My wife's a nurse and knew what the deal was as soon as she saw it, and fortunately for us she had enough people around to help her deal with my addled angry self. This stuff is scary. It's well known, and I have no doubt that even if, in that moment, Wideman decided to flatten the linesman, he wouldn't necessarily have been in complete possession of his faculties. That he was allowed to stay in the game is ridiculous. The team should be taking the hit for it. The league should be taking this more seriously. The PA as well. How the player is left holding the bag alone here is beyond me.
  16. Anaheim wins tonight. If my reading of the standings is correct, that puts them in a playoff spot, Third in a truly putrid Pacific Division. Watch, they'll win the damn cup this year. After the start they had and the hysterics surrounding it, I'm all for it.
  17. Annnnnnnd, meltdown. Not working at all. A look at the twitters tells me I'm not alone. They literally had one f***ing job with this one. Ugh. Wait a second.... It's been running for almost a minute now on the Apple TV..... It's a Groundhg's Day miracle! I'm saltier than I should be about this, though God help everyone if my viewing of tomorrow's Sabres game is in any way impacted... I mean, I might send a sternly worded tweet...
  18. Welp. The updated app pushed itself to my phone / iPad this morning. Lots of white space, I like it. Randomly looked at a game from the archive; the video looks a TON better.
  19. Sabres fans descend en masse in Raleigh and Columbus (I've been in the middle of it in Columbus a few times, it was fun). Neither franchise gets all hurt about the extra tickets sold (Columbus fans are pretty nice as well, even with the Cheektowaga inebriates going out of the way to be annoying. Carolina... well...). The BJ's still call me all the time in an attempt to peddle tickets, and it's been almost five years. Pittsburgh fans swarm Washington. Montreal and Toronto sweaters can be found everywhere in large numbers. It'll be fine. As has been stated upthread, if you're so offended by who is buying tickets, perhaps you should buy them yourself.
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