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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. Like I said, he's going to have to sign in SJ.
  2. Those vans are going to have to be spectacular to get his stuff across the Atlantic to where he'll be playing next season.
  3. Frankly, I was surprised to see that was the worst thing we saw out of paint the ice night...
  4. This borders on the hackneyed Kruschev "Three Envelopes" trope. Anybody who's been paying even the slightest bit of attention gets it, the franchise was a mess the day JBOTs walked in. Don't need him to remind us, just give me something to make me think he might have a plan going forward.
  5. NHL.tv has an app for pretty much all streaming hardware. I use it on Apple TV, works like a charm. Yeah, I do Hulu live TV. I ditched Sling for it because sling was hot garbage. Channel lineup varies by market (I don't get ABC live because they don't have an agreement with the local affiliate, for instance) but I also get the Washington regional sports channels, I'm sure they have that nailed down in most markets. No NHL Network, but eh, that's only a few games a year.
  6. no corporation is actually in the business of what they tell you they're in the business of, if you look far enough under the hood...
  7. Remember kids: if it's free to use, you are the product...
  8. I'd that this was more catching lightning in a bottle as opposed to OSP having any positive impact. Coming out of the '04 lockout, all teams were required to work under budget restrictions that Darcy had been dealing with for years. He had a year to look at the changes being made to the game and shaped the roster accordingly. They came back flying and, well, cusps. Then the time came to actually write a check or two. Nope. Darcy definitely made bad decisions with the windfall he got through Pegula's purchase. Then GMTM... ugh.
  9. I'm sure someone else has said it at some point, but the fact that Deslauriers was even playing enough to be put in a position to score ten goals is more an indictment of Montreal and less to do with Des, who is what he is. Nolan - Des = 0
  10. I'm currently doing Hulu live tv, gets me pretty much all the sportz I need (national tv). Still do NHL.tv and MLB.tv, plus Fox soccer online, but i was doing that when I had cable anyway.
  11. This was tried with a soccer team in Wales a few years ago. It ended... badly.
  12. 1. They're comfortable. 2. My other pair of black dress shoes had to be euthanized a few weeks ago as the soles finally gave up the ghost (see what I did there?) 3. See 1. above.
  13. Pouliot well and truly played his way out of a contract at the end of this season. Woof.
  14. Just happened to look down and noticed I'm wearing navy blue socks w/ gray pants and black shoes... I'm going to go ahead and blame Daylight Savings Time for making me get dressed in the dark. It's really bothering me now that I know we have a situation...
  15. I said earlier today I think the only locks out of the non-rookies to be here for the start of next season are Jack, Samson, KO. ROR and Risto could get traded, or not depending on the possible return. I absolutely don't care about the rest of the JAGs, but would imagine they won't all be leaving.
  16. This is the exact same thing that infuriated me about the infamous Mike Weber interview after that Arizona game. Have a little bit of self-awareness, man. You're not somehow not part of the problem. Not a good look, as was said upthread.
  17. The coaching staff wasn't meant to win games, either.
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