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Everything posted by 7+6=13

  1. It was also dumb of Anderson to overreact like that.
  2. I kind of blame Anderson too. Was there really enough done to him for that reaction, causing a teammate to have to stand up for him?
  3. We have to explain our thumbs down now? Do you do that?
  4. Liked them in the start of the season, through the losing streak and now. This is a team to watch and enjoy how they grow.
  5. We disagree that it should have been done already. I guess you're only left with that KA either sucks at his job or doesn't care about winning. I don't believe everything should have already been addressed. IMO, that would be the wrong approach.
  6. The defense and goaltending will get addressed and you know it. You keep posting the same thoughts and everyone agrees these are the two areas most critical to be fixed. Trades this time of year are not common. The player(s) to acquire must present themselves. KA can't fix everything in 2 years. I appreciate is methodical approach.
  7. Gives me great pleasure. I know that's immature but I've held a grudge, haha.
  8. Sabres showed me a lot of good tonight and TB knows its not a coast game in Buffalo anymore.
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