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Everything posted by SHAAAUGHT!!!

  1. I think we should be allowed to insult ourselves, it looks like that what Rakish was doing. I'll go next: SHAAAAUGHT!!!, you are a such a sexy opinionated moron. You should be ashamed of yourself.
  2. Any Ween fans out there? This guy has all three nights in vegas up on his youtube page. They played more than 100 different songs over the 3 days.
  3. And Robin told other teams during the Spittin Chicklets interview that he struggles making saves during shutouts when skaters slow down before they shoot. Someone from the Golden Knights needs to get this guy away from social media and microphones. I'm really curious to see if LV wanted the press conference yesterday, or if Robin insisted on it, because that press conference was hard to watch. It is clear that Lehner just wants to help protect players in the league, but he doesn't seem to be in the right place mentally to do so. Hopefully the people in his orbit convince him to stay off the internet and away from whatever "news" networks he is watching so he can focus on his health, family, and hockey.
  4. This is the most likely scenario, but that bodes the question as to "why" is it being spoon fed to the press at this time. IMO it is to get other teams worried that a competing team is getting ready to pull the trigger on a trade after reviewing the updated medical records the Sabres recently shared. So I think this move is a tactic to nudge a team towards a trade for Eichel. Hopefully it works in the Sabres favor...
  5. Now we know the real reason why he isn't at camp. I figured the Sharks must of had other concerns than just allegations from an estranged partner during divorce proceedings, especially when her previous allegations were unproven.
  6. It’s from the TV show “Community”. It was a really funny show and it still holds up.
  7. Please add an "All of the Above" option so I can vote properly. Thank you.
  8. There is no way that guy is old enough to drink, is he??? I thought he was some 15 year old kid with all the basic hot takes, complete lack of grammar skills, and zero self awareness.
  9. 100%. He was in the right headspace to interview for a job and work as an NHL goalie, so yes, he should be in the right headspace to be tested like that. Goalie is literally the most stressful position on the ice. He has a history of handling stress badly and I would want to make sure he has developed healthy coping skills to prevent a regression in his progress.
  10. This doesn't sound like the question of an "outdated" coach. It sounds like an interviewer asking an interviewee a question designed to see how he will handle a stressful situation - and it sounds like it may have worked since he saw something during that interview that convinced him not to sign Lehner. Robin Lehner is an NHL goalie. That is a position that comes with an incredible amount of ridicule in the press, interwebs, and sometimes in the locker room. If I'm about to invest a few million dollars on a person I'm going to test him during the interview process to see how he handles the inevitable negative BS he will be exposed to.
  11. I think you gotta let Skinner be Skinner. He's at his best when he is flying down the ice with the puck on his stick, circling around the net looking for a shot or a swat, and getting on the other teams nerves. So I'm looking to draw up plays that get him the first pass out of the d-zone, and put him on a line with a playmaker and someone with speed and finish that he can look to pass to on the rush. He also needs someone big enough to scare the other team from taking liberties with him. This is why I really thought the Skinner-Cozens-VO line was going to click.
  12. I’m a bit surprised his podcast isn’t more popular because he has some great interviews. He just posted this one today with Rob Ray.
  13. Almost. They drafted Mike Hock instead.
  14. It's a bit frustrating to hear him be so confident the Sabres medical staff caused further injury to his ankle. Especially when it's hard to drink a 30 pack a day and be properly hydrated. It's even harder to stay hydrated when you drink like that and play a position like goalie. And it's even harder to rehab something correctly when your damaging your body so badly every single day. Alcohol is an unforgiving temptress that unfortunately tastes delicious and goes great with food, uncomfortable social situations, and recreational drug use. So I totally get it, but it's important to be honest with ourselves on the risks associated with heavy daily use. To me it seems unhealthy living is a much more likely culprit than a poorly developed rehab plan for a sprained ankle.
  15. I would only allow the surgery he wants with a renegotiated contract. That said, I have no idea what is allowed under the CBA when it comes to renegotiating contracts. If the Sabres were to terminate or void the contract they would have to put him through waivers first, right? And if they did that one of KAs potential trade partners would pick him up without giving up any assets. They would let Eichel get his surgery and place him on LTIR so they wouldn't even have to clear cap room this season. Then they could bring him back during playoffs like Tampa did last year. I think this is why the Sabres won't terminate the contract because he will likely be healthy enough for the playoffs, no matter which surgery he gets, so they need to get value back or else this will be called ROR2.
  16. It really just could have been his nerves after doing so much talking in the offseason. I'm not overly concerned yet because it's only one game, but I'm definitely not happy with what I saw. Hopefully he bounces back next game with a strong showing.
  17. Cozens appeared to struggle with the puck throughout the game. I think he had two muffed shots and another where he had tons of room and and shot it directly at the goalie. Not what I was expecting from him but it's still early in the season...
  18. I expect everyone's compete levels to remain high this game and through season because the Sabres FO doesn't tolerate poor efforts or attitudes anymore. Just ask John 😁
  19. I share your concern but this was a different offseason for Cozens. He was in Ontario training with other NHL'ers and I think he is going to start the season hot and with a lot of confidence. It's up to Granato and Co. to make sure they put him in a position to grow and succeed, and that depends on how well Okposo, Girgs, and +1 do in their shutdown role. I think/hope Cozens gets more key minutes on the ice than Casey does, scores around 18, and get's over 30 helpers playing with Skinner and Olofsson.
  20. Looks like Captain Dunning-Krueger is reporting for duty...
  21. Now that we are in football and hockey season I'm reading a lot more sports articles. A pet peeve of mine is lazy writing, especially when it comes to article titles. I thought it might be fun to have a thread where we get a little silly and predict headlines for the upcoming season that we will inevitably see due to lazy writing. I'll start: “The Kids Are Alright” - after Middlestat, Cozens, and Dahlin have a multi-point night in the same winning game after losing 6 in a row “The Bills Take The High Road, The Sabres Take the Low Road” – boiler plate article about how the Pegula’s struck gold with the Bills FO and the Sabres FO looks like a Benny Hill episode (we would also accept “Where Else Would You To Be? Anywhere But The Sabres”) “Granato Brings It Back To The Basics” – inevitable article about how the team is “overthinking” their play, which is why they continue to lose close games
  22. This was solid. Are there triggers on the toms, or is that just a mix of reverb and double bass sprinkled in?
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