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Everything posted by SHAAAUGHT!!!

  1. Because more roster movement is on the way. A haircut usually looks bad until it is finished.
  2. It could also be delayed due to an extension negotiation coming back the other way ala Sam Bennett, or a third party...
  3. 10 games before the ELC kicks in
  4. I just started watching tape of both these guys this week, but it looks like Power's skating (even at 6'5) is at par with Beniers - and he's not afraid to shoot the puck. Beniers may be a stud in a few years, but I can't see drafting him at #1 with an asset like Powers sitting there. Even though he is a D, I can see Powers having a larger impact on the big club before Benier does. With Risto, Miller, and McCabe likely gone over the next year, I like the idea of a Powers pick. Checks a lot of boxes and is lower risk.
  5. I can't take a "best candy" list seriously that doesn't have sweettarts on it. And oh yes, I take candy lists very seriously 😁
  6. It's not Buffalo or Rochester style, but Linda's NY Pizzeria on Lyell Ave is/was amazing. I haven't been there in a while, but they had some of the best individual slices in the area
  7. 100% wrong. He is getting the HC job, a seat on the PSE board, and is helping design the next BS headgear.
  8. I must be in the minority when I say Buffalo NY pizza is just as awful as any place in this country that doesn't imitate NYC slices. Buffalo chains use too much dough, and usually too much cheese. I've lived all over NY state (80% in WNY) and the best spot I've been to outside the city is Pizza King in Schenectady. This is a great description of Buffalo pizza, and exactly why I don't like it (although I do like the cup-and-char pep). I'll take thin crispy crusts vs soft piles of dough any day. When I was living in GA I always hit up Mellow Mushroom for their BBQ chicken pizza, or Fellini's for a traditional slice. I was only down there for 6 months but it was long enough to think Wing Zone wings were decent. Then I moved back to Rochester, grabbed wings at the pub around the corner, and I swore I'd never over-estimate the quality of a wing again. Over estimating the quality of GMs and head coaches are another story entirely....
  9. My son's bag has wheels, but he's refused to pull it since he was around 13. If my bag had wheels I'd use them, but probably only to start a fight with a rando that wanted to say something to me aboot it. To each his own πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  10. 2 things really hurt Timmy C 1) The Sabre's medical staff misdiagnosis of his neck injury that kept him off the ice and prolonged his recovery during his prime - once corrected he looked like a superstar until getting injured again 2) Never learning how to take a hit - everyone from Kasparaitis to Giroux blew him up
  11. This was a thoughtful and reasonable post. It has no place on this thread. SHAME!!! But for real, Buffalo (and maybe the league) has been way too generous handing out NMC/NMT clauses. If memory serves me right, which it doesn't always do, when NTCs were introduced they were a way for a team to sign a player for a lower amount; basically the player took a salary discount for a bit of control over where you are going to live and play for the duration of that contract. I'm curious if during the next CBA negotiations if owners will look to start placing limitations on these contracts based on years in the league, contract AAV, length of contract, etc in order to start reigning in some of these bad situations GMs have created for themselves. TP can't feel good today about having to pay Jeff Skinner $9MM in 2026...
  12. The sooner the Sabres can trade Hall, the more likely they get more back. If it comes down to the deadline KA loses his negotiation leverage and will have to settle for a less substantial package (see ROR trade). This will be a very telling negotiation for the type of deal KA can pull off when he has so much leverage on his side (6 days before deadline, can retain cap, no playoffs to prep for 2020-2021). The major obstacle is the NMC but I can't imagine why Hall would want to finish out the season here. I would take my top 2-3 preferred offers to Hall agent (we have to assume they will be playoff teams, or at least playoff bubble teams) and tell him to make a decision or his client isn't going to get the right type of exposure for his next contract (i.e. playing for this Sabres team, or a cup contender).
  13. This would be great, and hopefully this is what they have in mind. Ideally KA would just be the intermediary between the Pegulas and the people that actually know something about how to build a hockey organization. KAs first offseason was a mess with overpaying depth players and not addressing the glaring weaknesses in net and depth on defense, but it looks like he is able to make trades and with some FO support he may be able to be put in a position where he can actually succeed. I guess we will see...
  14. It's almost like people not involved in the other conversations wanted to talk about this and didn't realize some people would view the poorly written click bait as something substantive enough to warrant an arbitrary limitation of the discussions scope. Weird.
  15. 4 firsts are a start, but that doesn't start paying dividends until 3-4 years out (unless KA is secretly the savviest GM out there and can quickly flip those for players) Is there a reasonable trade out there for Eichel that actually makes this team better next season? Patrick Kane and 4 1sts from Chicago might do it. Adds similar contract, productive player, and a boat load of assets for the Sabres and gives Chicago their next Patty Kane today while not having to wait on their 1st round picks to develop.
  16. There is an extreme opposite narrative about refs that is presented by the guy who runs this FB page https://www.facebook.com/youreoffside . He basically takes the stance there is a culture of ref abuse - which there most certainly is - but refs NEVER intentionally miss or make up a call. He originally played it off as satirical, but it has given protection to a movement of activist refs as he has taken his show on the road and started to give TV interviews over the last year or two. He hasn't addressed this specific story yet, but I'm curious to see what stance he takes because it is often echoed throughout the officiating ranks. Not sure if everyone was aware of this movement so I thought I'd mention it.
  17. First time I was in an elevator in China I was a bit confused. Turns out the pronunciation of the number four in Mandarin sounds like the word "death," so they avoid it. Along with the number 13.
  18. Everything I saw from JJ before I stopped watching showed he had the raw skill, but his positioning - for both the initial shot and rebound - are horrendous. This is something a good (or the right) goalie coach can work with him on to bring him to the next level. So he isn't a lost cause quite yet and is a good project for the team willing to spend the time with him.
  19. This assumes the Sabre's can't screw up losing. I don't even trust them to get that right at this point...
  20. My guesses are: 1) they are getting ready to trade one or more goalie 2) Ullmark isn’t coming back this season 3) they are preparing to tank 4) All of the above
  21. Another option is to not walk away completely, but sell off a controlling interest. That way they wouldn't have to walk away as losers.
  22. My comment was more about his O&G success, but this statement also holds true there too πŸ˜‚ Good eye! This was definitely a writing exercise (as I was hoping the sign off would imply) that was driven by the various criticisms of the ownership sprinkled through all the posts lately. Unfortunately, you often have to wrinkle some feathers to ensure your message is heard to break through the echo chamber/bubble that CEOs, directors, and other execs live in, if nothing else to display your competency to set you up for your next job. What's the alternative, work for a loser organization for a decade?
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