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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. Not at all. And everyone was a new member once.
  2. This is one of the things that Housley gets right. https://www.google.com/search?q=when+to+pull+the+goalie&rlz=1C1GCEU_enUS821US821&oq=when+to+pull+the+goalie&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l4.4007j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  3. Nah, let's bring another guy like that here. We need six coaches in seven years rather than five in six.
  4. They did. During the commercial break about a minute after the incident, one ref went over to Skinner and apologized; the two refs then got together at the timekeeper's desk and talked it over, and then they talked with the linesman to whom Skinner was complaining right after it happened. Not that I think it had any effect on the OT decision. It didn't.
  5. As I mentioned in the Pens thread, I am 5-0 when seeing the Sabres live this season, so if anyone wants to purchase a ticket for me and arrange transport to Toronto (I am NOT driving over that ***** Burlington Bridge), I'm happy to take one for the team. I think we've found our solution. Meet up at Cole's at 2? Got an extra ticket?
  6. What we all needed but didn't know it: Hockey narrated by Master Blaster from the Mad Max movies. Anyway. That was a fun one! I went 5-0 this season at the Arena, folks. So if you really, really want that Cup, send me money.
  7. It will, but the type of post that this thread calls for takes a good 30 mins to compose if we're to do the exercise properly.
  8. Awesome; rooting for you. Did UND beat CC last night? It was 1-0 for CC when I fell asleep.
  9. That's cool; I hope UND is in it then. Not for the commercial factor (which is nice) but because it would be really cool to see a bunch of people going crazy here.
  10. Maybe I'll post my own bio later, but this is a ***** brilliant quote.
  11. Well, the structural problems with the bid itself would be on Brandon's head, as you noted. I'm sure a lot of tix are reserved for the four schools involved, but not comped. Interesting observation on concerts. I went to U2 two years ago and can't think of the last time the stadium was used for a concert before that. (Or since. I guess I'm not really a big stadium show guy.) And if they can't fill the arena for Frozen Four, it's on them*; just like the 2018 WJC, the prices are ridiculous. *EDIT: Or on whoever sets the prices. $120 for a 300 level seat?!
  12. Since my post, I've looked into it a little more. Only 300 level seats remain available, and we don't even know who the teams are. That's really not too bad!
  13. The bids would have been Brandon's responsibility, but not the promotion. I think you're onto something here.
  14. Or let him begin looking now, I guess?
  15. My last game of the season. Well, until tickets go to about $5 and there are callups from Rochester to evaluate.
  16. Were Bogosian and Lehner injured at the times of the trades? Kane's injury is definitely part of the reason why Murray traded for him. It was the tank year.
  17. This is the correct answer. MFT.
  18. If he's still alive (at 74 and with that diet and "physique," if that's the right word, this is not guaranteed) and a free man, he will be reelected in 2020. Unless Mark Cuban runs.
  19. Sunday: Power out. Monday: Power still out; car won't start at night. Tuesday: Power on, got roadside assistance to start car. Wednesday: Had to go to Rochester in a snowstorm. At least I was smart enough to take the train. Today: Sick. Hell of a week. Who's in timeout? I know two posters who aren't interested in participating on the board right now, but I don't know of anyone who is in timeout.
  20. A lot of times, he's cutting off wide swaths of ice, forcing the opposition into certain areas. He's physical away from the puck, too. Just a couple of examples.
  21. Which is why you can't *just* look at the numbers. You also can't *just* look at the TV. Gotta step out to a game once in a while and see what he's doing off-camera.
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