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Everything posted by PromoTheRobot

  1. UB getting Top 25 poll votes for the first time in program history. But you know better. https://mobile.twitter.com/MACSports/status/1043926649903951875
  2. Curious. Nothing about UB. You guys know there are 4-0, averaging 40pts/gm, and have a QB and WR who are 1st Rd draft prospects?
  3. Go figure. The game is on NHL.tv after saying it wasn't.
  4. Fudge. NHL TV says video not available where I am. (NH) me! me!
  5. And I'll join you on that thin ice. I've read several opinions that Ramsey's takes have a racial component as well. I guess you can take any thing any way.
  6. I took it better. Like Eichel standing up for the NHL players. Of course Ramsey is a clown but when you don't respond to such ass-hattery you give him the last word unchallenged.
  7. Really? No reaction to Eichel's comments on Ramsey's verbal diarrhea? I thought it showed leadership to speak up for the players of the NHL. https://billswire.usatoday.com/2018/09/06/sabres-star-jack-eichel-calls-jalen-ramseys-comments-ignorant/
  8. https://ca.sports.yahoo.com/news/pro-trash-talker-jalen-ramsey-thinks-play-nhl-162935133.html The star cornerback of the Jacksonville Jaguars calls other players overrated or trash. What does it say when he thinks he could play in the NHL with 6 months training? I'd like to see him try...but he has to learn to skate first. ?
  9. Did you know Stan Makita might have invented the curved hockey stick blade? His early ones were made by running the stick blade under hot water and bending it in a door jamb. https://www.prostockhockey.com/sticks/who-made-the-frist-curved-hockey-stick
  10. ...if said fan can keep up with Zach's workout without puking. https://mobile.twitter.com/BogosianZach/status/1023034835181477888
  11. https://twitter.com/IanSabresPR/status/1020390441873788928
  12. Sorry, I was referring to Taro. Wah wah wah. Promo's mean to me! Your friends won't point out how petty your points are.
  13. The endless quest for fault. So tell me, how much of a hit did ticket sales take from the "Motorman Debacle?"
  14. He was the most popular player on the team at the time. He was also the only Bills Pro Bowler that year. It wasn't that stupid to feature him.
  15. Considering Josh Allen still hasn't signed his deal with the Bills, I'm thankful this was put to bed quickly.
  16. I predict both SJ and STL will miss the playoffs and will push the pick they owe to the Sabres to the 2020 draft. But both teams will be worse a year later and end up Top 3 lottery picks. Booyah.
  17. Housley was a respected coach and Hall of fame player but one season in Buffalo makes him uninspiring and in over his head?
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