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Everything posted by PromoTheRobot

  1. Let's roll the dice on some magic beans.
  2. The Buffalo News looking to avoid their own embarrassing Josh Allen moment. #BNSexist
  3. Why isn't Kane playing? Never mind. Suspended.
  4. The beauty of the Leafs/Bruins series is I'm fine with either team losing.
  5. They absolutely did, and worse. Lots of amnesia now.
  6. Didn't Bucky advocate for a full tear down during the Darcy/Lindy tenure?
  7. You could find a dozen parties, most of not all would move the team. Heck you have Quebec City with an arena waiting for a team.
  8. Jim Balsillie. (Handy tip: You can right click images and Google search them.)
  9. There will not be a Scott Foster moment for Promo. That dream passed decades ago.
  10. Meaningless? I thought the Panthers were still in the playoff hunt? But yeah, what does it take for Panther fans to show up?
  11. There are shots and there are scoring chances. I would venture scoring chances are way up.
  12. That applies when your team screws up once in a while. This team is a 60-minute clusterfrag. Dom Hasek couldn't bail them out.
  13. I know everyone here are experts and I don't know anything, but the guys in front of the goalie share in the the job of not letting the other team score. You talk about high standards. Apparently the other 5 guys on the ice have none to meet. I doubt it.
  14. He was in position. Johnson's error was lifting his pad off the ice. But why should the Panthers have such an easy time skating through players as if they were traffic cones?
  15. Are you seriously going to absolve the three Sabres who let that play develop and pin it all on Johnson?
  16. But Nolan, Larson, and whoever the third Sabre was with his thumb up his rear are fine.
  17. I just think it's simple thinking to say most every goal is on the goalie. They call them defensemen for a reason. It would be great to see them actually play some. Players have to not turn the puck over, not fail to clear the zone, not let guys skate around them.
  18. Tough to win when your own team is helping the bad guys.
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