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North Buffalo

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Everything posted by North Buffalo

  1. Savoie is there...look at last vid he is no 45... friend posted a shot of him on facebook who attended yesterday..
  2. Dont think it was about injury... achilles are able to fully rehab and hockey boot makes post injury very stable again its more about being smart with training
  3. It really depends on how well rehab goes but it helps that he is young... Should call Duclair and find out his routine.
  4. Oh I disagree... but it takes a bit. problem will be strengthening quad and hammies without hurting or having a set back with achilles... they dont tend to tear again...
  5. Goalies are such weird animals... I am hesitant unless for right term... I like idea of someone like MAF... but I have no clairvoyance... Jarry has been up and down some of it due to injuries so not sure he's the answer... but yes if it is an upgrade at right term.
  6. Just listened to whole interview: Impressions he looks like a linebacker with those shoulders and love his emphasis on team defense... Oloffson should take some notes regardless if he is still with Sabres... Hope he can add to the D leadership what OK does for forwards..
  7. I'd like faster improvement but I get it long term is a youth movement with steady talent infusement every year is the way to be competitive long term... just been so long and patience is not one of my virtues... sigh I hear you nill and while I no longer carry your angst I can still vicariously smile thru your posts
  8. journeyman 3rd liner at this point decent faceoff guy but was good in his prime
  9. Johnson still has gas in the tank but like KO you need to manage his minutes... a great leader, tuff as nails... just cant go the whole season.
  10. tic tic any news? lotsa not signings and actual signings?
  11. Yes but decent shot and can chip in goals when he gets on a run...
  12. A sneaky late bloomer Sardarian... skinny as hell but very good skater.... nice hand just needs to gain 40lbs
  13. Also like his last name... no relation as far as I know...
  14. Yup and I grew 4 inches after graduating HS from 5'10" to 6'2" by 19
  15. Maybe but if you are developing relationships so you get the best insight you dont want screw up those relationships plus James Patrick you dont want to screw that up
  16. Hockey rat sounds like he is still growing into his size... love his grit... could be another diamond as he develops into his body.
  17. It can be... also depends on severity... I partially tore both playing volley ball in my 20s felt like something kicked my ankles... did lots of toe lifts and healed on their own... but low blood flow area so needs lots of consistent stretching easy non impact stimulation... also calcium build up can be an issue... hence important to stretch... Surgery sounds like it might have been on the bone but not sure... mine were not and only 10% tears.. did have knots in them for a long time... Skating actually good for healing process once stabilized
  18. Id like some Provolone on my Panocha...
  19. With goalies you never know... could be... could never hear about him ever???
  20. cerebral? send him to CT for evaluation... reason headache... my night shift ugh
  21. So Benson is a Krebs buddy as well as a Savoie teamate... interesting
  22. Generally agree with him on this but it doesnt preclude him from getting creative with the process... just not using his current players and prospects... or even high picks... still use what he already knows he is moving on from... problem is and agree he doesnt appear to even want to do that.
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